Soon, Luffy and the others arrived first under Xiaodama's running wildly, and joined Momonosuke, Kinemon Raizo, Inuarashi Maomushi and others.

However, Luffy was stunned as soon as he joined them.

Jaws dropped to the ground.

"Hey?! Who are you? You are not a peach!"

He looked at the little girl in front of him, a little unbelievable and hard to accept.

It's been a long time since we saw each other, why did that little ghost turn into a shy little girl.

It was Kin'emon who stood up and said, "Your Excellency Lu Fei, it's hard work for you to come so far, and I will explain this matter to you later.

I don't know why there is no trace of other people? "

Luffy scratched his head and grinned: "Hehehe, you said this, we encountered a maelstrom when we entered the Wano country, the ship was also involved, and several of us were scattered. However, I believe They'll be here soon, don't worry."

A group of people found a secluded place, and Kinemon began to tell what happened to Momanosuke.

After half a day.

Luffy and Jinbe were dumbfounded.

He was a little resentful: "Nani? Uncle Mosen is too much to ask for such a condition. I'm going to find him. No, I'll go back to Ivan sauce and ask him to change you back."

Jinbe persuaded Luffy from the side: "Luffy, don't be impulsive, it's not like you don't know General Mo Sen's character, he can do anything, and no one else can change it.

Everything will be discussed after the plan is completed, otherwise, it will be difficult to determine what Mo Sen will do. "

He was worried that it would be useless for Luffy to go to Mo Sen, and even Luffy would be taught a severe lesson.

On this point, Jinbe absolutely trusts his own judgment.These days, the best option is not to overwhelm.

Although Mo Sen sometimes has a bad personality, he has never been unreliable in doing things. This time, with Mo Sen taking the lead, they are actually invincible.

"But, Taozi"

"Lu Fei-kun, I'm fine." Momanosuke stood in front of Lu Fei. After this time, her lips became more red and her teeth became whiter. "I'm fine now. As long as I can complete my revenge, these sacrifices are nothing at all."

And, it actually feels pretty good.

The hormonal fruit ability of the shemale king Ivankov is not only a change in gender, but also allows people to have a sense of identity with this change psychologically.

That's kind of awesome.

Anyway, Momonosuke felt awkward about this identity at first, but in just a few days, he has already adapted very well.

They were talking, and suddenly stopped, and there were raindrops dripping from the sky.

At this time, a large group of dark clouds floated over from a distance in the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds, and rumbling sounds began to resound.

Lu Fei was surprised: "Ah, is it going to rain?"

But Momonosuke has been shivering and hiding at the back, and she even turned into a pink dragon.

Kin'emon kept Momanosuke behind, and explained: "It's not rain, it's Kaido, this is his own ability."

Following Jin'emon's words, under the clouds in the sky, a huge dragon's head poked out from the clouds.

Lu Fei opened his mouth in horror and murmured, "It's actually a dragon?!"

The others looked at the giant dragon that appeared in the sky with incomparable hatred, but they didn't dare to say another word.

Fortunately, their place is very secluded, and they are not in the direction of Yutian City. The dragon head scanned around but did not find their figures, and flew towards Yutian City.

Yutian City has long been turned into ruins, and there is no one in it.

Kaido searched the sky for a long time but found no one, and couldn't help becoming furious.

He roared loudly, shaking the surrounding fields, the huge dragon's mouth opened, and a mouthful of fire spewed out from the mouth, burning the entire ruins of Yutian City back and forth again.

Only then did he turn around and dive into the clouds, fly away into the distance and disappear.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kaido left, but Luffy, who heard Kin'emon's story about why Momanosuke was so afraid of Kaido, suddenly became angry.

Kaido's arrival has caused too many disasters to this country.

Over the past twenty years, tens of thousands of people have died directly or indirectly in Kaido's forces.

At this time, the angry Luffy would not listen to any advice. He jumped out of the secluded hiding place and chased in the direction of Kaido.



Everyone exclaimed.

But Luffy didn't care about it at all, just buried his head and ran in the direction of Kaido.

There are many tough people in this world, but most of them did not end well. For example, Jack, a wise and reckless leader, is still being imprisoned.

If Luffy hadn't been the real son of this world, and was covered by a group of people such as Cap Shanks, Raleigh, I'm afraid the bones and scum would be gone at this time.

Well, it has nothing to do with Mo Sen, and he won't admit it if it does.

Jinbe turned to a group of people in Wano Country and said: "Hide well, take care of Xiaoyu, the old man will help Luffy, don't act rashly anyway."

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