Now that a leader emerged, a small group began to join in.

"That's right, compared to your lives, what are those Baileys? With your status, you will soon be able to earn back from those civilians."

Luo Er's words seemed to carry a magical power, constantly interspersed in this wide hall.

"You know, I'm here to help you, I don't ask for much, it's just something outside of you."

"No matter how much money there is, does life matter? As long as you tell me where the treasure is hidden, I can survive and execute all those rioters."


At this time, it seemed that everyone forgot to ask his identity.

Only subconsciously follow his words to think.

As more people agree with him, it seems that his words are easier to be heard. In the end, everyone seems to have fallen into a state of bewilderment.

Beginning with the king, the people of the hall began to reveal where they hid their treasures.

"The treasury, no, there is no treasure in the treasury, all my treasures are hidden in..."

"The basement, yes, it's just a basement under two walls. It's in the corner of the living room. The wall is the door. It's absolutely invisible from the outside. The password to open the door is..."

At this time, it seemed that what was revealed was no longer a secret from the bottom of my heart, but someone else's handle.

A piece of secret was revealed.

Those who can gather in the palace meeting hall at this time know without thinking that most of them are in high positions in the kingdom, and their families are naturally rich.

In the pocket of Lore's coat, a black phone bug was working non-stop.

Wait until everyone has revealed their secrets.

Lore took out a phone bug, dialed a number, and ordered: "You heard everything, start to act!"

"Yes, Captain, now we are developed!"

There was an excited voice on the other end of the phone.

After Lore gave the order, he put away the phone bug, and then began to walk around the hall non-stop.

"No one has ever entered the room just now, and you are all talking about how to deal with the rioting civilians."

From time to time, the cane in his hand will dance a beautiful movement, matching his magical voice.

The people in the hall kept echoing Luo Er's words, their pupils were empty and their eyes were blank.

Wait until it is sure that everyone has followed him.

A bright smile appeared on Luoer's face. He walked to the door when he came, opened the closed door, and disappeared into the snow.

With the sound of closing the door behind him.

The high-level officials of the kingdom who were muttering to themselves looked at each other and found that there was nothing unusual.

"Damn it, why hasn't the navy come yet? Come and see how long our people can last, and how these untouchables have such powerful weapons."

Seeing the helpless ministers below, the king was not only furious, but ordered the soldiers guarding here.

Hearing the approaching shouts of killing, everyone also looked terrified, anxious like ants on a hot pot.

"Quickly, go and call the soldiers at home, all of them are called here, and the priority is to protect this place."

Now they are all grasshoppers on a rope. As for the family members at home, they can only ask for their own blessings.

Under the snowstorm, there is no need to think about escaping, otherwise there would be no one in the palace.

Now I only hope that the navy can arrive earlier, gather the soldiers together, and how long they can resist.

As for the scene just now, I don't remember it at all.



In the corner of the battle area, a burly old man with a ferocious face walked in through the thick wind and snow.

He turned a blind eye to the tragedy that was happening here.

After dodging a few bullets that flew towards him from nowhere, the old man flashed into the battlefield, was a navy six-style shave, and the snowflakes where he was just now were blown up.

He appeared next to a guy who seemed to be the leader again, grabbed the red-eyed guy with his hand, and then dodged out of the combat area.

It was the former Commodore Risti who appeared here.

The guy in his hand was still struggling, and when Christie moved the fingers of the other hand, a transparent hollow appeared in the struggling man's arm.

He let out a scream, and finally calmed down.

"What kind of pirate group did you say you were?"

The blood hole on his arm made him realize that he was a powerful old man he had never seen before. He said sternly: "We are the Cocktail Pirates, who are you old man? I advise you not to mind your own business, our captain is very powerful of."

Risti's hand was hard, and the little pirate leader started to scream again.

"Cocktail Pirates, the name is not right, boy, what is the name of your captain?"

"Lore, Captain Lore."

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