"Quack, there is still time to talk, speed up, if you don't finish half an hour, you won't have breakfast." The old demon quacked with a strange smile.

I'm so angry, I really want to beat this bastard, it's better to pluck his hair and turn him into a hairless bird.

At this moment, the thoughts of the two brothers were surprisingly consistent.

However, the journey of five kilometers is not always so simple.

As the distance traveled became longer and longer, the situation of the two people began to occur frequently.

"Luffy, are you an idiot! You didn't see that I had already turned the corner, but you still ran forward."

"Idiot, why do you stop moving when you get into the water? I will not only fish up the wood, but also rescue you up."

"Bastard Luffy, I have already warned you that there is a snake there, why did you still get bitten?"



Ace has never felt so tired before.

What he said in the half hour today wished he could have finished everything he said in a month.

This guy named Luffy must have been sent by heaven to punish him, right?He must be the funny guy invited by the monkey.

How could there be such a stupid person in the world? !

The short 5 kilometers was an easy task for Ace before, even with a heavy load on his body.

But now, it took more than double the time.

"I apply to carry this log by myself, let this guy follow me."

Finally came the end of the journey, Ace couldn't help but apply to the old demon.

He's just had enough of this stupid guy.

"No, Ace, I can't let you carry it alone, we are friends."

The old demon hadn't answered yet, and Lu Fei, who had been following him, couldn't help but refuse.

Have you misunderstood the word "friend"?

And have you heard that I despise you, bastard.

"Idiot, I'm not your friend, you're dragging me down too much."

Ace couldn't help squinting at Luffy, and snarled in reply.

"Ah, isn't it, then let's be friends, Ace, hehehe."


The old demon looked at the two guys and did not speak. After observing all the way, he already understood Mo Sen's intention of arranging this project.

I have to say that although this kid Mo Sen is not as good-looking as himself, and his IQ is also a little bit worse than his own, his ideas are still advisable.

Sure enough, there is a way to deal with brats.

"Quack, you may have forgotten that this project can only be done by two people, and the log fell on the ground 3, 4, 5... e, rounded up to ten times, that is to say, you have to run one more time You can only go back and forth."

"You cheated, obviously only five times, how can there be ten times?"

"Obviously only five times, but you are ten times, and you are not Mingming. Quack, my memory is not very good, and if I talk about it, it will become fifteen times."

The old demon has nothing to fear, anyway, he has the final say on everything here.

The corner of Ace's mouth twitched, as long as you are happy.

Don't let me take a chance and end up having to pluck you, you bitch.

The protest was invalid, and the two little guys had to pick up the logs on the ground again and return by the same route.



When the two little guys appeared here carrying logs, an hour had passed.

The old demon didn't really ask them to add another ten kilometers. He knew the reason why it was too late.

What's more, these are still two developing little ghosts, after all, they are different from the fully grown bodies of adults.

Mo Sen wanted to train them, not to use them up, so the old demon naturally had to master the size well.

"I'm starving to death, I want to eat meat, a lot of meat."

After putting down the log, Luffy barked feebly like a hungry little wolf dog.

The fresh meat porridge in the kitchen wafted around, and he was drooling as he headed towards the kitchen.

Even Ace let go of his reserve, and went straight to the kitchen following Mawson's order to disband.

"Eat and rest for half an hour, and gather at the door after half an hour."

It's just that the two hungry little guys couldn't hear Mo Sen's words.

after dinner...

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