
So that's what you're saying is not asking for much.

Then do you still want to leave the base, and everything you see will be wiped out.

So what do you do when you see the Four Emperors?

"Of course, this is impossible, right? If we encounter White Beard, we have to go up and arrest him, so there is a problem here, and that is strength."

"Only when everyone becomes stronger, can we not be afraid of all pirates. For becoming stronger, I have a special posture... oh, it's a skill."

"These, I will teach you slowly in the future!"


At this moment, the playground began to boil, and all the soldiers looked excited.

Except for the directly subordinate troops who followed Capmosen, they looked at this group of excited people with caring eyes for the staff.

I hope you don't cry in the future.

"Okay, let's talk about it next..."

Mo Sen also didn't talk too much. The soldiers at the G-3 base are generally in good spirits, and they have the aura of an elite soldier. It seems that the harsh environment really exercises people.

"Below, all lieutenant officers stand at the forefront of their respective teams."

Garp led the way, followed by Mawson, followed by Bogart and Karp's correspondents, who walked off the stage to get acquainted with the middle and high-level officers first.

"Report to Lieutenant General Karp, Major General Mosen, I am Katu, captain of the first formation."

"Report to Lieutenant General Garp..."

The trip will end soon.

This is the first step. There is still a lot of work to be familiar with in a huge base.

No one can know so many things at once.

There is always a gradual process.

For the next three days, even though Mo Sen, who was afraid of trouble, pushed most of the work to Bogart, he was still busy most of the time every day.

You must know the scope of the g-3 base, right?

You must know how many islands are within the range, right?

You must know the countries that have joined the asylum, and you must have a general understanding of the approximate route, distance, and time required to go there, right?

Where is the place where there is friction with which big pirate or even the four emperors, you have to know, right?

It seems that each piece is a trivial matter, but we have to understand it.

And that's when he's throwing most of the work at Bogart.

Bogart's head is almost bald now. There was no such thing to deal with in the Navy Headquarters before.

Compared with now, it was heaven at the time, wasn't it?

Full of loveless expressions!

It seems that these two officers were kicked out and replaced by him as the base chief!

No, Mawson must have brought Lieutenant General Karp down after he arrived.

The former Lieutenant General Garp still handled a lot of work, unlike the guy who is now like Mo Sen, all the work is left to me.

When is it a head! ! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There are 3 countries joining the world government and 2 countries not joining the world government within the range of the g-3 base.

The three non-member countries will not enjoy the right to naval asylum.

In other words, let it run its course.

The country and island forms of the New World can be roughly divided into three categories.

One is a member country of the world government, which is under the protection of the world government.

The second is a country that is not a member of the world government but is under the protection of the Four Emperors.

The third is the most turbulent country in the New World. They are neither members of the World Government nor protected by the Four Emperors.

Some of these countries were expelled from the world government by the Tianlong people because they couldn't pay the sky gold, and they were reduced to a three-way zone, so they became a paradise for crime. Whitebeard lived in this kind of place when he was young.

There are also some countries that are powerful and do not need the protection of the world government, such as Albaf, the country of giants.

Because of the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates and his childhood living environment, he actually sheltered many non-affiliated countries.

But within the scope of the naval base, he still has more than enough energy.

In these places, there are often groups of ambitious people who are unwilling to give up.

Mo Sen put down the materials in his hand, and the complex form of the new world was indeed beyond his expectation.

Within the scope of its own base alone, there are 2 member countries of the world government and their affiliated island chains.

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