When Drake led the soldiers to solve the pirates and find Smoker.

This thorny figure of the young generation of the Navy was already leaning against the wall covered in blood, close to a coma.

At his feet was the big man lying motionless, the pirate Drum with the blood of the murloc.

"Tie that guy up and tell Mo Sen that it's a good luck."

Seeing the soldiers approaching, Smoker finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

He was still looking at the cigar, with an ugly smile on his face, and his weak voice was extremely proud.

After speaking, the whole person fell into a coma.

His injuries were not light, the heaviest wound was on his right chest, where a palm print had completely collapsed, and the dense white bones pierced the flesh and blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Hurry up, come and help Colonel Smoker stop the bleeding and bandage up, leave two teams to clean up the battlefield, and the rest of us will take the prisoners and our wounded aboard!"

Seeing Smoker's appearance, Drake immediately ordered the medical soldiers and other soldiers to take the next action.

Smoker has the highest military rank here, followed by Xun, but Xun is only in charge of fighting and doesn't know how to manage affairs at all.

Therefore, everything big and small is basically arranged by Drake.

It's just frustrating for this team.



Mo Sen didn't know the situation of his own army. He had already had a heated fight with Jack... Bah, he had a real fight with Jack.

After more than an hour of high-intensity non-stop fighting, Mo Sen also suffered some injuries.

For Jack, he has a strong body, with the bonus of animal fruits, and he recovers quickly.

In the plot, he fought with the two dukes of Zou Kingdom alone for three days and three nights, and he could go to Mang Sengoku to escort Doflamingo's troop transport with Fujitora and Crane.

It can be seen that the body is strong.

Of course, it was eleven years ago now, and it wasn't as scary as it was later, and overall it wasn't much different.

Mo Sen's strength is not as good as Jack's, but his physical fitness is not much worse. Although his fruit ability does not bring about an increase in strength and physical fitness, the effect is much more miraculous.

This is also the reason why he only suffered some minor injuries after fighting for nearly two hours.

However, as time went by, the two of them couldn't maintain the high-intensity two-color domineering state, and the battle injuries began to deepen.

At this time, the sky had already begun to darken, and some residents of the entire island were already preparing dinner in fear.

Carlisel, who was hiding not far from the battle between the two, was also preparing to return to the town first.

He wants to make a press release tonight, pass the news back to the agency, and make sure to report the news first tomorrow morning.

Then, he can start a series of special topics to write about the battle between the two.

This kind of news will definitely attract continuous attention, and there will definitely be many people who are concerned about the outcome of the battle between the two.

What's more, guys like Mo Sen have their own traffic, and they are news everywhere.I took a lot of photos of him this time, and I believe many people will buy it in the future.

The battle continues.

What has changed dramatically is the arena in which they fight.

To be precise, it was an earth-shaking change.

The places where hills, trees, and grasslands could be seen before have been completely transformed by terrifying forces.

The cracks cut by the knife air, the hills that were smashed by the impact.

The ground was a big pit stepped by a huge body, smashed trees and various scattered boulders.

For ordinary people, this kind of man-made destruction scene is like a nightmare to them.

The sun had already set on the sea to rest, and the two of them still fought without stopping.

The moon sneaked up into the sky and replaced the sun to watch the battle between the two.

The black night still didn't stop the enthusiasm of the two of them to fight.

At this time, Smoker had already woken up under the rescue of the medical soldiers on board.

The battle is still going on.

Finally, the moon couldn't stand it anymore, and quietly disappeared.

The sound of battle resounded over the island from time to time, and many townspeople fell asleep because of the sound.

When the first rays of sunlight appeared in the morning, Smoker and the soldiers came here.

War reporters also secretly came to the battlefield from the other side.

The two fighters are not tired, and the fight is still in full swing.

It's just that the intensity is not as violent as the beginning.

There were also various scars on the body, and the blood, sweat, and mud made the two of them look a little embarrassed.

But no one dared to underestimate it.

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