"Torrepol, you go to the merchant ship and call all the cadres to control the personnel on the merchant ship. It seems that the navy really gave us a big surprise."

"Diamanti, go to the swordsman who appeared just now and help hold him back, so that my family members won't be killed or injured."

"Vergo, Pika, everyone follow me back to the ship. We want to say hello to our old friend Lieutenant General He. It seems that these navies who have been following us to eat ashes are really surprising, fufufufu F."

Even after realizing that he had fallen into a trap, Doflamingo remained calm and arranged everything in an orderly manner.

Under the electric light, Doflamingo's strong self-confidence at this moment infects everyone. This is the temperament of a king, and this is the young master they follow.

A man who can turn danger into safety several times and solve all crises.



Mawson wasn't quite sure what was happening on Doflamingo's side.

After a successful blow, Mo Sen quickly caught up. The person he decided to kill would not give him a chance, so he had to use his big move before going head-to-head.

That's not his style, he's not afraid to go head-to-head with the enemy, but of course it's better to be able to deal with the opponent quickly.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him is the purpose of his fight.

Countless plank fragments and other sundries were flying around the place where Lao G fell, and a powerful aura came from that place.

The sundries blocked Mawson's view, but it was not a big problem.

Knowledge-colored domineering is much more useful than pure vision at this time.

【Return to True Mang】

If the new moon is the ultimate slash created by Mo Sen, then this move is the ultimate stab.

Countless straight piercings converge into the final point. This powerful piercing is similar to the principle of high-pressure cutting water guns or lasers.

If the new moon is a move that can be used alone or in groups, this move is pure to the extreme single attack.

There is no streamer and no wind, because the sound is left behind by the extreme speed.

Lao G in the cabin had just completed his transformation when Mo Sen's extreme blow came to him.

Not to mention attacking, Laog could barely make a blocking action by relying on the qigong he had practiced for most of his life and his body memory.

【Battle Boxing】

Both hands form a shape of a g each to block the top of the body, whoever let the height is his flaw.

However, when Mo Sen's long knife was covered with a layer of jet-black armed domineering, when Mo Sen used his own developed moves specially for combat, when Mo Sen even had full use of knowledge-colored domineering, even When Mo Sen's fruit ability is fully used, for Laog who has not even mastered the two-color domineering, his result is already doomed.

[Yaogui] It is much sharper than the general twenty-one swords, coupled with the increase of the armed color, the extreme speed of Mo Sen's fruit ability, the tip of the knife is only lightly blocked by Lao G's palm, The direct penetration continued to penetrate his chest from top to bottom, then his heart, and then his whole body was penetrated by himself.

Laog's eyes were blank for a moment, obviously before he could react, his whole body was strung into candied haws.

When Mo Sen's long knife pierced his heart, the corner of his mouth moved.

"Young master, I can't..."

The long knife was drawn out, and Laog, the cadre of the Don Quixote family, fell into the broken cabin and died.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mo Sen drew out the long knife, the armed color disappeared, and the purple-black blade glowed with a deep light, and the surface was still spotless.

He didn't even look at the body of the strangely dressed old man who was a cadre of the Don Quixote family.

Holding the knife, he headed towards the lower cabin.

Not only because another cadre of the Don Quixote family and the pirates are there, but also because Princess Amy and the treasures of gold in the sky are all in the cabin on the next floor.

Although the battle between Mo Sen and Lao G was loud, it ended faster.

A guy with this kind of combat power is already too weak for him.

For a true swordsman, the outcome of a battle is instant.

If the gap is too large, it is actually a matter of one knife.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too many physical experts in this world, and the magical power of domineering can greatly improve the body's defense ability, maybe the sword experts will be even more perverted.

Just when the pirate below the sound of the two fighting was heard and was about to come up to investigate the situation, Mo Sen had already appeared in front of him.

Ignoring the horrified expression on the other side, he sent him down to find his old leader with a knife.

Mawson continued to descend.

There are lights in the cabin, but I can't see anything.

In fact, there were not many pirates who came in. Mo Sen and the guards killed a wave of pirates when they boarded the ship, and killed some more just now. There are only a dozen people in Seoul.

After killing the pirate who just showed up, Mo Sen didn't continue to kill.

He wanted to make sure that Amy, who he had hidden in the cabin before, was not in danger.

It was his job after all... well, not his job now.

But which one should you choose between a middle-aged wretched greasy man and a snowy, beautiful and innocent beauty, as long as you have no problem with your mind, you will make the right choice.

In fact, the hull of the ship was shaking violently, and Mo Sen didn't think it was a big deal because of his strength.

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