However, those who can be remembered in this sea are actually only a few.

I can count on ten fingers.

Big news has recently spread across the New World.

The Don Quixote family attacked the escort ship of the navy guarding the Tenchjin, and took away the Tenchjin handed over to the Celestial Dragon.

The young master of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo's bounty has directly increased from 34 billion to 65 billion, and all the pirate cadres under his command have also risen by one level.

It became a big pirate group with a bounty of over one billion.

Although this news is big news, what really caused the uproar was the news released by the Navy.

Doflamingo was seriously injured and will have to recuperate for at least a month.

This is the news that makes the other pirates excited.

A badly injured guy, and worthless possessions.

It's like a child holding money to make trouble, the temptation of bare fruit.

For any pirate group, this is an extremely fat piece of meat.

This is the conspiracy of the Navy.

But few pirates can resist this temptation.

In a wooden structure room, a huge figure exuding a terrifying aura sat cross-legged here, and the curved corners on both sides of his forehead looked like sharp swords.

He grabbed the huge wine gourd in his hand and took a sip of wine, and on the palm of his other hand, he squeezed the newspaper like a piece of paper.

"Gold in the sky, Doflamingo? I thought it was some amazing news." The huge figure clenched the newspaper into a ball, took another sip of wine and said, "Go tell that guy Jack, call this Doflamingo!" What kind of kid is there and the gold from the sky will be brought back to Lao Tzu, and let him be Lao Tzu's subordinate."

The minion in the room who was in charge of filling the wine gourd of the man like a demon god quickly responded when he heard the words.

"Yes, Master Kaido, I will contact Master Jack immediately."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the big signboard of Kaido's "Hundred Beasts" pirate group, Jack, one of the three major disasters, "Drought", was the first group of people to follow Kaido's pirate ship.

Speaking of the origin of the 'drought disaster', one has to talk about Jack's character. This is a guy with a very cruel temperament.

Wherever he goes, it is like a drought coming to the world, bleeding and splattering, and the ground is red for thousands of miles. Basically, everything will be destroyed, and no grass will grow, so it is called drought.

This is a brutal guy with only muscles in his head. He only acts according to his own preferences or Kaido's orders. He doesn't have any plans, but his force is extremely powerful, not to mention his reputation after Kaido ascended to the Four Emperors broadcast.

One of the worst guys to mess with here in the New World.

After receiving Kaido's order, Jack led his mammoth pirate ship to set off without hesitation.

At this time, Jack is still in the period when he cooperated with Doflamingo after the plot started.

The current Doflamingo is not qualified to cooperate with Kaido, and now he is only just beginning to gain fame.

Compared with his superficial identity, perhaps the identity of the underground world is better known by these people.

As the king of the underground world, and of course only the king of the first half of the underground world, Jack had heard of the name joker.

Now Kaido means to let Doflamingo join his pirate group. Although Jack will not disobey Kaido's order, as a war madman, he has already made up his mind. If he sees that guy, he must Try his weight.

The bounty of 6 million is not a small amount, and his current bounty is only 5 million.

He Dehe, a guy who just arrived in the new world, can compete with himself in bounty. Of course, Jack wants to see if this guy is qualified.

As for how to find someone, to be honest, this question...

It hadn't been in Jack's mind at all.

With his personality, he wouldn't think about these things, no matter what, the boss has spoken, so let's go over and talk again.

As for whether they can find someone, it is not within the scope of consideration at all.

The number one 'smart general' of the Hundred Beasts Pirates really lives up to its reputation!



The Kingdom of Kukales used to be one of the countries that joined the world government. Why did it say it used to be?

Things go back twenty years.

Kukales used to be a rich country with a history of nearly a hundred years.

The king of the first generation of Kukales Kingdom was the first to discover this island, and discovered a large amount of iron ore reserves from this island.

So he occupied the island and slowly developed the country.

If it is said that pure iron ore can also promote the development of a country, it is not very likely to be rich.

After all, you can't dig out the iron ore all at once, you have to plan for your future survival.

However, during the time of Kucales III, an associated metal with a particularly small content was discovered, and it was later named chrome-tungsten ore.

It was the discovery of this mineral that made the country rich.

Chrome tungsten ore is an excellent material for making swords. Many famous knives are made because a lot of this material is added to it.

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