Jesus Bu looked at the town that was getting farther and farther, and felt a little emotional for a while, and didn't know if his Usopp would be so good when he grew up.

"He is a boy with justice in his own heart, and he is different from those navies!" Ben Beckman leaned over, and through contact with Mawson, he found that this boy's worldview was different from that of most navies.

Most of Mo Sen's actions are based on the three views of the previous life. He doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with him. Instead, in this world, various deformed systems, stratified classes, and different strengths of force have caused it. various inequalities of people.

Civilians are at the bottom of the food chain, while all kinds of rotten nobles occupy high positions, and the brutal pirates with powerful force can even become the emperor of a country in a grand manner, which is really a wonderful thing in Mason's view.

Not to mention some of the top dragons who are living a waste of air.

There are not so many twists and turns in the navy. If you are strong, you will win the respect of the superior, although sometimes justice will be a little deformed.

Shanks and his gang have dreams, advocate freedom and have their own principles, and they can kill decisively when the bottom line is touched. Mawson feels that this is the real pirate in this world.This is the reason why Mo Sen can get along with Shanks and his group happily. If he encounters other pirates such as Blackbeard, Mo Sen will not even reveal his identity at all.

The Straw Hats are more like adventurers. Although Whitebeard cherishes his family, such a big pirate group is definitely stained with the blood of all kinds of innocent people.Not to mention others, most of them are criminal gangs that do all kinds of evil.

"Who can say what will happen in the future? He is a boy who advocates freedom. Maybe when he retired from the navy and went to adventure everywhere." Shanks took off his straw hat and stroked the wind blown away. Redhead, "With friends and wine, fresh adventures won't be boring. Come have a party, brothers."

"Captain bastard, are you about to finish what you just bought!"

"What does that matter? Food is for eating anyway, and today is a good day for a banquet!"

"Don't make any excuses, idiot."

Hahahahahaha, the hilarity got farther and farther, until it became inaudible.


Three days later, the 153rd base.

"I've really troubled you these three days, Colonel. Colonel Franca asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

This time, the captain's adjutant, oh, now it's the major's adjutant Hindrian, seems to be preparing to take over the rhythm of the base commander.

"You're welcome, Major Sindrian, Lieutenant Mawson has benefited a lot of us in the past few days at the base. Speaking of which, we have to thank Lieutenant Mawson."

Even so, His Excellency the Colonel thought in his heart, hurry up and bring him back, I'm about to be tortured and weakened.

He thought that the second lieutenant Mo Sen was only very powerful, but in the past few days, he found that compared to the second lieutenant's eloquence, his strength was undoubtedly a few grades worse.

Since the great revenge has been avenged, Mo Sen has become more and more free of himself, and the funny and chatty attributes of the previous life have taken the absolute upper hand.

In addition, after living on the isolated island for half a year, no one spoke on the island. Only some birds and beasts with bad meat survived, but these birds and beasts couldn't talk to him, and most of the time they were talking to themselves. .

After all, I haven't communicated with people for half a year, and suddenly returning to this familiar environment, Mo Sen seems to be unable to stop the car.

Your Excellency Colonel is the most direct victim these days!

Mo Sen didn't know if this was the navy that was killed by the Black Cat Pirates later.However, to be taken care of at the base, you always have to show it to others.

What's more, this upright navy colonel gave Mawson a good feeling, so for the past three days, he dragged the colonel on the playground to discuss a lot, and the colonel was almost autistic.

Not only the colonel, but also many of the navy soldiers below were educated in a challenging way.

As for the fate of the future, whether it will be killed, and another Mongka or the like will emerge, it is not within the scope of Mo Sen's consideration.

"Okay, Chief Cinderell, it's time to leave for the base. As an instructor at the base, it's really rude to not show up for so long. I can't wait to make up for them after half a year of training!" Mo Sen interrupted. It's a courtesy for two people, you don't do business, why don't you have time to eat something delicious?

Mo Sen didn't see that the two black-faced school bosses were going to eat his eyes, this kid was really rude to talk.

Holding his long knife on his own, Mo Sen walked out first.

At the gate of the base, seeing that the black-faced Colonel had to follow him out, Mo Sen directly stopped him. He didn't like this kind of formality.

"Thank you for your clothes and hospitality. I've been bothering you these days."

The clothes on his body are the uniform of the navy, and the cloak of justice, which is a sharp weapon, is also draped on his body. Mo Sen, who is finally no longer streaking, is a little bit unaccustomed to it.

Waving their hands, Mawson and Sindrian returned with the two soldiers from Base 77 and left.

I can finally go home!

Chapter 18 Get up, I'm going to pretend

On the ship returning to the 77th base from Shields Town, the navy who came this time all surrounded Mawson and asked him to tell him about the situation in the past six months. You must know that they usually searched a lot, but they didn't find it.

This is simply dozing off, and someone will send you a bench. The so-called wealth and honor are not returning home, such as walking in brocade clothes at night. If you have the strength, do you still keep it for the New Year without pretending to be a wave?

Knowing that a certain bastard has a bad character, the new Major Hinderella didn't come to join in the fun to satisfy his vanity, but he still pricked up his ears and pretended to look at the scenery not far away, um, it's delicious!

Mason sat cross-legged on the deck, surrounded by soldiers, all looking at him excitedly.

Mo Sen glanced at Sindriel, who was alone blowing the sea breeze, and said slowly: "My current strength can beat ten majors!"


Your Excellency Major's face darkened, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. If you hit ten times, you can hit ten times. Look at what I'm doing. If I can't beat you, I have to teach you a lesson.

And you guys, look at what I mean, he definitely doesn't include me when he hits ten majors, at most he hits nine... hits eight with my strength.

Bastards, I can't beat this stinky boy, but I can't cure you?The names are all on my little book, you guys are waiting to go back, I won't be named Xin if I don't train you half to death.

His Excellency Major looked at the soldiers around Mo Sen with bad eyes. The soldiers were speechless and aggrieved. It was not what we said. You should go to the Lord!

Mo Sen smiled a little, and the purpose was not to tease His Excellency Major. In case of anger and anger, it would not be beautiful without an audience.

"Of course, with the strength of our Major, you can't beat ten."

Because I can hit [-], and with the Slippery Fruit, as long as I don't wrap the armed color, almost no one here in the East China Sea can impress him.At this stage, there are a few people in Donghai who understand domineering. Except for Luffy's perverted family, Jesus Bu is one, and the others are younger brothers.

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