"It's still early, princess don't have to be too polite."

At this time, Mo Sen was wearing a black suit, with a white cloak of justice draped over his shoulders, matching the charm of his perfect face in the sun, making people dare not look directly at him.

Smoker next to him was no longer dressed in the ugly leather jacket that Mosen complained about for a long time.

He is also in a dark suit and dressed similarly to Mawson, but with silver-white hair and two cigars in his mouth, he has a unique temperament different from Mawson.

He nodded to Princess Ottohime, but did not speak.

Neptune was on the side, watching Mo Sen at this moment and said: "Lieutenant General Mo Sen, Otohime has to trouble you to take care of her when she is on land."

"You're welcome, King Neptune. The princess is visiting land, and the navy will protect her and won't let her have any problems."

It doesn't need to be said by Mo Sen, it is estimated that the Warring States will also arrange it on land.

At this time, Princess Otohime turned to face the murlocs here, and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to see me off, and waiting for my good news. I believe that we murlocs will live in the real sunshine one day." Down."


The murloc civilians who had been quiet for a while suddenly became noisy again.

"Master Otohime, please be careful."

"Princess Othime, we believe that you will succeed."

"My lord princess..."

"Master Lieutenant General Mo Sen, I entrust the safety of the princess to you."

All kinds of blessings were heard endlessly, and Mo Sen even heard the voice of someone begging him.

This, perhaps, is what the people want.

People in this world may not have a high audience of cultural knowledge, but they still know who is really good for them.

What's more, this is still a big man of the royal family.

How could such a person risk his life for them and not win their respect.

Princess Otohime turned back to face the king and his four children.

She walked forward, and gently hugged Shirahoshi's...waist, there is no way, even Shirahoshi who is only six years old is about 4 meters tall, and Princess Otohime is less than 15 meters tall and can only jump up and hit her knees. Too petite.

"Bai Xing, you must listen to your father and brothers these few days. The queen mother will be back in a few days."

"Queen, I will be obedient."

Bai Xingshui's big eyes were filled with tears, and he tried his best not to let them fall, obediently agreeing to Otohime.

"You three brothers must take good care of Bai Xing."

Otohime turned to tell the three princes again.

Finally she hugged Neptune and turned to face Mawson.

"Lieutenant General Mo Sen has worked hard, let's set off."

"Okay, let's go then." Mo Sen nodded and waved goodbye to the Neptune family.

"King Neptune, don't worry. And Shirahoshi, please be a brave and obedient princess."

"Well, I will be brave and obedient, Lord Mo Sen." Bai Xing answered Mo Sen earnestly while holding her 'small' fist.

Mo Sen turned around and walked towards the warship side by side with Otohime. Behind them, Smoker led the navy soldiers to follow.

In front of the battleship is a huge sea beast dragging the battleship. This is a sea beast raised by Murloc Island, and it is very familiar with the route.

After everything was ready, the sea beast swam around, and the warship marked with the word "big" broke through the waves behind the sea beast.

On the deck of the battleship, Princess Otohime said goodbye to everyone on the shore.

On another uninhabited bay, Jinbe and Aladdin appeared there.


"Aladdin, I know what you're going to say." Jinbe interrupted Aladdin, "But even His Majesty the King can't stop what that lord decides. All we can do is trust that lord and wait for his decision. good news."

"Besides, now is indeed a good time."

"You and I know how Navy Monster Vice Admiral Mo Sen treated pirates in the New World. This time, some of their soldiers had an accident here, and Fishman Island will give him an explanation."

"So, pray that the lord will bring us good news."



"You bastard, you bring me trouble every time, it's really an eyesore to see you."

In the marshal's office, Zhan Guo looked at Mo Sen blowing his beard and staring, spitting a few meters away.

He took a sip of tea, seemed to be still angry, and continued to spray: "You said you, why do you have to scare that Tianlong man for nothing.

Now he went to the world government to cry and complained that he was abused by you, and the world government put this matter on me again.

I told you to take care of it, and you arranged someone to practice the knife in front of him, why didn't you just stab him?What an idiot. "

"That's right, that guy is an idiot, he has to..." Mo Sen hurriedly followed Zhan Guo's words.

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