Before entering the door, Mo Sen's roaring sound resounded throughout the building.

He exerted force with one hand, and he pushed the hospital door, which was half hidden, directly to the ground.

Ignoring these trivial matters, Mo Sen watched the emergency doctors and nurses who rushed out to meet them.

There was a trace of impatience in the voice: "I am Rear Admiral Mo Sen of the Navy Headquarters. Help me treat these children immediately and help them transfuse blood."

Mawson put the three brothers flat on the stretcher cart.

He casually rolled up the blood-stained rags and threw them on the trash can beside him.

The doctor who came over was a middle-aged Mediterranean who looked tall and fat. He was going to reprimand Mo Sen for knocking down the door.

Hearing Mo Sen's self-identification, he observed carefully again, but did not dare to say anything, but lowered his head to check the situation of the three brothers.

"The nurse immediately collected the blood samples of the three people to check the blood types of the three people, and asked them to do the check immediately without any delay. In addition, they prepared to sterilize the suture equipment, and then asked Dr. Merk to come over to assist."

After seeing the injuries of the three brothers, Hai Hai took a breath of air, and immediately entered the working state.

He methodically arranged for the several nurses who came to carry out various tasks, and then pushed the cart to the direction of the emergency room.

"Oh, by the way, remember to inform the blood bank that blood of all blood types must be prepared in advance."

At the door of the emergency room, Mo Sen watched the three guys being pushed in, smiled and said to them: "Come on, get well soon and remember to pay back the money."

It wasn't until the door closed that Mo Sen's face darkened.

The situation this time is really urgent. If it wasn't for my fast and decisive handling, no matter what happened, I would feel sorry for old man Karp.

Even thinking about it now, I still feel a little scared...



Back in time a bit, Mo Sen received the news of the accident as soon as he returned to the bandit's house.

"You said that the three of them robbed the pirates of their money and were tied up by them? Bruggem and his gang?"

Mo Sen frowned as he listened to the bandit's report.

These days, except when the three little devils are fighting, he will guide (Ou) guide (beat) them, and they will complete all other training on their own initiative.

In the afternoon, when the three brats entered the trash terminal to fight with those gangsters, he would not even intervene.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, an accident happened.

As for this Bruggem, after listening to the reports of the bandits, he barely got a glimpse of it.

After all, it wasn't that the main plot was so long ago, he had already forgotten it all.

However, saving people is the most important thing, and Mo Sen didn't listen to their detailed reports, as long as he knew that the pirates were at the waste terminal.

【Monthly step·Change】

This moon step, one of the six styles, was modified by Mo Sen to drive on the road. It is almost six, and the speed is no less than that of shaving on flat ground.

It wasn't long before Mawson arrived at the waste terminal.

In fact, the scope of the waste terminal is not small. After decades of dumping waste and garbage, one can imagine how big the scope can be.

There are actually not a few humans living here.

This had a certain impact on Mo Sen's search, after all, the scope of his knowledge and domineering is not so wide.

But this is not a problem for him who has both wisdom and good looks. He looked towards the bay in the sky and saw the pirate ship.

When he rushed over, he happened to meet Ace's domineering explosion.

It allowed him to lock on to the target in one shot, so that he could arrive at the nick of time and save the three little devils.

Otherwise, I would have no face to explain to old man Karp.

Of course, the most important thing is a hidden force that keeps the three brothers from having any problems.

This is what happened just now.

Chapter 3000: The Eve of Parting

While Mawson was walking back and forth, another doctor entered the emergency room.

Fortunately, the blood types of the three people are not rare, and there is no such thing as a bloody plot that the blood bank does not have enough blood.

The lights of the hospital shone on Mo Sen's figure walking back and forth, his skin exuded a transparent halo under the lights.

Although his face was calm, there was always a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

When the doctor opened the door of the emergency room again, Mo Sen greeted him: "Doctor, how are the three of them?"

A long time passed, and the doctor was actually a little tired, mainly because it took a long time to suture the wound, but he still answered Mo Sen's question in a pleasant manner: "Major General Mo Sen, although the three patients are young, their physical fitness is very high. The physical talent is even stronger, and now the wounds are all stitched up, and the blood has been transfused, and there is no serious problem."

"Thank you very much, doctor." Mo Sen expressed his thanks by holding the doctor's hand.

"It's just..." Doctor Mediterranean hesitated a little.

"Please tell the doctor if you have something to say, don't worry about anything."

"Well, I'll just say it straight, the medical expenses..."

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