Strictly speaking, Neptunes are already a kind of deep-sea creatures.

But sometimes some species in this world do not fully obey the laws of physics. For example, Neptunes in the deep sea can swim to shallow seas or even surface.

Completely ignoring the existence of such things as air pressure and water pressure.

It may also be because their huge bodies have adjusted the internal and external pressure.

There are also many abilities of Devil Fruits, including various physical techniques such as the Six Forms, which can no longer be explained by knowledge of physics and biology.

Now Mo Sen certainly doesn't have time to care about those.

Because when their ship sank again, the jellyfish and all kinds of fish that lived at 6 or 7 kilometers away had completely disappeared.

Except for the lights from the ships, the surrounding area was completely dark.

It's the kind of blackness that is truly thorough, without a trace of light, and it's not enough to describe it.

If people with deep-sea phobia are here, they may be scared to death.


Under this depth, there are still some large sea beasts cruising around the ship, completely contrary to common sense.

Well, in fact, common sense has been broken many times after it came to this world.

Nothing surprising either.

Coming to this world by itself is the most contrary to common sense.

Because of the existence of the sea tower stone, even if the lights of the ship are always on, most of the large sea beasts swimming by are turned a blind eye.

After all, this is the deep sea, and the large sea beasts are not like the pig's feet team in the plot, they are everywhere during the whole dive.

If this is the case, even if the species in the sea is rich, there is no way to support so many large fish and sea beasts.

The larger the body size, the larger the appetite.

This is an irrefutable truth.

The ship continued to dive without any risk, and Mo Sen also met some underwater volcano without bloodshed.

Their ship was close to bottoming out, and they were heading towards Murloc Island along the continental shelf.

The Fishman Island is under a huge trench, with a depth of [-] meters, and it is an incredible existence when you imagine it.

"The power of nature is infinite. Who would have thought that there are so many species living there under [-] meters."

Such a dark and claustrophobic environment, together with Mo Sen and the soldiers, were a little depressing.

If there is no sound on the ship, it will definitely deepen this terrifying atmosphere.

He also had to lament the magic of nature, the more powerful he is, the more he knows how to be in awe sometimes.

"There are so many strange places in this world."

"Yeah, fortune is really amazing."

"But when I think of a beautiful mermaid, wow, my whole body starts to get excited."

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, with your current reputation, there must be many fans of yours in Fishman Island, and there may be beautiful encounters."

Some soldiers winked at Mo Sen and joked.

"Haha, that's true. Your Excellency Lieutenant General is famous... er, the reputation is far and wide."

"We can also follow the Lieutenant General to gain glory."

Under the light, a few black lines fell on Mo Sen's forehead. The guy who said his name just now, I remember you, just wait for me.

"Then you're thinking wrong, Fisher Tiger, the hero of Fishermen Island, was captured by Lieutenant General Garp, and he has been kept in a large submarine prison. promise to let him out."

"Maybe, this time I will be listed as an unwelcome person, hehe."

The soldiers didn't know much about this.

In fact, even Mawson had almost forgotten about it.

He has hunted down too many pirates in the past two years, and sometimes he almost has no memory of some things. This time, if he hadn’t seen the news that Jinbe promised the World Government to become Qibukai, he would not have remembered it.

But it doesn't really matter.

It is only natural for the navy to catch pirates, and besides, Mo Sen appeared on Murloc Island in his current identity, and no one without a good eye would dare to attack his fleet.

What's more, he rescued more murlocs and mermaids in the Chambord Islands before.

This is actually the confidence brought by strength. With his current strength against Shang Shiping, as long as he doesn't die and fight him in the sea, there is no problem in winning.

Not to mention the existence of Smoker and others.

"Oh, I didn't expect the lieutenant general to have such an experience, so we have to be careful, don't get shot black on the island."

"We may not be able to. Lieutenant General Mo Sen is so eye-catching, but maybe."


It can be seen from the heated discussions among the soldiers talking in a hurry.

Most soldiers didn't take it seriously.

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