The outer waters of Wano Country.

Since this period of time, pirate ships that have never been here have arrived at intervals in this sea area that has never been visited by outsiders. This time, not long after the bigo pirates came here, another pirate group arrived.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Ace looked at the sea in front of him and fell into memory.

In the past, he arrived here alone in a small boat. Three years have passed, and when he came here, he was already a different person.

"Everyone, be careful. This sea area is notoriously dangerous. Even we can't take it lightly, or there will be big problems."

"Don't worry, Ace, everyone is no longer a three-year-old child. In this world, no one dares to despise the power of the sea."

"Namuer will definitely not agree with what you said, the murloc is the son of the sea."

Ace laughed: "Hahaha, Namuir, then it's up to you to communicate with those carp. We'll pass a waterfall later, and we need to rely on their strength to drive the boat up."

"Don't worry, Ace, there will be no problems with me."

Namuir was the original captain of the 8th team. Now, with Ace becoming the captain and Marco becoming the deputy captain, his ranking is also three places higher, and now he is the captain of the fifth team.

After he finished speaking, he jumped into the sea directly, and a wave rolled up and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Not long after, huge carps appeared in front of the new Moby Dick, and Nauir was standing on the largest one and waving at the ship.

"Hahaha, it's really reliable, Namuir. Big guy, quickly put the cable on those carps, and we will depend on them to reach Wano Country later."

Marco's hands turned into ice-blue wings, soaring into the sky, flying at the front of the ship, guiding everyone.

After some tossing, the boat successfully arrived at the top of the waterfall.

As veteran drivers, they naturally wouldn't make low-level mistakes like Luffy's, and they could still be sucked into the bottom of the sea by the maelstrom.

on the sea.

Ace's Moby Dick approached the Kasa Village where Xiaoyu was originally, but Xiaoyu here has followed Luffy to Jiuli.

With the development of a series of things, Xiaoyu stayed in Jianlou Village at this time, staying with Ah He, waiting for news of the victory of Lu Fei and others.

There is only one person who is still here, and that is the big tengu Feiche.

He is not particularly familiar with Ace, but Ace is also a pirate he admires more, and now it seems that he has become a big shot.

After all, none of these people on Ace's boat is easy to mess with.

In particular, there is also a person from the original Wano country-Izo, who has another identity, that is, the elder brother of the women's clothing tycoon Aju Kikunojo.

After learning about the dynamics of the Tianhe Kingdom from Datengu Feiche, Ace and the others did not delay, and they went directly to the Rabbit Bowl.

There is the base camp for attacking the Wano country now, and it is not so fast to build a ship with thousands of people.

The Mawson was the first to know the news of Ace's arrival, and naturally the news reached Mawson immediately.

After Ace also arrived, the entire Wano country was already like a firecracker with a layer of paper on the outside, and it exploded at one point.

Before that, he already knew what happened in the Rabbit Bowl and the existence of Moria.

Even he has to admire the disgrace in the Qiwuhai who used to be the king, after all, he is the one who has always been considered the weakest.

But in fact, those who can escape from Kaido's hands are not weak at all, they just went in a wrong direction.Genius 噺 バ 一/

Now he can find Kaido, but based on his attitude, Mo Sen thinks highly of Moria.

Not everyone can look into their own heart so directly, and face the fear of the past so calmly!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The year 1522 of the Haiyuan calendar.

November fifteenth.

This day is the day before the Flame Festival, and it is the opening of the grand festival. According to the usual practice, a little celebration will be held on this day.

Ghost Island.

The place has become extremely lively and full of festive atmosphere.

Unlike most places in Wano country, those poor places are not the same even when it is a festival.

Here it is different, they are rich enough to report the festivities.

The Kaido Pirates have been plundering this country for more than [-] years, and a large part of Wano Country's huge wealth has fallen here.

It can be seen from the buildings on the island that this place is completely different from those poor places.

The pavilions, red bricks and green tiles, carved railings and painted buildings look luxurious.

The crew of the Pirates is not inferior to that of the Big Mom Pirates, there are thousands of people.

Kaido summoned all the troops back, together with the later Big Mom Pirates and Heitan Orochi, the atmosphere on the island became more and more heated.

And because Kurotan Orochi did not receive a letter from the undercover agent Kanjuro, he didn't know that Wano Country had undergone earth-shaking changes after he left.

At this time, he had already left all these things behind, because what happened on Ghost Island would be a major event that shocked the whole world.

The four emperors Kaido and the four emperors BigMom will form an alliance and become important allies, and the condition of the alliance is that Kaido's son will marry BigMom's daughter.

Whether it is for the two four emperors or for the whole world, this is a major event that can change the world pattern.

The premise is that they form an alliance successfully.

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