In the dock of the base, except for the soldiers on duty, all the troops directly under Mo Sen were present.

Mawson officially introduced these people to Smoker. From now on, Smoker will be the second commander of the fleet.

When he's not there, Smoker has full control over everything.

"This is Catu. He is the best in my physical skills. This is Colonel Smoker. I don't need to introduce you."

The first one to introduce is Kato. As a veteran colonel, Katu has never met Smoker, but before Mosen, Smoker was quite famous in the younger generation of the Navy.

"I'm Katu, I have a chance to compete."

"my pleasure."

For men in the Navy, there is nothing that draws the distance between the two sides more than a fight.

If so, fight a few more.

"This is Xun, a swordsmanship genius, and his swordsmanship will not be worse than mine in the future."

At present, the number one master of the Mawson fleet other than him is Xun. Of course, Smoker will give up his position now that he is here.

Xinggensmog did not speak after saluting.

Smoker didn't take it too seriously, seeing the other party like this, he knew that he was a person who was not good at words.

"This is Drake, my current adjutant, and a guy with good talent."

"Hi Colonel Smoker, I'm Drake, please give me your advice in the future."

The current Drake is undoubtedly much more mature than before, including speaking and acting.

There is no need to introduce the following one by one, since there will be a lot of time to spend together afterwards.

"Okay, let's leave it all, Drake goes back to prepare for what I have to do before I leave, take a day off today, and tomorrow we will continue to pick up the training."

Mo Sen's words brightened the eyes of the soldiers who hadn't dispersed yet.

During the more than ten days when Mosen left, they replaced Bogart in charge of the base's defense and other things, but they were used to going out with Mosen before, and it was really uncomfortable to behave in the base.

Now that Mo Sen has returned, he can finally go out to fight again.

It can be seen that although the past three months have been hard, it has indeed been very effective.

One is the improvement of strength. Needless to say, this is the root cause of Mo Sen's troubles everywhere.

But there are other additional effects.

For example, wealth, there are not a few pirates that Mo Sen has wiped out during this period, and most of the money went into the pockets of the soldiers.

What is the military for.

For some people, it may be an ideal, for justice in the heart.

But most of the soldiers have nothing more than to become stronger, get promoted and get rich, so they can not be bullied.

If the conditions are good, you can also find a daughter-in-law, which is enough.

But now, except for his wife, Mo Sen, who can't distribute them, he himself doesn't have any, and of course there is no way to distribute them.

Others basically satisfy these people.

The cohesion and fighting enthusiasm are definitely not comparable to ordinary soldiers. After all, the reality is not like in the plot that shouting for the justice of the navy can make soldiers not even afraid of death.

For Mawson's current fleet, it can be called the elite of the elite.

Smoker can also feel this energy, which is not in the team he led before.

Not to mention the iron and blood aura lingering on them is even more shocking.

Until now, the only doubt left in his heart has been dispelled. It seems that Mo Sen really did not deceive himself.

The new world is where I should come.

In the office of the base chief, Mawson met Garp with Smoker.

Although Smoker was fooled into his direct army by himself, he is still under the old man Garp's command after all, and reporting to Garp is also the meaning of the question.

"Ahahahahaha, Kid Smog, you were finally tricked by Mosen. Three months ago, he spent half a day at Zhanguo and Zhanguo didn't agree. I didn't expect you to be tricked by him now."

As soon as he met the old man Garp, he laughed and exposed Mo Sen's shortcomings, and Mo Sen's face was blackened at that time.

This is due to the fact that he has already fooled him. If he hadn't fooled him, he would have fought hard with Karp.

"I want to come here to improve myself. After all, the new world is not comparable to the first half of the great route. Only here can the strength be improved quickly."

It's a good thing that Smoker didn't dismantle Mosen's platform. This kind of thing itself requires a sympathy between two people... Cough, if you love me, Smoker might not have such an idea. It just so happened that Mosen invited two people and they hit it off.

"Yes, your thinking is very good. When your strength reaches a certain level, fighting is the best way to improve your strength. Hahahaha, you have this kind of thinking, which shows that you are indeed mature."

Garp's words made Smallghan a little bit, and he was not mature before he co-authored.

Mo Sen interjected at this time: "Old man Garp, is there anything going on at the base recently?"

"No, what can I do with the old man here." Garp replied confidently, suddenly seemed to remember something, scratched his head and said: "A few days ago, a guy named Jack under that crazy boy in Kaido was looking for Doflaming. Brother, there are a lot of storms in the nearby sea area, just come back and carefully inspect the area of ​​our base to see if anyone is hiding and planning to engage in any conspiracy."

"Jack, the 'drought', one of the three disasters under Kaido, is also a powerful guy, but I hope he can meet Doflamingo." Mo Sen said, but he didn't think the two could get along. bump into.

Jack was a berserker brat, a guy with all his brains, and if Doflamingo didn't want to be found, it would be a wonder he could be found.

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