
In fact, Mo Sen's cooking is far behind those top chefs in this world.

However, what he did was the essence of another world that had been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years.

There is no such practice in this world, and it naturally tastes different.

As the cups of sweet wine poured into his stomach, even if he was doing it, he began to feel a little drunk.

Mo Sen was even thinking maliciously.

If someone took the opportunity to kill the people in this room at this time, then the world would be a big joke.

However, just think about it.

As a strong person of this level, self-discipline has become the instinct of the body.

If it weren't for such a happy event as promotion, maybe everyone wouldn't drink at this time.

This is naturally different from pirates.

Feeling slightly tipsy, everyone slowly stopped drinking. After all, 38-degree rum is different from beer, not to mention that everyone has already drunk almost three cases.

If they all forgot to drink, the six boxes that Mo Sen secretly hid would not be enough.

Simply put, this wine was not bought with money, and Mo Sen didn't feel bad when he drank it.

The bosses with a strong atmosphere started chatting in twos and threes, and naturally the topic would not be the gossip that Mo Sen usually likes.

Except for Garp and Mawson, oh, we also need to get rid of the yellow monkey and the blue pheasant, and the others are all workaholics.

What 996 is simply normal, and with their strong physique, there is no need to worry about death from overwork.

Mo Sen communicated with the two little guys around him.

As for why.

Of course, whenever he communicated with a certain beautiful lieutenant general, there would always be a murderous aura that he didn't know where it came from.


Mo Sen decisively chose Congxin, after all, he wanted to care about his lovely brother's studies.

Since the conflict with Risti more than half a year ago, many well-informed people have known the news that Winster has been concealing.

His older brother is Mawson.

This caused Winster to be a little annoyed at the beginning. He was proud of his brother, but he didn't want to live in his brother's shadow.

So he trains harder, ignoring those around him who envy and even flatter him.

This leaves him with very few friends at school until now.

Not without benefits though.

The teacher in charge of teaching him is more attentive than before, especially the teaching of combat is more responsible.

In the past six months, Winster has grown to a height of [-] meters, and his figure is still slender. Under the well-cut clothes, there are actually streamlined muscles.

Winster is more like his father, his appearance is only average and not outstanding, but coupled with his cold temperament, his charm is not small.

In addition, he himself worked quite hard, and even with average talent, his strength can also be ranked first in the entire school.

Mawson's results stimulated Winster even more, so he worked harder.

What do you do when people who are more talented than you work harder than you?

Only by working harder can you keep up with him, instead of getting farther and farther away from him until you can't even see his back.

Today, it was rumored in the school that the powerful fighter who was promoted to the top three generals appeared in his home. This kind of shock naturally made him a little confused until now.

Not to mention the characters of various legends gathered here today.

That is to say, there is no such thing as Weibo in the circle of friends in this world, or else take a few photos here and upload them.

Every minute is today's headlines, the number one most searched.

"Ah, is Winster already this good? It seems that as an older brother, he needs to be rewarded."

After listening to Liv's whispered narration, Mo Sen found that he, a cheap little brother who couldn't make a dull fart with three sticks, had grown up a lot without knowing it.

Seeing his younger brother's gaze most of the time on the famous sword [Golden Pira] that Gion put aside, Mo Sen had some calculations in his heart.

A famous sword is obviously the dream of a swordsman, and it just so happens that my [Paper Kite] can no longer keep up with my own strength.

But for the current Winster, a good sharp knife is simply a big killer, enough for him to use for many years.

On the contrary, I have to pay attention to the news about famous knives recently.

Let’s not talk about the supreme and fast knife, but you must have one anyway.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Little brother Mosen, why have you been looking at my [Jinpira]? Even if you like this knife, I can't give it to you. I can show you at most."

Noticing that Mo Sen's eyes had been turning around on his saber, the slightly drunk Gion's face was like a peach blossom, and he joked charmingly.

Keeping an eye on Gion, the teafish who would interrupt Gion's chat with Lieutenant General Tsuru from time to time, of course, couldn't be left behind.

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