No matter how powerful a warrior is, he is still a human being.

"Brother Fujino, to tell you the truth, I was still thinking about whether I should sneak back to take a look at them, but I was afraid that after I went, I would see them in a bad way.

I'm even more scared, I can't see anything, heh. "

The man who spoke gave a wry smile, and the faint moonlight shone down. He looked wrinkled on his face, and there were many large and small scars on his body.

This is a man who looks to be 50 years old from the outside, but who knows, he is only in his early thirties this year, and he is also the most energetic time in his life.

The person called Brother Fujino also looks similar in appearance: "I didn't expect you, Matsuzai, to have such an idea, I thought so before.

However, later I figured it out, even if we go back now, what can we do for our family?Being different doesn't change anything.

In the current situation, only if the rule of Orochi and Kaido is overthrown, can our village survive, otherwise even if we go back, we will just linger on for a while. "

"Orochi and Kaido have caused too much damage to this country. I will never let them go. Brother Fujino, if I die on the battlefield tomorrow, please go back and take care of Keiko and the others. If they are gone, then It doesn't matter, please Fujino-san!"

"You kid, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Fujino reprimanded him in a low voice, "In terms of strength, your swordsmanship talent is stronger than mine. I was thinking about entrusting your sister-in-law to you after you die in battle tomorrow."

"No, no, compared to Brother Fujino, I still have a lot to learn."

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. We will see the outcome tomorrow. Tonight's task is to rest well. Tomorrow, we can kill two more scumbags among the warriors. That's enough."

As Fujino said, he got up and walked to a more remote corner. After pouring a puddle of water, he turned and walked towards where he came from.

"Boy, remember to follow me closely tomorrow, we... have to kill more people no matter what, so that we can be worthy of the suffering we have suffered all these years.

As for whether he can survive, we will talk about it later. "

The night is dark.

The dark night sky covers everything here. No one knows what kind of consciousness the two ordinary samurai have, but the Kaido Pirates who will face the anger of thousands of such samurai tomorrow must be able to experience it.

A spark of fire, when gathered together, can also set off a monstrous fire wave, devouring everything.



The night passed quickly, and the sky began to turn blue.

Gradually, the entire sky seemed to be painted with cyan paint on a drawing board, and the light began to rise from below the ground level, bringing wisps of glow. At this time, the sky was like people just waking up, hazy and still very clear.

Especially above the sea, there are actually layers of fog in the distance.

The color of the sea is not sky blue, but blue-black, and it will not turn golden yellow until the big fireball is lifted into the sky.The sun will drive away the darkness, and the rising sun will burn up all the darkness with the hope of countless people.

The place where the Rabbit Bowl is located and other places such as Baiwu's abandoned port, at this time each of the samurai woke up from sleep, and his eyes changed from sleepy to sharp in just a few seconds.

Today, they will launch an attack on the ghost island on the opposite bank.

Whether it is life or death, it will not stop their progress.

They have no way out!

The food intake of thousands of people is not a small project. Fortunately, they have already solved all the people who stayed here with Kaido and Orochi, otherwise the food problem would be a big problem.

I didn't wash up much in the morning, except for Luffy and Ace and other pirates who came in from outside, these warriors don't dislike anyone who smells bad, and has a bad breath.

It is good to be able to eat a full meal and have enough physical strength for the next battle. Everything else will be discussed after the battle is over.

Dead, don't mention anything.

Live and win to have everything that comes next.

Compared with these warriors, the breakfast of the pirates was much richer, but no one was jealous, it was a great favor for these unknown pirates to come and help.

If you are still jealous of other people's food, you are no different from a beast.

After everything was tidied up, the warriors began to board the ships in batches. The pirate ships were used because the ships that had been snatched were not enough.

The preparations for thousands of people were not that simple. It took half an hour just to start the boat.

Then, Luffy's Sonny and Moby Dick took the lead and raised their sails.

The black pirate flag fluttered in the wind, and under the sun, dozens of fleets braved the wind and waves and sailed towards the ghost island.

From a distance, it does have an extraordinary momentum.

The so-called mourning soldiers must win, roughly refers to their current situation.

It was agreed that there was another force to attack at the same time. Kyoshiro, who had recovered Denjiro's identity, led the troops rescued from his descendants and prisons to form the Southern Army and set off from Bamboo Port together. After these troops arrived in Wano Country , They will be divided into Luffy Ace and others who attack from the front, and the fur tribe of Zou Island led by Kin'emon from the east to attack together.

The combined strength of the three places has nearly 8 troops.

Such a total force has surpassed Kaido's pirate group, and at this time on Oni Island, because of the arrival of the flame festival, they are completely unaware of the attack.

Kanjuro, the only one who can reveal the information to Orochi, is still trapped somewhere at this time due to some mistakes, unable to reach the Oni Island.

Moreover, in order to keep his identity confidential, only Orochi knows that Kanjuro is an undercover agent, and Orochi's other subordinates will regard him as a member of the Kozuki family.

That is, the enemy, which caused Momonosuke to catch Momonosuke and did not play any role, but completely exposed his undercover identity.

I don't even know who to reason with.


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