So when Mason played against Virgo again, Virgo began to be beaten all the way.

Mo Sen's armed color development is not far from Virgo's, but his blade is sharp and his blade skills are strong.

Even though Virgo is already proficient in the weapon color, he still struggles to receive Mo Sen's slash.

Several years of career in the navy allowed Virgo to carry out systematic training, and let him learn the six styles of the navy.

The profundity of physical skills drives the strength of domineering.

In terms of pure strength, Mo Sen felt that Virgo was much stronger than the other three top cadres.

This is the reason why he can still try his best to support Mo Sen.

If it was someone else, the speed couldn't keep up, and the lack of physical skills and poor defense would be a matter of a few knives for Mo Sen.

However, Virgo has also begun to run out of money, and scars cut by the old demon began to appear on his body.

You might lose in the next second.

Doflamingo, the young master of the Don Quixote family, is in the same situation as Virgo.

Doflamingo, who was fighting Kuzan, had already tried his best, but was still pressed by Kuzan on the ground and rubbed against him to the point of doubting his life.

At this time, Doflamingo was extremely embarrassed, and the pink feather coat on his body had gone to nowhere.

With a height of just over 3 meters, one-third of his body is covered with frost, and the cold air keeps coming out from those places.

Seeing that it is almost reaching the limit.

After being unable to dodge again, Kuzan suddenly appeared beside him.

【ice ti】

Freezing moment!

A terrifying cold air appeared, and Doflamingo, who was affected by the cold air, was much slower than before.

Before he could dodge in time, his whole body was completely frozen.

Around the same time, Mawson was also about to end the fight.

Virgo's body was covered in bloodstains after he ate countless slashes from Mawson. After taking off his robe, his suit inside was even more tattered than Mawson's.

【Return to Truth · Mang】

A cold light suddenly appeared, and Virgo's face changed drastically, and it was too late to escape.

Shikushi no Zhie subconsciously moved away the vital points on her chest.


The blade enters from the front chest and exits from the back.

Then the long knife was drawn out.

There was a wound on Virgo's chest that fit perfectly with the old demon's blade.

The wound deviates a bit from Virgo's heart, only piercing the lobe of the lung, although the injury is serious, it is not fatal.

Virgo half-kneeled on the ground, and did not completely lose the ability to resist.

Unlike Doflamingo who was frozen, it was a luxury for the whole person to move his fingers in the ice.

When Mo Sen stepped forward to grab Virgo, suddenly a fist-sized hailstone hit him in front of him, and then pieces of hailstones replaced snowflakes, crashing down with a thunderbolt.

The ice layer under the feet that had been fighting for a long time also continuously heard the sound of crackling.

Mo Sen dodged and returned to He and Kuzan. Amy, who stayed behind He, showed a concerned expression for Mo Sen.

It's just that Mo Sen and the others are all looking at the sky now.

Incomparably huge hailstones appeared, hitting the frozen ice on the sea surface one after another, making loud noises.

"We are in the deep waters of Mobejamru, and this is bad."

Mo Sen had just chopped a huge lump of ice above his head into pieces, and following Lieutenant General He's words, the ice layer under his feet was completely cracked.

I saw the entire huge ice layer split from the front, and it spread out an unknown number of meters in a blink of an eye.

From the cracked gap, countless water jets rose into the sky.

Kuzan stood in front, and all the sea water columns that rushed here were frozen.

However, in the next second, countless water columns rushed out. On the other side of the water column, the entire sea surface seemed to have a big mouth, which was as terrifying as an abyss.

The ice underfoot was full of crackling sounds.

"Oops, we have to hurry back to the ship. There is no ship falling into the sea in such a sea area. Except for us, almost no soldiers can survive."

He didn't look good, she arranged things very quickly, "Boy Mo Sen, you go to the warship at the G-5 base, and you must ensure the safety of the soldiers."

"Kuzan, all the other soldiers who went after him will be handed over to you to retrieve them."

At this time, Crane's tone was extremely decisive. As for the frozen Doflamingo and Virgo, they could no longer care about them.

Kuzan also quickly agreed, and at this moment, his expression was far from lazy.

A flash disappeared, and he went in the direction where the female soldiers were fighting.

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