【Dog nibbles red lotus】

Two bullets of magma like hell dogs flew out of the two fists, one left and one right to deal with Ace and Sabo. As for the middle Luffy, Akainu opened his mouth, and the flame magma flowed from his It spewed out from the mouth, and swept towards Luffy overwhelmingly.

【Big fire】

At the same time, Akainu opened fire at the three brothers at the same time, and the speed was faster than them.

This is Akainu, as strong as he is, it has never been his style to stand and be beaten. His style is to attack and attack until all the enemies in front of him are wiped out.

But the three brothers also did not dodge or dodge. Ace was covered in crimson flames, with a sharp gun in front of him, and he used the flames behind him to accelerate himself to make him faster, and he slammed straight into the giant magma dog.


Violent impact erupted, and the flaming magma was like sparks in the night sky, bursting into spots and flying around, like fireworks.

The heat wave rolled and flowed, sweeping around with the energy shock wave of the explosion.

In the midst of fireworks, a fiery red figure rushed out of it with a white flame gun in hand, and stabbed Akainu who was standing there with an indomitable momentum.

the other side.

Sabo was a step slower than Ace, one of his hands was bent into a claw, and the armed color was wrapped around it, and he slammed on the head of the giant magma dog, smashing it into sparks.

Then the black shadow swept past, all the other things along the way disappeared, and appeared in front of Akainu in an instant, and the black palm with the swirl ruthlessly pressed towards Akainu's abdomen.

Compared with them, Luffy is not much worse.

He opened the way with his huge fists wrapped in armed colors, and scattered the flame slurry directly in all directions. Of course, many of them fell on his body and scalded, making Luffy roar even more.

It was very slow to say, but in fact it was just a matter of an instant. When other people looked over, the four of them had already collided completely.

It's hard to tell what happened at that moment, a more violent impact than before swept across the surroundings, and then the four of them flew out almost simultaneously.

The only thing I saw was a mouthful of blood sprayed out from the mouth of the flying red dog.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Akainu's face was so gloomy that it could drip water.

It’s been so many years, and it’s not wrong that he has never been hurt by pirates. There are also Barrett and Whitebeard before. It should be said that apart from these two, he has not been injured by pirates for many years.

Especially for three such young people, two twenty-one and one nineteen together are not a few years older than him.

Thinking of this, his heart became more and more unbalanced.

At his age, he didn't even join the navy.

This made him firmly believe that his persistence was not wrong. In terms of Roger's blood and dragon's blood, if he continues to let it go, the next One Piece will definitely appear between Ace and Luffy.

Moreover, the other person is obviously the leader of the next generation of the revolutionary army trained by Long, and he is also an unforgivable person.

There are not many such opportunities, and today, no matter what, we can't let these three people get away!

As for whether these three people have done any evil deeds in the past, and even a lot of things they have done are good things from the perspective of civilians, this has nothing to do with him. As long as they are pirates and revolutionary troops, they are evil, and they are absolutely unforgivable and unforgivable. Let it go.

"Very well, it seems that the trash has become more useful, and sure enough, your disgusting evil blood will bring you stronger strength.

But let's stop here today, because I'm completely pissed off by you. "

After wiping the corners of his mouth, the magma all over Akainu's body began to flow towards the surroundings, and both the navy and the pirates around him fled in terror.

Because, if you don't escape, you will be completely submerged in Akainu's magma.

There is no way for them to take a bath in the magma of more than [-] degrees, that is the old birthday star hanged himself to death.

It was even worse than when they faced Barrett just now. The distance of the magma spread over a thousand meters. Within this range, it was all flowing liquid magma.

The terrifying heat wave spread to the surroundings, and the smell of sulfur made people dizzy. It was as if purgatory came to the world for a moment, and the red dog with magma flowing all over his body looked like a demon in purgatory.

Opposite Akainu, Ace is braving a raging fire, as if the god of fire is coming to the world.

Such a comparison, it seems that the red dog is completely the villain

Speaking of which, Akainu's face looks like a decent person, resolute, majestic, and unsmiling, but he has a bit of a villain style when he fights.

In fact, it doesn't make much sense to discuss justice and evil in this world with a distorted worldview, because it is different from one's perspective.

In Akainu's view, pirates are evil, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Because 99.99 pirates do have ways to die, but are pirates the only ones who do evil?

From the perspective of the Revolutionary Army, the world government maintained by the Akainu and other navies, and the Tianlong talent standing at the top are the most evil existences in the world.

It can be said that most of the tragedies in this world now, when traced to the source, they will eventually find that the end point is the Tianlong people.

Can an organization that defends evil be called justice?

But the navy is indeed maintaining the order of the world, and it is also true that it protects this sea from letting him completely fall into the carnival of pirates.

Therefore, there is no such thing as pure black or white, not all navies are just, and not all pirates are necessarily evil.

This is the point of view that Mo Sen has always held, and it is also the root of his conflict with Akainu.

The same is obviously true of the three brothers, and the conflict between them and the red dog is even more irreconcilable.

Sabo stood next to Ace, the darkness occupied half of his field of vision, and the two of them blocked all the magma erosion from Akainu in front of them.

In this way, Luffy has a foothold behind the two of them.

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