The Tianlong man snorted coldly and walked towards the cabin.

When the Tianlong man walked into the cabin, he stood up again, his face became expressionless, and he ordered: "Let all posts be vigilant, and be careful not to let the adults of the world's nobles get hurt."

No one laughed at him. Instead, they took this order for granted, and each was ready to get busy.

The most common thing in the New World is the ever-changing weather. It didn't take long for the originally clear sky to become cloudy, and the dark clouds seemed to be overwhelming with black smoke from the abyss.

The wind blew up huge waves, and thunder was surrounded by lightning.The originally gentle sea changed its appearance in a blink of an eye, becoming ferocious and terrifying.

Under such natural power, the seemingly huge naval warships and Celestial Dragon ships are like leaves thrown into the drum of a washing machine, and they will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

However, the crew on the Tianlongren ship were all carefully selected, and they had rich sailing experience, and it is not uncommon for them to have more terrifying experiences than this.

According to the judgment, the problem is actually not very big.

Don't panic!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under such a change of sky, the manpower is pitifully small.

Experienced navigators can judge the scale and duration of the storm based on various details of the storm, but they dare not say that it is foolproof.

The one who is sure is the Sea God, and navigators can only avoid some risks at best.

However, giant ships like Tianlongren are somewhat more resistant to storms than other ships.

Big still has big advantages, or else both men and women want to be bigger?

In fact, even if the weather did not last as long as predicted, the level in front of him was terrifying enough.

In the cabin, apart from the fixed things, many other things that were not fixed seemed to have been destroyed by something, and they were in a mess.

What is even worse is the Tianlong people. The sudden storm made them suffer a lot. If there were no guards desperately protecting them, and even using their own bodies to block various flying parts, these Tianlong people would have been smashed. No blood flow.

People can be in awe of Tianlong people and dare not do anything, so the weather will not spoil you.

The two warships that were originally guarding the ship were pushed to nowhere by the waves without any resistance under such a powerful force.

At this time, they don't think about any Tianlong people, it's good to be able to save themselves.

The sky has become so gloomy that it looks like a night without fingers. Standing on the deck, you can see more than ten meters at most, and everything beyond is a blur.

Suddenly, another wave hit, and the hull shook even more violently.

The sky flashed with lightning, and it disappeared in a flash like a thunder dragon.

Under this white light, one can vaguely see a figure thrown off the deck by a huge force, falling into the endless dark sea water.

As soon as his exclamation sounded, it was suppressed by the sound of the surrounding storm and rain, and no one heard it, including himself.

The companion not far from him saw it, but he could only hold on to the fixed object in his hand more firmly, so as not to be thrown out like this unlucky ghost.

Under such a scene, falling into the sea water, if there is no accident, is a dead word!

The intrusive bad weather really made everyone overwhelmed.

No one noticed that in the ammunition depot of this huge ship, two very small devices were revealed due to the huge impact.

This is something that seems to be a product of some kind of black technology. The mechanism is not particularly delicate, and its shape is roughly similar to a thermos pot, with a thermometer-like scale on one side.

This kind of scale was originally a little bit of climbing, but with the violent impact, this kind of scale was much faster than the original speed and kept going up.

If it goes on like this, it may not take half an hour, or even a quarter of an hour, for this scale to reach its peak.

If someone who has knowledge and domineering perception perceives these two seemingly inconspicuous things, he will feel a dangerous atmosphere slowly rising.

The scale of that vertex may be a critical point.

It's just that at this time, no one cares about it at all.

The hull of the ship was still shaking, and there were thunder and lightning in the sky from time to time, many of them even hit the mast, but Si Te and others were all confused, and asked Mo Sen with a smile: "Who is Pai Daxing?" Why has the old man never heard of it?"

"Quack quack quack, I know this question, I know this question." The old demon was frantically looking for a sense of existence.


Mo Sen, who was dressed in armor, punched it on the head, causing it to die down immediately.

"Hehehehe, this is Pai Daxing... Wang Zha, San Fei, spring, spring, you old demon, learn a little bit, this is called an art, look at your card skills, it's like shit."

Mo Sen's luck is really good, in addition to his own landlord pair of king bombs, there is also Shunzi and Sanfei, and it just so happens that Shunzi meets Wang Zha and Sanfei goes straight to the spring.

Sometimes when people are lucky, even God will favor them more.

Smoker silently put down the cards in his hand and took a deep breath.

Speaking of it, you may not have imagined that a general of the navy, a lieutenant general with the strength of a general, and a lieutenant general with the strength of a quasi-general are actually fighting against the landlord.

There were also two major generals with the strength of quasi-generals and a super scientist from the natural department.


It's still a childish sticker game, but the body of this general bastard can't be pasted at all!

Peeling off all the notes on his face, Smoker looked at Mosen and said, "Okay, it's almost time now, you can ask Bigo what's going on over there now."

Mo Sen put away all the playing cards calmly, and said: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, besides, the emperor is not in a hurry with the eunuchs, they are probably playing lively now.

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