Fortunately, there was a smile, and he said with a smile: "Hehehe, young man, don't worry about it. But these two little pirates, I don't know if they can get away from Big Mom safely."

Yixiao has no intention of acting rashly. He is at the forefront of the new world and understands the meaning of the four emperors.

If you want to attack them, you must make a comprehensive plan, and you cannot give them a chance to break free.

Fighting is not difficult, what is difficult is how to deal with things after the battle.

Everyone looked at Mo Sen. As the former teacher of the three, Mo Sen had the most say in this matter.

There is even a flash of light in Enilo's eyes. Both belong to the natural department, and he also wants to see who is more powerful between the influential figures of these two worlds.

"We don't need to worry too much about this kind of thing. In fact, we only need to analyze their purpose a little bit to predict the outcome of the battle."

The old god Mo Sen was drinking tea, "If there is something wrong with the straw hat boy, it will naturally be an endless world war. If that idiot Luffy is fine, there will be no results.

Neither the Big Mom Pirates nor the New Whitebeard Pirates are ready for full-scale war.

The Big Mom Pirates may be powerful, but if they face the New Whitebeard Pirates, Jinbei's Murloc Pirates, the Straw Hat Boys, the Germa Group, and a No. powerless.

Now I want to know even more how many pirates will be invited to this pirate expo that Barrett is secretly planning behind the scenes.

The previous Pirate Expos were carnivals for pirates. At least one-fourteenth of the pirates in the New World were invited. This time, I hope that Barrett can make it even bigger. "

Big Mom has nothing to say here, a big battle may break out, but life and death will not be separated, this kind of loss is unbearable for both sides.

What he cares about is Barrett. Unlike Big Mom, who has deep roots in the New World, Barrett, who has just been released from prison for two years, has no roots in the New World.

If the navy is dealing with the Big Mom pirates, her vast territory alone is a big problem.

But when dealing with Barrett, there is no need to worry about this at all, so Mo Sen hopes that Barrett will make this pirate event as grand and grand as possible.

As a former member of Roger's ship, Mawson believes that what Barrett specially prepared must be attractive enough.

In fact, there are already slight rumors coming out now.

Barrett didn't move, it seemed that he wanted to continue to ferment, so that he could attract enough pirates.

Several people rolled their eyes, and they were used to Mo Sen's leaping thinking.

And then they started talking about this topic, which is the main thing for them, which is why so many people get together.

Everything is arranged around this event.


The surface of the sea exploded, and the waves were blasted to a height of tens of meters. A large amount of seawater was evaporated by the hot flames, turning into hot steam that rose up and became misty.

A figure like a devil became clear in the white mist, and his voice carried a unique horror: "Boy, you haven't eaten, do you want to tickle my old lady?"

On the huge pirate ship, the others had retreated, leaving only Big Mom and Ace Sabo in the wide space.

Sabo felt offended again. He had felt this feeling once in Mo Sen, that is, he found that even if the other party had no fruit ability, he was still a younger brother.

Just like the current aunt, although he can invalidate the opponent's ability, but his attack still can't break the defense.

Fortunately, he is just an assistant now, and Boskadi's melee fire method D Ace is in charge of the main attack.

But even so, they did not gain the upper hand.

The Four Emperors are the ceiling combat power in this world, and the two of them, who are only 21 years old, are indeed not far behind.

But the good news is that under Sabo's ability, Big Mom's fruit ability will also be affected, if only relying on body and domineering

The two looked at each other and leaned forward at the same time.

One left and one right, one up and one down, while sandwiching Big Mom's huge body in the middle, the powerful output followed by an explosion.

Ace and Sabo, one is fiery and the other is silent. Although they meet again after ten years, they cooperate without any jerky. It seems that they have returned to the time when they joined forces to cross the garbage terminal.

The cramped space on the boat is far less than that on the ground for the huge 8.8-meter-high aunt.

As long as Essabo and the two don't attack the ship, there will be no problem, but if the aunt makes a move, the pirate ship will shake three times.

With a bulky body, it can't be used at all!

Ace and Sabo arrived in the blink of an eye. Sabo punched Big Mom's leg with one of his domineering fists, and the black smoke-like substance in the center of the other palm was in the shape of a swirl.

Gravity is reciprocal, Sabo made his own speed faster because of gravity this time, and another armed fist smashed hard at Big Mom's leg.

Compared with Big Mom, Sabo's body is like a leopard attacking an elephant. His body is not even thicker than Big Mom's legs.

The fist hit her, like a hammer hitting a steel plate several meters thick.



Big Mom's leg bent back just a little forward, but the overtime under her feet creaked and sawdust flew.

Above, Ace was a little slower than Sabo, mainly waiting for Sabo's ability to take effect. He rubbed out a flaming spear that exuded terrifying high temperature and turned white, and held the spear with both hands and pointed it at two or three heads bigger than himself. It's piercing hard on the still big breasts.

Ace shot right at Big Mom's shoulder, and the scorching heat quickly disintegrated Big Mom's armed color and the steel-like defense of her body itself.

But Big Mom's fist hit Ace's chest with a terrifying sound that seemed to tear the air.

Five fingers are covered with colorful gemstone rings. This casserole-sized fist is almost as big as Ace's chest.

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