The stele is engraved with densely packed names, each character is only the size of an ant, so that the entire four sides of the stele are also engraved, and it is conceivable that there are as many victims as possible.

"Look at this, it's all your sins!"

Mawson had Durham kneel here, and he stood by.

There are only Smoker, Drake, Kathu, and Xun who followed Mawson here.

Such dense names are a shock to everyone, because each ant-sized name represents a living human life.

The cruelty of this world is shown once again.

This is not a plot that was briefly mentioned in the manga and anime, this is Chi!Naked reality.

Drum, who was more than four meters long, was taller than Mo Sen and the others even if he was kneeling there, almost level with the standing stone tablet.

He looked at the stele with a terrified expression, not because he was afraid of the dead guys on it, but because he knew that he would soon end up with the same fate as these names.

"Major General Mo Sen, please let me go, I don't want to die, I can give you all my treasures... yes, I still have treasures buried in the sea, I will give you all of them, please let me go Well, I will never be a pirate again, I will be an honest commoner."

Durham's weak body turned around, facing Mo Sen and the others, kowtowing non-stop.

The fear before death had frightened him out of courage, and when it was his turn to face death, this guy who treated the weak so cruelly became so unbearable.

"Treasure, how much treasure do you think can buy the lives of thousands of people?"

Before Mawson could speak, Smoker asked back.

He also lost his relatives because of the pirates, he didn't like this kind of pirates at all, but he had always carried out the justice of the navy in the past, and many pirates were put in prison.

"Your Excellency, Major General, Colonel Smoker, there is no need to waste your time with such a cruel fellow."

Drake's father was originally an admiral, a person he has always admired, and later became a pirate, which made him very painful. Now that he has joined the navy, especially during the three months with Mawson, he is used to the cruelty of pirates. I have no sympathy for these inhuman beasts.

"That's right, what's the use of telling them this." Mo Sen laughed at himself, "Only blood can wash away hatred and pay homage to the dead."

"No...don't kill..."

A flash of knife light flashed, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Durham's head rolled a few times and landed just in front of the stele. His eyes were wide open, and there was still an expression of extreme fear in him.

The body also slowly fell towards the stele, and the blood gushed out from the neck that was flat like a mirror, and soon dyed the land red.

The blood debt must be repaid with blood!



This world will never stop because of anyone, and the wars in this sea area of ​​the New World have never stopped.

Mosen returned to the g-3 base with his new younger brother Smoker for a week of rest.

If you want to digest all the gains from the three-day battle with Jack this time, besides penance, of course you need to find someone to confirm it.

The most suitable targets for the base are old man Garp and brother Smoker.

The former is to obey Mo Sen's arrangement.

The latter was comfortably arranged by Mo Sen.

For a week, Mo Sen had to fight old man Karp for two hours every day.

After the battle, he began to enter into self-abuse training. Knife practice, fruit development, and physical training filled all the time.

In addition, he will spare an hour to fight Smoker.

By the next day, Bogart, Kato, Xun and Drake were all involved.

Mo Sen started the [-]v[-] mode.

After a week, Mo Sen digested all the gains from the previous battles, and his strength has improved more than he imagined before, and he has taken another big step towards the top combat power.

Because under such crazy training and fighting, his domineering mastery has broken through a level.

If it was just a glimpse of the door before, then now it is entering the room.

This was a surprise, even he himself did not expect to break through a level.

The armed color is also a small step forward, but he has just mastered the armed color, and he needs more time and fighting training to break through to the next level.

As expected, his knife skills have improved the most.

Even the power of the moves he created became stronger.

The two newly created moves have also been perfected in the process of fighting and training.

Now also fully mastered.

If he used the current him to fight Jack again, it would definitely make him doubt his life.

Rather than fighting for three days, it is slightly inferior.

Even against Smoker and other five people, Mo Sen rubbed them against the ground.

It's like asking him, a king player in Liushen outfit, to challenge five platinum and diamond players with a maximum of two-piece and three-piece suits.

The precipice beat 5 people called Ba Ba.

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