Mo Sen was getting closer and closer to Diamanti. Originally, he didn't think about these things anymore, but now that he met such a mastermind behind the scenes, he couldn't help but say a few more words.

Bang! !

On the solid deck, the accumulated rainwater produced a ripple, and then a hole appeared in the deck.

Mo Sen's figure had disappeared in place.

【Return to True Fufeng】

Diamanti in the storm seemed to feel a breeze blowing on her face.

He knew that this was an illusion caused by the opponent's moves, because his knowledge and knowledge had already given him a premonition of a powerful crisis.

When Mawson approached, he had a terrifying picture in his mind, which made him react in advance.

Diamanti's long sword was covered with a layer of black armed color, holding the sword in both hands, and cut it down at the same time when Mo Sen's attack came.

Ding! !

The raindrops scattered all over the sky like a shower, forming beautiful rain flowers in midair.

This is the appearance caused by the air wave generated by the two people slashing and colliding, pushing away all the surrounding rain curtains.

The deck under Diamanti's feet was cracked inch by inch, and the cracks seemed to spread everywhere.

When a move was missed, Mo Sen didn't stop at all, and didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe.

【Return to True New Moon】

The rising moonlight seemed to suppress the lightning that was not far away, but the long black knife cut down strangely and silently.

The benefits of mastering knowledge and arrogance are fully reflected here.

Predict the opponent's moves in advance, and naturally have countermeasures when dealing with them.

However, Mo Sen's moves were too fast, and his slashes were too fierce. Even though Diamanti had predicted it, he could only support it with all his might.

Fortunately, Mo Sen hasn't sent and received all his self-created moves as he likes. After all, no matter how talented he is, sword skills are a process of accumulation.

At present, there are only three moves that Mo Sen has mastered.

It took less than half a year from when he had this idea to when he actually mastered the three tricks.

Speaking of which, this kind of progress is already terrifying.

Diamanti on the opposite side, as the top cadre of the Don Quixote family, not only has mastered two-color domineering, but also has a good fruit ability.

This is not comparable to the old man he dealt with before.

After being suppressed and fighting for a long time, there was only room for parrying. Diamanti fought steadily and kept looking for a chance to fight back.

Finally, in a gap between Mason's attack, Diamanti found an opportunity.

The moment Mo Sen drew his sword back, the long sword in Diamanti's hand became longer and bent.

【Snake Sword】

The blade bent like a snake and wound towards Mason.


Mo Sen didn't care about such an attack, he didn't even look at the sword.

The ultimate slash is the higher level of swordsmanship. This seemingly powerful move is actually just like the name he randomly named as a child playing house before.

It's all flashy stuff.

Diamanti's curved long sword was slid away the moment it touched Mo Sen's body.

At this time, Mo Sen had once again approached Diamanti.

【Return to Truth · Mang】

All the raindrops in front of the jet-black blade were swept away, forming a vacuum where only the blade could pass.

The terrifying breath seemed to pierce into another space.

A flash of thunder flashed, reflecting Diamanti's ugly face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Diamanti puts too much emphasis on his fruit abilities.

There is nothing wrong with focusing on fruit ability, and his fruit ability is actually not bad.


His swordsmanship is to match the fruit ability, which in Mo Sen's view is simply putting the cart before the horse.

There is no doubt that many devil fruits are powerful and have many strange and various abilities.

But when it comes to attacking, which one is the most powerful?

Undoubtedly with a knife (sword).

If swordsmanship is used to cooperate with devil fruits, then what is the point of practicing swordsmanship?

Every strong man who practices swordsmanship is pursuing the ultimate slashing, not any fancy ability.

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