His voice is neither loud nor soft, and he only increases the volume when he uses key words, which is enough for the Tianlong people inside to hear him.

"Who says it's not? The daughter of one of my neighbors was rescued by Lieutenant General Mo Sen. I know this best."

The murloc soldier diagonally opposite Hody Jones answered.

What he said made Hody's face flash with joy, and at this time, there was no sound in the room.

"Tell me what's going on." He guided the other party to continue talking.

"I heard that when Lieutenant General Mosen was still a colonel, all human traffickers were wiped out in the Chambord Islands. My neighbor was rescued by Lieutenant General Mosen at that time."

"She often mentioned this matter. Later, Mo Sen rescued more and more people, and in those six months, basically no pirates dared to come to our place to rob murlocs and mermaids."

The topic was opened, and the soldiers completely forgot about the existence of the Celestial Dragons inside.

Or maybe it was deliberately said to the people inside.

"I know about this." The soldier next to him answered, "I was in the Border Guard at the time. During those six months, there were very few pirates on Fishman Island. I was transferred here after that."

Hody Jones said at this time: "I saw Lieutenant General Mawson at the port yesterday. He pretended not to know that Tianlong man in front of so many people. It seems that he really regards the murloc as a friend. up.

You know, the navy is under the jurisdiction of the world government. Lieutenant General Mo Sen pretended not to know the Tianlong people at that time, but I was shocked. "

"That's not true, otherwise, I wouldn't have been invited by the king to the palace yesterday, and I would have personally hosted a banquet for them."

Here Hody Jones is the strongest, and he can already hear the sound of breathing inside has begun to rush.

There was a strange flash in his eyes.

"But it's strange to say that Lieutenant General Mo Sen's battleship and the crashed ship came in front and back. I thought it was a frigate at first."

"That's not clear."

The voices of several people did not deliberately avoid the Tianlong people inside, and Hodi Jones, who was near the door, exerted a little force on his body, and squeezed a gap in the door of the guarded room, enough for the sound to be clearly transmitted inside.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of something being knocked over in the ward.

"Come quickly, please come for me, the low-class murlocs outside, please come in for me."

The corners of Hody Jones' mouth curled up, and a smug look flashed in his eyes, but this time he pushed open the door of the ward without hesitation.

"Let's go in and take a look. Don't let him have any problems. The princess has already ordered him to be cured."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Inside the Mermaid Cafe.

After entering, you will find that the business here is not as glamorous as its facade.

However, this kind of coral shell house still has its own characteristics. For a human being, it will feel very special at first sight when entering.

Especially, the pretty cafe owner Nian and the two young mermaid waiters.

Cough cough, I came here to feel the atmosphere of exotic cafes.

The mermaid proprietress and the waiter mermaid lady are all floating clouds.

"There's a guest coming. Well, it's Vice Admiral Mawson. Welcome to my cafe. I'm Charlie, the manager of the cafe." A mako shark smoking a pipe behind the counter Shout out to Mawson.

"Welcome!" The two mermaid waiters who were cleaning the cafe greeted Mo Sen cheerfully.

"Please sit where you want, Lieutenant General Mawson."

"It's a really nice place, so let the proprietress have a cup of your special coffee, and you can also have some snacks if you have some snacks."

Mo Sen looked around at the decoration of the cafe. Although it was not as luxurious as some places he went to in his previous life, the characteristics of Fishman Island made it look pretty good.

Mo Sen turned around the room and saw a crystal ball in a shell stop.

"Mind if I take a photo here?" Mo Sen asked the busy lady boss.

He had never seen such a pure purple crystal ball the size of a human head, and at first he thought it was a pearl conceived by this oyster.

"Please feel free!" The proprietress didn't even turn her head.

"Thank you."

Mo Sen thanked him, found two angles, took two photos, and found a table to sit down with satisfaction.


The coffee was delivered to Mo Sen by Xia Li herself.

This proprietress with blue phantom-like eyes is also too good-looking. A pair of volleyball-sized shirts look abnormally white under the deep V shirt. Mo Sen quickly turned his gaze back.

At the same time, expel the thoughts of vacuum in the heart.

After all, when you are staring into the trench, the trench is also staring at you.

"Why does the proprietress keep looking at me?" Mo Sen took a sip of coffee.

Well, there is nothing good or bad about drinking.

You can't expect an otaku who often works overtime and is instant or star bully to know everything.

Xia Li sat across from Mo Sen very familiarly, with one hand propping her chin, and the other hand smoking a pipe and watching Mo Sen.

A pair of fair-skinned volleyballs are half exposed in front of Mawson, this scene...

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