As if a bright moon had lifted off into the sky, Kuangsi Lang's figure appeared behind Xiao Zi in the next instant, and a smear of blood flew from Xiao Zi's body.


Xiao Zi fell to the floor, and her voice hit everyone's heart.

Including Heitan Orochi, everyone's eyes were full of disbelief.

No one expected that Xiao Zi, the oiran who was famous throughout the country, would die in front of them like this.

"Little...Little Zi?!"

The black charcoal snake howled, several snake heads looked at Kuang Shi Lang at the same time, "Kuang Shi Lang, why did you kill Xiao Zi?!"


Putting the long knife back into its sheath, Kuangshilang turned around and looked at the black charcoal snake, saying neither humble nor overbearing, "I am the general's guard, and I will never allow anyone who can hurt you. Xiaozi dares to attack you. I will never forgive you. This is my duty."


Heitan Orochi was a little speechless for a while.

Should he blame Kuangshi Lang?Kuangshilang is to maintain his majesty as a general, as he said, this is his duty.

Do you blame Xiao Zi, but I just want to punish her, not her life.

In the final analysis, in his heart, Xiao Zi will eventually become his private property, so how could he not be heartbroken if it just disappeared!

"Come on, come with me to carry out Xiao Zi who dared to attack the adults."

While the big snake was still in the trap, Kuangshilang ordered people to carry Xiaozi away, and put him in the prepared place first.

No one stopped him, and everyone looked at Kuangshilang with incomparable awe.

Big Brother Kushiro is worthy of being Big Brother Kushiro!

Even Xiao Zi would kill as soon as she said she wanted to, without any hesitation at all, they couldn't afford to provoke such a ruthless person!



The news quickly spread from the General's Mansion.

Xiao Zi was beheaded by Kuang Si Lang at the banquet because he attacked the general.

Oiran Xiaozi.

For the people in the capital of flowers, this is not only a person, but also a symbol.

But just tonight, she died unexpectedly.

It was Kuangsi Lang who took care of her the most, and everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

There was only one sigh, which seemed to be contagious, and spread throughout the night sky of the Flower City.

This night, the capital of flowers can't sleep all night!

of course.

There was also a person who didn't react at all. Not only was he not sorry, but he even admired, "Tsk tsk, I have to say, this trick and the golden cicada shell are very beautiful, so alive!"

"Good job, reward!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wano country has a peculiar terrain.

The terrain of the entire Wano country is like a high mountain peak standing on the sea, and the Wano country is on this high mountain. The surrounding sea area is full of hidden reefs, high winds and waves, turbulent undercurrents, and unpredictable weather. It is a natural place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The place.

This is also one of the reasons why Wano country does not have to worry about being attacked by the world government and navy, and it is even as important as Wano country itself's strong force.

In order to attack the Wano country, the problem of the entry of ships must be solved.

Do you think it will be enough to break through the chaotic seas full of hidden reefs? Think too much!

There is only one way to enter the Wano country, and that is a huge ocean waterfall hanging from a high place.

But just knowing this is not enough, you need a 'navigator' to enter, and you also need the close cooperation of an experienced navigator and helmsman.

These can already stop ninety-nine percent of intruders, not to mention all kinds of other dangers in the future.

In short, it is quite difficult just to enter the Wano country.

This kind of terrain is simply as difficult as the sky for the navy to attack. Of course, these have no effect on the Mawson.

Because it can fly.

Not to mention a Wano country, it has nothing to do with flying to the infinite land of the moon, which is why Mo Sen can enter Wano country at will.

But for some pirate groups, this is not the case.

For example, the now-famous Pirate Straw Hats who appeared outside Wano Country.

Today's Sonny has a lot of talents on board, which is different from the original plot. At this time, the Straw Hats and the gang are all neat and tidy, not like in the plot, where Zoro Juro, Robin, Frankie, Usopp, etc. came first and country.

After experiencing the previous battle at the Pirate Expo, Jinping also joined the Straw Hat Pirates after saying goodbye to the Murloc Pirates, and was the helmsman in the Straw Hat Pirates at this time.

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