Fortunately, the direction of the avalanche was towards the royal city of Auvier.

The billowing snow formed a huge torrent, destroying and covering everything in its path.

The terrifying momentum and the mighty power of nature are undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

A large amount of snow covered the broken trees along the way, and the blown up rocks buried all the roads leading here.

Luoer showed a strange smile, which covered up the only trace of it. I don't know if this is considered to be favored by the goddess of luck.

Well, after solving that old guy, the huge wealth is enough for the rapid development of the pirate group.

After all, the new world must have its own place.

Luo Er smiled complacently, his ambition has never been small.

He came from a run-down noble family in Xihai, and he knew since he was a child that strength and money are the most useful things.

Without money, he couldn't get the devil fruit that was circulated in the underground black market.

And without that devil fruit, he would not have his current strength.

The miserable life since he was a child taught him to know how to endure.

When others were thinking of becoming a supernova in the first half of the great voyage, he was hiding his strength at that time.

In fact, with his two-color domineering and good fruit ability at the time, he definitely surpassed all the supernovas of that year at the age of less than 30 years old.

But his bounty is only a pitiful tens of millions, even the current bounty is less than [-] million, which shows how strong his forbearance ability is.

He chose this country this time because he knew that the lieutenant general of the g-3 base was about to retreat to the second line, and the king was incompetent, so he used his ability to add fire to his back.

After half a year of planning, the time is finally ripe.

So he chose to start today!

Those commoners and the Cocktail Pirates were nothing more than he threw out to create confusion and catch the eye.

His true identity is the captain of the Gentleman Pirates, and only the crew of this ship followed him all the way from the West Sea.

So even if the navy at the nearby base receives the distress message, they will be attracted by the cocktail pirates on the surface. As the real behind-the-scenes masters, they have already fled.

The only thing I didn't expect was Risti, a lingering guy. It was because of him in the first half of the great voyage that he had to enter the new world so early.

If it wasn't for their good luck, they might have become one of the dead souls in this sea area without any preparation.

Now, this guy is chasing here again.

Fortunately, he is no longer the Commodore, and this sudden avalanche buried the only trace ahead.

Next, after killing this guy, he will be out of the navy's sight.

When I come out next time, I will definitely be famous in the sea!

Thinking of this, his expression began to firm up, and the light of ambition shone in his eyes.

There was no further delay.

Lore turned around and returned to the place where he had just fought, now is the time to solve the last trouble.

He didn't know it now, and this was not the only thing he didn't expect.



At this time, the landform under the cliff has undergone major changes.

The beach was covered with snow, but now everything seems to have been plowed over.

Nowhere is it white and clean.

Worse still was Christie.

After being attacked by several sword qi and wind tornadoes, he is now in a bit of a mess. Years of fighting have left him with many hidden wounds. After all, he is already old now.

Physically exhausted too.

Facing the big move from Lore just now, his body has been overloaded.

There were incomparably fine wounds on his body, and only the vital parts of his clothes were well protected.

The short gray hair on the head has become a lock.

The old face was mixed with blood, mud and sand, making it look extremely miserable.

The place where Luoer pierced the abdomen with the sword was tied up with cloth strips, and the blood color had already soaked the cloth strips red.

However, his eyes were still fierce.

Like a wounded beast!

Looking at Luo Er who came down from the cliff, he spit out the mud mixed with blood and water in his mouth.


He gave Lor a smirk.

His legs were slightly bent one after the other, his old and strong body was half-bowed, his arms were raised, and his armed colors were quietly attached.

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