Needless to say, it was the mentally handicapped Celestial Dragon again.

Mo Sen didn't even look at it and hung up the phone again.

It's so endless!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What?! You said that you predicted that Mason would bring disaster to Murloc Island?" King Neptune looked at Xia Li and said in shock.

"What's going on? Tell me in detail what you predicted."

In the palace, Xia Li, the proprietress of the Mermaid Cafe, appeared here.

brought her new prophecy.

This was another disaster she predicted would happen to Fishman Island, and it was very likely to happen in the near future.

After all, Mo Sen is here in Murloc Island now.

This couldn't help Neptune not being nervous, because Xia Li's predictions had been confirmed one by one in the past.

Although Xia Li couldn't accurately predict the time point when the prophecy happened, the prophecy was only the final result, and it was impossible to find the cause.

But her [-]% predictive accuracy proves she can't go wrong.

Charlie began to tell what happened.

"...I saw Lieutenant General Mo Sen in the picture. In front of him, many murlocs were killed by his sword with the light of swords and fire, and there were soldiers from the Kingdom among them."

Xia Li recalled the previous scene again, her complexion became unsightly, and she was flustered, without the cold and glamorous Royal Sister Fan before.

"There are still the deaths of soldiers of the kingdom? This is troublesome." The speaker was the left minister of the kingdom, a short catfish mermaid with eyes.

"But we are a member of the world government, and we have no conflict with the navy." Neptune calmed down at this moment, "What's more, I talked with Lieutenant General Mosen yesterday and found that he has no prejudice against murlocs at all."

"Also, there are not a few mermaids and murlocs he rescued before."

"Why did this happen all of a sudden?"

Princess Otohime on the side also said at this time: "That's right, I had a detailed conversation with Lieutenant General Mo Sen. He is a good man, and there will never be such a situation of killing innocent people indiscriminately."

"On the contrary, through my contact with him, I found that he is a peace-loving person who treats everyone equally and values ​​equality. I believe that my judgment will never be wrong."

"What's more, how could he attack the soldiers of the kingdom?"

"But the prophecy cannot be wrong."

Xia Li also met Mo Sen today. To be honest, with a camera and no military uniform, he looked no different from a traveling nobleman.

She also didn't know why there was such a prophecy in the end.

But her divination can only see the result of things, but can't see the cause of things.

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

"Is it possible that some murlocs who hate humans provoked him?" Minister Zuo Wang raised this possibility.

"Murloc Street?" The left and right ministers looked at each other and asked at the same time.

Now it is only possible that it is this place. Many crimes in the kingdom itself come from there. The current Murloc Street is indeed a stain on the kingdom.

"However, how do the soldiers of the kingdom explain it?"

Neptune questioned.

"Among the kingdom's soldiers, more than one-third are from Murloc Street. If there are also people who are hostile to humans..."

Needless to say, soldiers from Murloc Street always have brothers and relatives there.

Several people discussed and summed up again, and found that this was the most likely reason.

"So what should we do now? Should we inform Lieutenant General Mawson?"

"No, I want to talk to him in person." Princess Otohime said with a serious expression, "I hope we can prevent this disaster from happening."



In the ward of the hospital, Don Quixote Musgarud with forgiving hair threw the phone bug aside angrily.

"Bastard, how dare you hang up on my young master's phone. As our dog, you dare to be so arrogant. He doesn't pay attention to his master at all. Hissing, it hurts so badly, this young master is so hurt."

The young Tianlongren moved his body and half leaned on the hospital bed. He was too angry and accidentally pulled the wound just now.

"Come to the doctor, I hurt Master Ben to death."

With the help of the rushing doctor, Musgarud regained his position, picked up the phone bug again, and seemed to be still angry.

This time he called back to the Holy Land Marie Gioia.


"Lieutenant General Mo Sen, are you really not going to come down to play in the water? We also have water volleyball here."

It may be that Mo Sen thought too deeply about the problem, his eyes were far and deep, but from the perspective of the mermaid, Mo Sen stared straight at them for a long time without blinking.

So again someone sends out an invitation.

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