He finally understood why this place was called the City of Carnival, and finally understood why the tacit obscene expressions of the men sitting next to him before getting out of the car.

As soon as I got out of the car, the restless hormonal breath rushed over my face.

Although he has now changed to an ordinary-looking face, his strong body and unique temperament are like fireflies in the middle of the night.

During the [-]-meter walk he walked, there were several young ladies standing on the side of the street and winking at him.

If it wasn't for the brother who got off the car in front of him and one of them turned around and walked into the room behind him, and could vaguely hear the voice of Bailey being given to her, Mo Sen might have been moved.


s: The next update may be later, book friends who go to bed early can wait until tomorrow to read, night owls, let’s cultivate together (,,????,,)

Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins from the boss, thank you Brother Linglang for the reward of 500 coins, and thank you Xiu Yaoxian for the reward of 200 coins. Thank you for your support.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The time is approaching dusk, and the dream and frenzy of Carnival City have just begun.

Not only did the dusk scene not quiet down this charming city, but the restlessness became more intense.

There were not too few people during the day, but now there were more and more people.

Here, people of different kinds and identities from various places gather together.

Among them are officials from the government, officers from the navy, nobles from other countries, and ultimately the civilian class.

Of course, there are pirates from all over the place.

There are also some local gangsters.

Most of them are thieves who are constantly looking for targets in the crowd. Such a lively time is the time when they gain the most.

This is because the carnival has not yet come, and the three days before the carnival are the real carnival for all kinds of ghosts and snakes.

However, the day is getting closer, so the city will start to gather all kinds of people.

At night, if you want to say where the most people are, it must not be the street or the hotel.

For this city with a majority of the foreign population, the most crowded and lively places at night are various types of pubs and bars.

No matter if it's an upscale, exclusive bar for the aristocrats and world government officials and naval officers.

It is still a popular bar that attracts a large number of pirates. At this time, people basically gather here in twos and threes.

Canaan Bar is one of the largest bars in the city. The word Canaan comes from a famous local flower that only blooms at night and withers at dawn.

This is a flower that is born to live in the dark, exuding an unusually charming beauty in the dark.

After all, night is the existence that can best cover up evil.

Under the night, the word Canaan glowed with a faint blue light, and the door was opened to enter. This is a two-story space about the size of a basketball court.

The first floor is a large hall. There is a stage in the middle of the hall. It seems that there will be different programs.

The wide hall is divided into pieces of space, looming under the dim light.

The second floor is a layer of private rooms. One side of the private room hall is single-sided glass. From the private room, everything outside can be seen, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

When Mo Sen walked in, the huge hall seemed to be full of people.

On the round stage in the center, a beautiful woman with a hot figure is dancing vigorously. The hot three-point pose teases the surging hormones in the audience.

Even the waiters here are young girls from Qing Yishui. As soon as Mo Sen walked in, one of them answered.

"Welcome to Canaan. Who are the gentlemen? Is it the bar in the lobby or the box?"

This very modern appearance made Mo Sen almost think that he had returned to his previous life.

However, it is easy to tell the difference if you look at it more.

"It's just me, just give me a bar."

Mo Sen's appearance is that of an inconspicuous youth, and even his clothes are relatively casual, but they are still relatively high-end brands.

The old demon has temporarily found a scabbard, which is now hanging on his waist, and it doesn't look so conspicuous.

It can be seen that the reception girl has been here for a long time, and she is familiar with everything, and her performance is impeccable.

Of course, the main reason is that Mo Sen has a special temperament. Although the return of life can restrain the breath, an ordinary guy is more suspicious.

Who knows if there will be that life-saving 'Night Watchman' eyeliner here.

The nickname is very compelling, but it can't change the fact that the inside is like a mouse.

Mo Sen, who was led to a bar, looked at the situation in the hall.

Mawson has already been to another place on this island.

It was a seemingly well-defended manor, of course, it was useless in front of his level of combat power.

After night fell, he sneaked in secretly, and it really was a place to confuse people.

So this is the most likely place to hide right now.

As for why he didn't go to the box on the second floor, he didn't think such a timid guy couldn't fail to consider these things.

So whether it's the hall or the box, it should be a place to confuse people.

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