"...Yes, Your Majesty the Major General."

Finally, I can have a full-time adjutant. During this period of time, Katu's part-time adjutant even Mo Sen can't stand it.

Sure enough, this kind of thing is still suitable for people with delicate thoughts. It is a good hand to let Katu charge into the battle. It is really difficult for him to do this.

Now, Dedicated Lieutenant Drake is online.

Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from Quying Fanluan book friends, thank you for your support.The next two chapters will be published together at night.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The environment in which Drake lived since he was a child has made his mind delicate, which can be seen when Mawson taught him a year ago.

In fact, Drake's performance also proved Mawson's vision was right.

It only took a week for Drake to deal with the messy and messy things that the muscular man Kato had done.

The most important thing is that Mawson is completely liberated, and there is no need to waste time on trivial things.

This is a matter of great merit.

So Mo Sen decided to give him some special care. For example, Captain Drake felt that his strength had not grown fast recently.

Mo Sen felt that he should be given additional training alone.

Of course, this is a small stove.

It's not opening the back door, and the body can't bear it if you keep opening the back door... Cough cough.

Since Mo Sen returned to the New World again, his troops directly under him have started large-scale training.

This time, everyone including the chef's medical team understood one thing, and that was compared to the current training.

The training they had received before was a fart.

They have never seen such a perverted training method in their life.

It's not a problem to carry a load of tens to hundreds of kilograms off-road, swim with arms, or survive in the wild.

The scariest thing is that in actual combat, one-on-one, one-on-one, two-on-two, or even a group of people fighting randomly.

Some people who are not very good at fighting are almost beaten out of their hearts.

What's more, Mo Sen is willing to spend a lot of money, anyway, the last time he cheated... the property he seized can't be used up.

So we can work hard.

Hire the best medical soldiers, use the best medicine, and the ammunition used when training the guns makes the soldiers vomit.

Not only that, he also specially made some new gadgets from the scientific research base of the Navy Headquarters to assist in physical exercise.

Because there are no capable people in the fleet other than him, he is still planning whether to get some devil fruits for his team to enhance their strength.

Finally gave up on the idea.

One is that suitable devil fruits can be encountered but not sought.

Secondly, if this thing is really obtained, it will not be easy to distribute, and it will cause some gaps at that time.

Or rely on their own chance.

However, it was [Cunyu], one of the top 50 workers who found a good sharp knife, which caused this guy to hold this knife every day not only for training, but also for eating and sleeping.

Sometimes he took it out and stroked it when he had nothing to do, but Mumu's face was full of concentration, and everyone else had a look of chills.

As a muscle admirer, Katu's mind is full of big muscles, and he goes further and further on this road, claiming that fists are the romance of men.

Basically, it is almost the same way as Garp, except that the head is a little more reliable than Garp, and the rest is a complete replica.

Time passed by with Mo Sen's training, and the sea area of ​​the New World began to see waves again after Mo Sen returned.

Because with the further clearing of the jurisdiction, there are no pirates passing by in the entire G-3 base and the surrounding waters.

Occasionally, after one or two unlucky pirate groups entered here by mistake, they were all quickly wiped out.

Mawson's fame grew, and with his fame came the reach of the G-3 base.

This is also impossible. If he wants to train his troops, he has to fight non-stop. Although there are so many pirates in the new world.

It's true that they are bullshit, but it doesn't mean they are fools, and they can't always hit the muzzle of the gun, right?

So Mo Sen had no choice but to take the initiative to attack. In three months, the scope of the base was expanded again and again, and several unowned and chaotic islands around him were included in his jurisdiction.

This place is actually very close to Kaido's territory.

Many people took a gloating attitude and wanted to see what would happen if the navy ran into Kaido, a lunatic again.

But what they were worried about didn't happen, and even Mo Sen, who was always fearless, didn't take the initiative to provoke Kaido this time.

It's not that he is afraid, but that there are more important things now.



In this world, Tianlong people have many privileges.

As the nobles of the world, the actual rulers of the entire world, they have all kinds of rights to kill and seize ordinary people.

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