After this cloud of smoke appeared, not only was the vision blurred in front of the eyes, and the situation in the smoke could not be seen at all, even the sense of smell was isolated, and the hearing was also affected to a certain extent.

This kind of feeling is like ordinary people who are helpless in the smoke of the fire scene. The thick smoke rolling around will irritate people's eyes, nose and throat.Even a large number of people who lost their lives in fires were suffocated by smoke.

The ability of Smog is by no means as weak as in the anime. If it is developed well, the strength will not be limited to what it is now.

Fortunately, although hearing has been affected to a certain extent, it is not a major problem.On the contrary, the eyes cannot see, and even breathing is a big problem.

Suddenly, a violent whistling sound came from the back of the head, it was Smoker's [Ten Hands].

Because of the tumbling smoke and the closeness of the shot, Mo Sen didn't hear the whistling sound until the back of his head.Hastily raised the knife to block, with a 'bang' sound, Smog retreated with a touch.

Mo Sen staggered, and the smoke around him kept trying to restrain him.

From the side, Smog's weapon was drawn to his back, and Mo Sen turned sideways with difficulty. [Paper Kite] erected a block, the weapons intersected, and a force came, and Mo Sen was knocked back a few steps before standing firm.

Mo Sen, who was aware of the passive, understood that it was imperative to get out of this smoky area, or sooner or later he would be hit by Smog's sea tower and fail.

Just as he was about to choose a direction to exert his strength, Smog seemed to understand his thoughts, and [Ten Hands] attacked from a tricky direction again.

"This bastard, don't let me find a chance."

Mo Sen cursed secretly and had to give up his plan to escape from the smoke. With his current situation, if he wanted to escape from the smoke area, he would definitely be hit by the Hailoushi weapon, then just gg.

Mo Sen, who was trying his best to deal with Smog, unknowingly inhaled a lot of smoke into his body. At this time, he was already a little short of breath, and even his movements were somewhat delayed.

Fortunately, the current Smog's combat power has also declined sharply, otherwise he would have been defeated at this time.

What he didn't know was that Smoker was even more depressed than he was.This kid's physical strength is so good, he has already felt a serious decline in his physical strength, and the strength of his shots is far less than before, and even his movements are somewhat deformed.

In less than ten minutes, if you still can't defeat this kid, you will never have the strength to fight again.

At this time,

There was a turning point in the battle. Because of the inhalation of smoke, Mo Sen couldn't breathe well, and he almost coughed out, and his movements were stagnant.

"good chance!"

Smog seized the opportunity and instantly appeared diagonally behind Mo Sen, and the [Ten Hands] slammed down on Mo Sen's left shoulder.

Mo Sen's scalp exploded, and at this moment he had no time to block with the knife.At the critical moment, Mo Sen leaned forward, and a donkey rolled around to escape the blow.The long-worn cloak of justice was torn by [Ten Hands] with a long hole.

so close!


"No, if it goes on like this, you will lose, let's fight!"

Mo Sen was ruthless. In the smoke, his vision was blocked, and he could not take the initiative. He could only passively be beaten.The smoke is Smog's home field, so if he is passive like this, he may not be so lucky to escape next time.

At this time, Mo Sen suddenly closed his eyes, even holding his breath, not letting his eyes become the only reliance on the battle.The ears kept shaking, collecting various sounds in the smoke.

Mo Sen, who closed his eyes, seemed to have suddenly entered a new world, the perception of his ears seemed to be infinitely enlarged, and a wonderful feeling came to his heart, as if he had entered a magical realm.

Smog doesn't care about this, his physical strength is about to bottom out. If he can't win this kid in the end, he has no doubt that he will become a laughing stock of the headquarters. There are not a few people who have offended his character in recent years. Those people Never miss an opportunity to mock him.

He tried his best to control the smoke and continued to interfere with Mawson. Smoker appeared in front of Mawson again erratically, and his weapon was drawn obliquely.

This time, Mo Sen seemed to have a peculiar perception and calmly blocked the blow.


The symphony of weapons kept ringing, and Mo Sen felt more and more calm, and every attack could be caught just right.


It was another blow to the head, and Mo Sen's closed eyes seemed to 'see' this picture.The weapon in the picture is like being slowed down, and it is pulled down so lightly, and you can dodge it with a flash at will.

Kacha, as if the sound of something being broken by himself resounded in his mind, and some potential hidden in the body was released.


Suddenly, Mo Sen's breath in his body was exhausted, and he had to breathe. Instead, he was choked by the smoke and coughed violently.

Mo Sen, who couldn't react in time, was slapped by Smoker's [Ten Hands] and flew backwards at once.


Mo Sen didn't care at all, but he flew out with a smile on his face and laughed out loud.


Seeing the domineering, finally awakened!

Chapter 26 Brothers, stir up... Oh no, are you sparring?

After Smog hit Mason with a single blow, he lost all his strength and sat down on the spot without an image, looking exhausted.

More tired than the body is the heart tired!

If I read it right just now, Mo Sen should have awakened to the arrogance of seeing and hearing.

Although the battle was won, it could also be said that it was lost.

For a time, the colonel of the headquarters, the ability of the natural department, was a bit unlovable.After untold hard work, he defeated a kid, but in a blink of an eye, this kid made a breakthrough, leaving him with no sense of accomplishment at all.

He is a genius in his own right, a genius with the right morals, values ​​and hard work.He has won everything with one punch and one punch by himself, and his reputation in the Navy Headquarters can be described as mixed, and he doesn't care about that.

But this time, he took it halfway, and it was a task that instructed him to have no information, which made him a bit hard.

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