The impact of the fruit ability is second.

Risti supported the ground with his hands to prevent himself from falling, then looked at Luo Er and said, "Don't waste your energy, that kind of ability doesn't have that much impact on Lao Tzu, a dying man."

"If I'm not mistaken, the display of this ability has a lot to do with the opponent's strength and will."

What Christie said next made Lore's face change again, and he couldn't let the old guy talk any more.

You know, the pirate ship over there is not far from here.

He approached Risti cautiously, and said loudly: "What nonsense, I don't know what nonsense you are talking about, but it's time to send you on your way.

Good luck, Brigadier General Risti! "

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the ear.

"I said this pirate captain, how about selling my face and letting him go on?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wearing a white suit, a white navy justice cloak, fair skin, and perfect looks.

Needless to say, this anger can be smelled ten miles away.

It was Mawson.

"Well, to save my face, let him talk about it for the sake of his dying."

Seeing the pirate ship in front of him froze, Mo Sen had no choice but to speak out again. Although his tone was frivolous, his eyes were as cold as ice.

Luoer finally came back to his senses, his pupils contracted sharply, his muscles tensed, and he jumped away from Mo Sen who had just appeared beside him unknowingly.

"The youngest monster rear admiral of the navy headquarters, Alpha Mawson? How did you appear here?"

At this moment, Luo Er's face was extremely ugly.

What about the favor of Goddess of Fate?

What about the intact plan?

Now even this kind of monster appears here, the naval base has been handed over?

I don't know if the "hero" Garp came here together, even if he is alone, it is difficult to deal with. If there is another one, I am afraid that today will be the end of the Pirates.

Not only him, but the other pirates were also in a panic and commotion.

A navy monster Rear Admiral appeared in front of them, and everyone naturally knew what it meant.

Needless to say, the long-planned plan has completely failed.

Now, it's time to think about how to escape.

Or, leave the insiders here entirely!

Many pirates on the ship silently raised their guns and pointed at Mo Sen.

The pale-faced Risti also had a complex expression. The Rear Admiral who appeared in front of him was the culprit for leaving the navy, but he had no choice but to blame himself.

His knowledge is much higher than that of Lore, so he discovered Mo Sen's existence just after he almost risked his life for injury.

This is the real reason why he talked so much nonsense with a pirate.

As a matter of fact, Mo Sen felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Undoubtedly, he himself hated this old guy, Risti, after all, he almost hurt Winster and Liv back then.

However, now he counted as helping himself.

Based on his current combat experience, he can see the current situation at a glance. If it weren't for Risti holding back the group of pirates in front of him, he would have to wait until the year of the monkey to find them.

That was the murder of more than 5000 people.

You said it's fine if you kill those bastard nobles and that brain-dead king, maybe I just turn a blind eye and close my eyes and don't investigate.

But most of the dead were soldiers and civilians, so many that even heavy snow couldn't bury them. Looking at the corpses that had long been stiff and broken.

Mo Sen's hatred and killing intent almost broke through the sky.

In the group of pirates in front of me, one counts as the other, and they are all things that deserve to die!

In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

It is also suitable for use here.

"It seems that you are a pirate who knows me. He is really brave and cunning. After killing so many civilians, you want to run away with a huge amount of property. I just want to ask, who the hell gave you face?"

"That's more than five thousand innocent lives!"

"Who the hell gave you the guts to do this?"

"Ah? Who the hell gave you the courage?"

Mo Sen's tone became more and more serious, and finally almost stern.

"You guys, do you understand the price of doing this?"

He raised his hand and pointed at all the pirates.

"I don't care if you did anything or not, I don't care what you did or didn't do before. Today, all of you will go down to bury the innocent dead!"

Mo Sen's words changed the faces of all the pirates. If the pirates in the past could not escape, they could still choose to surrender. After all, a living pirate is more valuable than a dead one.

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