"Ah, it's so dazzling Xiao Zi, this kind of beauty is like a god."

"Master Xiao Zi, please look this way, look this way."

A lot of people fell into madness, especially men. If it wasn't for the concern of Kuangshilang's family, countless people would be willing to jump over and kneel and lick.

In fact, it is almost the same now, because there are two big words written in every man's eyes: desire.


Not all men, on this street where Xiao Zi walked, there were three men in shabby clothes, their eyes became full of hatred when they looked at Xiao Zi.

Mo Sen appeared here at this time, and he asked the people beside him, "What's the matter with these three people?"

The person next to him had an impatient look on his face, after all, men are not as good-looking as Xiao Zi, but when he saw the long knife worn by the person, he resolutely suppressed his unhappiness, and explained to Mo Sen: "Hey, these three people are all to blame. , I was tricked by Mrs. Xiao Zi, the poor bastard.

They covet Master Xiao Zi's beauty, and want to spend money to redeem Master Xiao Zi's body, and then sell all their belongings and become bankrupt.

They gave all the money they got to Master Xiao Zi, but all the money fell into Master Xiao Zi's hands in the end.Really, I don't even think about how their honor can be valued by Mrs. Xiao Zi. "

I thought in my heart that only he could be worthy of Xiao Zi.

Mo Sen looked thoughtful. He was actually not very familiar with the plot of Wano Country, because when he came to this world, the plot of Wano Country had just unfolded.

The information he knows now is all because of the position of his admiral, plus some guesses about the plot known in his previous life.

Some specific things need to be experienced and observed slowly.

The parade was not too long, and soon Xiao Zi returned to the brothel where he was.

The crowd gradually dispersed, while Mo Sen walked towards the brothel at a leisurely pace.

He came here to criticize this kind of place this time. How can he not go in and experience it for himself? Only practice can give true knowledge, and only field inspections can have the right to speak.

In a quiet room.

There were only two figures sitting opposite each other.

"Xiao Zi, don't do this kind of thing again in the future. The general has been investigating a lot of things these days, so it's better to be more cautious."

No one saw that Xiao Zi, who was proud and greedy for money outside, now had a flat face, and that haughty attitude completely disappeared.

Xiao Zi held up the wine glass to the strangely dressed samurai opposite, with her hair pulled up like a cover on her head, and said: "I understand, it's just that these people went too far before, and in order to make money by any means, I will take them three times." tricked into being poor, let them also taste the pain of the poor who were oppressed by them."

cluck cluck

After drinking a bowl of wine, the strangely shaped samurai put down the empty bowl and said, "I'll do this kind of thing in secret. Now it's the time predicted by Madam, and the entire Wano country may undergo drastic changes. We all need to be more cautious. "

The voices of the two conversations were very soft, even though there was no one else in the room except them.

Because their true identities are a big secret, and this secret must never be known.


"My lord, my lord, please wait a moment, Xiao Zi is currently in talks with Lord Kuangshilang, and I don't see any guests for the time being."

"Didn't you say that Xiao Zi is the oiran here? I wandered from other places to the Capital of Flowers just to see her elegance. Don't be afraid that I don't have money. I have money."

Kuangshilang and Xiao Zi looked at each other, they stopped to talk about the topic, Kuangshilang didn't move, Xiaozi got up and opened the door.

It happened that the bustard was arguing with an ordinary samurai again. This samurai seemed to have nothing worth noting, except for the saber at his waist, which was a style he had never seen before, which looked very extraordinary.

The moment she opened the door, Xiao Zi's face changed into that gentle and pleasant face, which was when she was about to cheat someone out of money.

Needless to say, this person is Mo Sen.

His vision is so high, there is only one little purple in the whole brothel who can catch his eyes, other women don't know if they are cheaper than him or those women, of course he will not be satisfied.

It was noon at this time, and although the whole brothel was not deserted, it hadn't reached the busiest time yet.

The busiest time here is of course at night, after all, the night is the best way to hide all the activities that cannot be described or peeped.

"This lord, do you want to see my concubine?"

Xiao Zi looked at Mo Sen. Before she finished speaking, her face turned red, and she looked a little embarrassed.

It has to be said that this woman who is the most beautiful woman in Wano country and one of the three beauties in the world really has an extraordinary demeanor.

In terms of face, it will not be inferior to Hancock, of course, in terms of charm, it is much worse than Hancock with sweet fruits.

Unfortunately, such a beautiful woman turned out to be Momonosuke's younger sister.

You know, when this woman's identity was revealed in the previous life, I don't know how many people's killing intent towards Momonosuke dropped sharply.

If he had known that he had such a beautiful younger sister and traveled to this world, many people would have wanted to be his brother-in-law.

For Mawson, of course not.

He already has Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world, and a little lieutenant who has been entangled with him all the time, so he doesn't dare to provoke other people anymore.

He is not someone who can't walk around when he sees a beautiful woman, and he came here with the purpose of criticizing.

As for why it wasn't Xiao Zi, it was naturally because she was the most typical.

"I heard that you are the oiran of this place. This time, you wandered here in the capital of flowers and came here specially. Looking at it now, you really deserve your reputation."

Mo Sen said, and then said to the old bustard: "It's her, quickly serve me a good table of food and wine, don't be afraid that I don't have money, I have a lot of money."

As he spoke, he threw out a lot of gold bills. The Bailey issued by the world government is not circulated in Wano country. The country has been closed for hundreds of years, and the currency system is its own.

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