A voice that hadn't interrupted before said, "I agree with this statement. Even the most insane people in this world would not dare to calculate the whole world's noble family like this. However, the final nature of the incident can only be known after the investigation of cp0. "

"That's right." Another one answered, "We're waiting for the results of cp0's investigation to be discussed. Before a complete report is made, this matter can only be an accident.

But if it is determined that it is man-made, no matter who it is, he must be resolutely executed, and the status of the world's nobles must not be provoked in the slightest.

In recent years, the development of those rats in the revolutionary army has made the government a little tired of coping, and the chaos in the new world has involved most of the navy's energy. What kind of trouble will the ambitious people make! "

Several people were startled. This is not alarmist talk. You must know that the revolutionary army has now become a serious problem for the government.

Especially in recent years, the development has become more and more rapid, like a prairie fire sweeping the whole world from all over the world.

"There is no doubt about this, the World Conference is about to be held, and anyone who dares to have the slightest thought about the nobles of the world will be cut off.

Except for the cp0 personnel who went to secretly investigate this matter, all other places have been withdrawn, whether it is the revolutionary army or anyone else, as long as there is someone who reaches out, they cannot be kind. "

"As it should be!"

"There is one more important thing. The identity chip of Constantine's family must be recovered. If the identity chip cannot be recovered, the other things will be nothing but minor troubles."

"Then...do I need to report this matter to the adults?"

As one person spoke, the hall became silent.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Wulaoxing is the most powerful person in the world, but only the five of them know that even they are just the executors of that adult.

You think you have seen the truth, but in fact others are willing to show it to you.

The Celestial Dragons have ruled the world for 800 years, but actions like the Celestial Dragons should have been overthrown long ago. In fact, they are still the most detached in the world.

There are many things that are simply creepy when you get to the bottom of it.

After a long time, the bald man leaning on the far side held his sword and said, "Let's report. The World Conference is about to be held. It's always right to report first."

"That being the case, let's go to Huajian together later, please make your decision."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The news of the Draconian shipwreck is unknown, but Big Mom's tea party is not uncommon.

Especially when the whole new world is in a strange calm right now.

The Barrett Pirates, who had been making troubles, fell silent, Ace's new Whitebeard Pirates disappeared, and everyone in Big Mom retreated to Cake Island to deal with various matters of the tea party.

The number one think tank of the Kaido Pirates, Wise Jack was shot into the bottom of the sea with his nose when he arrived at Zou to attack the Elephant Lord. If he didn't have murloc blood, he would be belching as a devil fruit capable person up.

It can be seen from this that bigness is indeed the truth sometimes. If you think it is not good enough, it is still not big enough. When it is too big for others to bear, it will be invincible.

At this time, even the revolutionary army, which had been working in secret, suddenly disappeared.The navy that is catching pirates all over the world has also become scarce, and the new world suddenly has a calm situation that has not been seen in tens of hundreds of years.

A sense of unreality weighed on everyone, and most of them knew what it was.

Because anyone with a little bit of common sense can feel the oppressive feeling that the storm is coming. At this time, of course, it is necessary to focus on Big Mom's tea party.

For the Big Mom Pirates, the tradition of tea parties is not short.

This is equivalent to a major festival exclusive to the Big Mom Pirates, just like Christmas or something, but not everyone is happy, happiness only belongs to the Big Mom Pirates.

Ordinary civilians need to turn in their lifespan.

These are not important, what is important is that the tea party that has not gone wrong for many years, because of the arrival of a group of shit stirrers, a major situation has arisen.

They shattered the picture of the Carmelite nun with one blow, and made Big Mom lose his mind.

Of course, for Luffy and his group, the main thing is to break through his defense, but after breaking through, it turns out that this is actually useless.

The power of the four emperors, especially the defense of monsters like Big Mom and Kaido, is not something that Luffy can resist at this stage.

So, he could only run away crazily.

According to the convention, Luffy stays to face Charlotte Katakuri, one of the strongest guys in the Big Mom Pirates besides her.

Others fled frantically towards the world on the Wanli Sunshine.

In fact, for Luffy and his group, each of them is growing rapidly every step of the way, but for Luffy's partners, they have their own mental journeys to go.

For example, Sauron who met Hawkeye when he was not out of the East China Sea, and later Nami in Alabasta, Usopp in the capital of seven waters, and Robin in Judicial Island.

In Wanguo, it is obviously a new change in Sanji's mental journey.

In most cases in this world, parents who miss their children, except for those who are completely distorted and no longer worthy of being called human beings, I am afraid that most parents are full of love for their children.

For Sanji, the Germa Group and the Smoke family can be said to have been a nightmare, but this nightmare is not without kindness.

Not to mention his mother who died a long time ago, another sister Reiju Sanji, who didn't treat him very well on the surface but actually took care of him secretly, couldn't give up.

This time, even the father he hated, the two older brothers who hated him, and the younger brother who made him unhappy were all standing behind the Thousand Miles of Sunshine.

Stop that old hag who fell into psychic eating disorder and fell into madness.

On the Wanli Sunshine, Sanji looked at the Principality of Smok who was struggling behind him, and his expression became complicated.

However, before he had time to watch for too long, Smoke's huge battleship composed of battleships was repulsed by the crazy Big Mom, and the huge pirate ship under her feet carried her to the Wanli Sunshine to continue chasing.

And further ahead, there are pirates supported by Big Mom Pirates from other places.

This is Big Mom's lair, known as the place of all nations, and it is the base camp of all the troops of the Four Emperors. The combined strength of Big Mom's Pirates is no less than when Whitebeard was there, but there is a big gap in strength.

Seeing that the Straw Hats were about to fall into a desperate situation at this time, the current below the sea surface suddenly experienced huge fluctuations, and the sea surface was pushed up like a fountain. Many pirate ships with a radius of several hundred meters were overturned by the sudden current.

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