Chapter 19 I treat you like a brother, but you want to be my father?

The night wind is cool, the moon is full of stars.The stars and moonlight scattered all over the sky, decorating the deep and silent sea in the night with countless mottled lights.

On the calm sea came a naval escort ship, and the orange lights on the ship fell on the sea, looking like a beautiful landscape from a distance.

Under the white sails, the surrounding navy had dispersed, and only Sindriel and Mawson were still there.

"When you come back this time, Colonel Franca will be promoted to the Navy Headquarters. He has been dragging it around without your news, and now he has no reason to drag it when you appear."

Colonel Franca, who had once again made a great contribution to the team, was summoned by the headquarters because of the defeat of the Porcupine Pirates. He refused the order of the headquarters.

This is the first time in the East China Sea, after all, who doesn't want to go to the headquarters.

After all, Franka is not the white smoker who keeps causing trouble in the navy. For the white smoker, disobedience is as simple as drinking water, but for Colonel Franka, it is almost a bet on his future.

Of course, Mo Sen is clear about this. The Navy is a violent law enforcement agency with distinct levels after all. Even lawless pirates must obey the captain's orders, not to mention the Navy.

"Well, yes, the military merit has long been enough to be promoted to the headquarters, and it happens that I will go with me this time." Mo Sen turned to Cinderell and smiled: "Then congratulations to Your Excellency Major, you will be able to take charge of the 77th immediately. base!"

"Bastard, Mo Sen, that's not what I meant!" His Excellency the adjutant was furious, he didn't have such thoughts now.

"Ah, I'm sorry sir, it's just a joke! Cheapskate!"

Seriously, I can't tell even if I'm joking with you, how will you manage the base in the future with your IQ.

Then the tone was inexplicable.

"Then, Your Excellency, I'll take care of the base from now on!"


After three days of sailing, we finally arrived at the naval base town.Unlike Shields Town, the 77th base is not located in the center of the entire island, but at the very edge of the town on the other side of the island.

The base has a special port and dock, which is separate from the ordinary wharf.

When the ship was docked at the port, all the soldiers scrambled to disembark, as if there were monsters chasing them.

It's really that Mo Sen has tortured everyone enough these days. Thanks to the knife that Shanks made before, Mo Sen's knowledge and domineering can be said that one foot has entered the threshold, and the other is missing. You can wake up and enter a new world.

Mawson thought of a new training method. He blindfolded his eyes and let all the soldiers attack him with all their strength.

This is not his originality. When reading online novels in previous lives, many people used similar methods to exercise people's hearing, intuition, and fighting instinct.

It turned out to be useful indeed.

However, if you are happy, you will sacrifice thousands of families.Due to Mawson's fruit ability, everyone's attacks will be slipped away.After sliding off?Sorry, it can't handle this.

For melee reasons, all the long knives that slashed or stabbed him slid to one side.

This resulted in A's cutting Morson's knife sliding towards B, B's stabbing Morson's sliding towards C, and C's cutting Morson's sliding towards A.

What's so special, co-authoring we cut you for a long time, you're nothing wrong, it's all of us who get hurt.

You are not fake leather, but real leather, smooth leather!


In the colonel's office at the base, Franka came up and patted Mo Sen's shoulder, and said: "It's good to come back, just to report your situation, your military exploits before are enough, because I have been pressing the porcupine, and now this If the thorn is removed, then report it, it won't be long before the next recruits are recruited."

"I have no problem. In fact, this time I was thinking about Wenster. I want to send him to the Naval School to receive formal education and training, not this wild way." Mo Sen sighed, he himself has no problem. Yes, the military exploits of the recruit camp of the headquarters have long been enough. The key is that my cheap brother has no place to arrange it.

This is also what he has been thinking about. According to his idea, if it is not possible, he will find a way to get a powerful Devil Fruit for Wenster.

However, he is still thinking of his previous life. A child needs to be systematically educated in order to not deviate too much from the three perspectives.

The world is simply slag in terms of education.

It is estimated that the world nobles such as Tianlong people and some kingdom nobles are suppressed. After all, knowledge is power. After learning knowledge and gaining insight, you may no longer be oppressed by nobles.This is absolutely forbidden behavior for the noble class.

The reason why the dragon is called the most dangerous criminal is because the revolutionary army wants to overthrow the rule of the nobles in this world and break the existing pattern, which is fundamentally different from the pirates.

Most of the pirates are those who can't survive and go out to loot, but rooted in the servility in their bones, they are more likely to chop butcher knives at the commoners, rather than those aristocrats.

Mason does not have the lofty ideals of the dragon. He is not a virgin. When he comes to this world, he just wants to see the beautiful scenery, taste the food, and do something he wants to do.If you can have a beautiful girl to warm the bed, it will be even better, it doesn't matter if you don't.

As for the Tianlong people, as long as the nobles don't die in front of him, he won't care.

The reason why I work so hard to improve my strength is to ensure that I don't die when I go out. Strength is not a pursuit, but a guarantee that the pursuit will not be disturbed.

But Wenster is different. After all, he was born and raised in this world and has his own dreams and pursuits.What's more, he also promised his adoptive mother to take good care of Wensite.Therefore, planning for the future of Wenster is the meaning of the title.

Franka laughed suddenly, and said with a smug tone: "You don't have to worry about this, I have already recognized Wenst as my adopted son, and there is no problem with the Naval Academy. We will be together when we go to the headquarters this time."

Mo Sen's face was stunned for a moment, his head was covered with black lines, what kind of Franka did you do it so cowardly?I treat you as my brother, but you want to be my father?

Haven't seen each other for half a year, you're a little drifting?

After staying with Mo Sen for a few days, Cinderion is a lot of chicken thieves. Looking at this situation, if Mo Sen doesn't make a fool of himself, I will take his surname!

He quickly gave Franka a self-seeking look, turned around and exited the room, and closed the door.

"Lord Colonel, you are my elder brother in my heart, and now you want to be my younger brother's adoptive father, let me see if you are qualified!"

Mo Sen's eyes are very dangerous. This is a good opportunity for revenge. Before this guy took advantage of his lack of strength, he beat him once or twice.

Later, when he couldn't beat Mo Sen, he decisively stopped playing against him, and Mo Sen never found a chance.

The opportunity is now at hand.

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