A clear cry of the knife was like the cry of a phoenix, and it struck Im's chest just in time, making a sound like the clash of gold and iron.

"Bullshit god, I can't see you pretending to be like this the most. I have beheaded the strongest man with this knife, and I have also beheaded the strongest creature. Let's kill God today."

Im's whole body was cut off like a cannonball, and the building behind him was smashed directly. Mo Sen was unreasonable, and appeared in front of him again faster than him. He lifted the blade lightly and pointed directly at the heart stabbed in the past.

Im clasped his hands together, clamping the purple-black blade.

A dazzling light bloomed from the palm of his hand, as if trying to melt the old demon, forming a stark contrast with the purple-black demon knife, the light shone.

Mo Sen kicked out and drew out the knife directly.

Just kidding, his sword not only has armed domineering but also the ability to awaken fruit, how could it be so easily caught by Im.

But I have to say that Im's fruit ability is indeed a bug, and his own strength should not be underestimated either.

Mo Sen could feel his strength. This strength was even better than that of the old man Garp, and it was not much better than him now.

If we divide the people on the Red Earth Continent into different levels now.

The three of Mosen, Im, and Lockes should be at the same level, and the other generals or four emperors are half a level lower than them.

Of course, the general and the four emperors also have strengths and weaknesses, but this kind of strength will not be reflected in a short time. Even if the old man Garp's strength is not diminished, it will take a few days to beat others in a single fight A few nights of fighting will do.

Others further down are not far behind.

Under the four emperors of the generals, and the four emperors of the generals are completely different concepts.

Mo Sen looked at Im and smiled inexplicably.

Im's strength is indeed formidable, but maybe it's because he doesn't know the reason why he hasn't fought for decades, or maybe he hasn't fought much, so his lack of experience is serious.

The reason why it is so powerful now is because of its powerful fruit ability, and another reason is that Mo Sen has not figured out what the fruit ability is for the time being.

But the two only fought for more than a minute, and Mo Sen had already begun to gain the upper hand. This is the importance of combat experience.

If a fitness trainer and a professional boxer are of the same weight, it is easy to see who is stronger in their fights.

What's more, Mo Sen is not the only one here.

Mo Sen dodged and landed not far from the dragon: "Hey, if you're still watching the show, Long, I'm leaving. I don't care whoever wins this battle."

Long smiled wryly.

He wasn't watching a show, but it was not easy to intervene just now, and there was another reason to observe Im's fighting style.

But now that Mo Sen said this, he certainly couldn't stand by.

For things like war, it is natural to see the result as soon as possible. If it continues to drag on, no one knows what variables will arise.

Now the revolutionary army has the upper hand, but who can guarantee whether the navy will attack them regardless of the pirates after they wipe out it.

When Im is dealt with, the real battle is over, and only then can the crimes of the Tianlong people be publicly announced and convicted.

"Okay, let's go together."

The gust of wind began to blow, and the wind blades seemed to cut everything around. The sky became more and more gloomy with the movement of the dragon, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday. Far.

The speed of the wind itself is not slow, and the speed in the hands of the dragon is even higher. Compared with Mo Sen's, it may be worse, but the gap is not very obvious.

Two people teaming up is not one plus one. Long is not the kind of person who has no combat experience. The Revolutionary Army has the current achievements, but he fought it bit by bit at the beginning.

Mo Sen is the main attack, followed by the dragon.

For example, when Mo Sen appeared in front of Im and Im teleported away, the dragon could basically predict the place where Im teleported, and then gather the wind and wait there in advance.

Sometimes he attacks directly, sometimes he creates opportunities for Mawson.

Under such circumstances, Im soon became unable to support himself and was in a panic.

But Im's fruit ability is indeed too buggy.

When he was injured, a white light flashed across his body, and most of the injuries just now healed.

To be reasonable, this fruit ability is a bit unreasonable!

Chapter 3 Finale ([-]) [Kaido’s son Yamato is actually a woman and she looks good, I’m shocked! 】

The Tianlong people have owned the world for more than [-] years, and Im is the king of the world. It is far easier for him to obtain such a powerful fruit than others imagined.

The resources of the whole world are used by him, and anyone who sits in this position can take off.

For these, Mawson is not surprised.

But devil fruit is impossible to be perfect.

You can develop a variety of fruit abilities, even extremely powerful, but you must also have the physical strength to match it, thinking that it is human beings who use devil fruit abilities.

Humans will get tired, and fighting will consume energy, and using devil fruits will naturally do the same.

Both Mo Sen and Long are not people who only look at appearances. Their experiences have allowed them to maintain a clear view of many things and penetrate the essence.

The two of them rushed towards Im again without saying a word. The short-term battle made their cooperation more and more smooth.

This kind of feeling is like your AD is very good, and then another support who is almost as good as you comes, so a chemical reaction occurs, and the gods block and kill the gods and directly kill the audience.

Mo Sen and Long found such a tacit understanding.

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