Although he still had that cool look on his face after the smile disappeared, he already had some youthful and flamboyant demeanor that was different from before.

"Stupid brother is back, Quack."

Mo Sen didn't speak, it was the old demon on the table who spoke.

Wen Si Te's face turned dark, as if remembering something bad happened, he glanced at the old demon angrily.

He and the old demon can be said to be absolute enemies now.

Based on his love for knives, when Mo Sen first got this knife, he liked it very much.

But since I got the devil fruit last time, I was a bit miserable being educated by the old demon.

The key point is that this guy is still a poisonous tongue.

Since then, the two of person and one knife have formed a bond.

Of course, the old demon alone can't cause damage to a natural system, but whose knife is to cut people by himself.

After dinner, the sky also darkened.

After a simple rest, of course it is a digestive exercise.

If there is any way to quickly digest food, Mo Sen thinks it is fighting (ai) fighting (beating).

There is no food that cannot be digested in a single beating, if there is, then keep beating.

open space.

"Come on, let me see your growth in the past six months."

Mo Sen looked at Vinster, who was eager to try, and obviously drifted a lot, and made a sound.

Following Mo Sen's voice, wind and snow began to appear in the open space, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Well, it brings a little coolness to this hot weather.

The effect is better than that of air conditioners, and it is still pure natural.

【Snow rope】

In the snowstorm, countless snowflakes condensed into several ropes and wound them towards Mo Sen.

Mo Sen frowned and stood still, feeling the strength of the snow rope wrapped around his body.

Winster, who appeared behind Mo Sen, stabbed Mo Sen, who was bound by snow ropes, with two long knives made of snow in his hands.

"Fancy moves, fancy but useless, quack."

The old demon on Mo Sen's shoulder complained, but it didn't turn into a knife.

Boom! !Boom! !

The snowflakes exploded, and Mo Sen disappeared. Wen Si Te, who made the move, subconsciously wanted to elementalize.


A leather boot wrapped in military color kicked Winster's back, and he flew forward, almost falling a piece of shit.

Fortunately, it is elementalized at critical times.

"You're too slow, Winster! Whether it's restraint or attack."

Apart from armed color, Mo Sen did not use much strength just now, not much more than Winster, that's why he said so.

Winster didn't say a word, and the wind and snow suddenly picked up, turning the area where the two were fighting in front of them into a vast expanse of whiteness.

【Snow bomb】

Countless snowballs that were compressed like a child's fist shot at Mo Sen who was standing still.

Mo Sen pointed like a knife, and the snowballs that flew in front of him were all bounced into broken snowflakes.

The scattered snowflakes seemed to be sealed by an invisible force, and countless snowflakes were flying around Mo Sen.

A rectangular box was formed, enclosing Mawson.

【Snow coffin】

These snowflakes are all compressed, and their hardness is enough to compare with ordinary stone walls of the same thickness.

After the snow coffin was formed, Winster did not rush to attack, and the snowflakes around him began to condense.

Two double-edged axes appeared beside him. As soon as they appeared, they began to spin rapidly. The speed became faster and faster, and even brought a strong air current.

The airflow is wrapped in snowflakes, which looks really beautiful.

The snow coffin exploded, Winster's eyes lit up, and the two spinning double-edged axes beside him flew towards Mo Sen at an extremely fast speed.

The extreme rotation drives the unparalleled cutting power, of course, the strength of Winster is not too strong.

【Spinning Axe】

Mo Sen's eyes were a bit strange when he saw Snowflake's condensed spinning axe. Last time he mentioned this structure to Vinster, he didn't expect that the power would be quite good after the extremely fast spinning.

It seems that he is still very arrogant.

It is very honest to say that you don't want your body.

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