"Wait, Otome." Neptune said, he looked at Princess Otome and said, "I won't allow you to make such a decision."

The princess of Fishman Island went to land. If something happened on land, it would be no small matter.

Of course Neptune would not agree to this.

But it seems that Princess Othime has made up her mind.

"You have also seen, Your Majesty, there is still a deep misunderstanding between murlocs and humans. I want to prove myself that there are not only vicious pirates in the human world, but also peace-loving humans."

Her expression is firm and her belief is unshakable. This is what she has been fighting for these years.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go. I'll go for you in this matter." Needless to say, Neptune's feelings for his wife, his words without hesitation at this time are enough to prove the weight of Princess Otohime in his heart.

"Your Majesty, as the king of the kingdom, you are also the most powerful knight in the kingdom. If you go to the ground and return safely, the people will take it for granted."

Princess Otohime obviously thought about the joints and made up her mind. She persuaded Neptune: "But I'm different. I'm just a mermaid whose body is weaker than ordinary people. Only when I go to the ground can I get rid of it." Significant."

"Only if a weak mermaid like me goes to the land and returns safely, can I prove to the people that most people in the human world love peace."

"Most humans are not our enemies, but like Lieutenant General Mo Sen, they are our friends."

"Only by eliminating the concept of discrimination can all citizens live in peace with mankind."

At this time, Mo Sen had to admire this weak mermaid. Although her body was weak, her strength was undoubtedly great.

Under the current situation, he dared to take such a big risk to go to land.

Completely disregarding your own safety.

To be honest, Mawson couldn't do this kind of thing, and he wouldn't do it.

But this does not prevent him from admiring and admiring Princess Otome.

Sometimes we can't be so selfless and great, but we should give such people the respect they deserve.

Neptune looked at Mo Sen at this time, and the meaning revealed in his eyes was self-evident.

Mo Sen is a little embarrassed. You can't persuade your own wife, but let me persuade you.

What can I do, I'm also desperate.

"Ahem... I think the princess should think twice before acting. There is a great man in our place, Mr. Lu Xun, who once said that I am not afraid to speculate on people's hearts with the worst malice. , then I really regret it too late."

Mo Sen still persuaded Princess Otto, not only because of Neptune.

Although in the plot, Princess Otohime went to land and returned safely, and she also brought a handwritten letter.

The key point is that the plot has changed now. Whether it is Tianlongren or that Huodi, they are completely different from the original ones.

Mo Sen didn't expect that Princess Otome still wanted to go to land.

Moreover, it is now because of the accident of Mason's soldiers.

He can't guarantee that there will be no problems for Princess Otto to go to land. Most people are not afraid. The problem is those Tianlong people who make sticks.

"I know that Lieutenant General Mo Sen is a good man, and he also thinks of me." Princess Otohime looked at Mo Sen with gentle eyes, just like... just like looking at her son.

Well, in fact, Mo Sen's real age is not as old as Shark Star.

His accomplishments, however, make it easy to overlook that.

"It's just that Fishman Island has to make changes. Now is a very good opportunity. If we can't seize this opportunity, we don't know how long we will have to work hard in the future to be effective."

Princess Otohime had absolutely no intention of giving up her decision.

"I know that going to land would be a big risk, but for the people of Fishman Island, I think it's all worth it."

"No success is easy and I am not afraid of these difficulties."

"Because, I see the hope of success."

Well, Mawson told Neptune that there was nothing he could do.

Even Neptune can only express his support, because this is Princess Otohime's dream, and because all of this is for the sake of the entire Murloc Island.

Brother Neptune, as a wife-loving madman, couldn't resist at this time and had no choice but to obey Otohime's decision.

That's how things settled.

The palace then called an emergency press conference.

The cause and result of this incident were announced, as well as the speech titled 'I have a dream' that Princess Otohime gave to the people of the whole country again.

The entire Fishman Island has witnessed this historical moment.

And one of the human beings who promoted this event is also recorded.

That was the only human worshiped on Murloc Island - he was Vice Admiral Mawson.

Chapter 2 G-[-] Base Chief (Please subscribe for the second update~)

Although there are all kinds of incredibly high forces in this world, as well as all kinds of miraculous natural phenomena that are difficult to explain with science.

However, in general, the most basic laws of physics are obeyed.

Perhaps it is because the world is not under the control of Newton, but under the control of his brother Niubi.

There will always be some awesome people.

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