-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Underground secret room.

David with long blond hair had already picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, ignoring the white mottled marks and his obviously sickly pale face.

This... well, in fact, ignoring these, the whole person also exudes a decadent and manic atmosphere.

He took out another bottle of wine from the cabinet in the room, opened it with a frown, and gulped down a few gulps, regardless of whether his stomach was empty or not.

Maybe he choked on himself from drinking too fast, he started to cough crazily, coughing up tears, nose and so on, but David didn't care, he wiped his face casually with his sleeve.

Then, he took another sip of wine.

After drinking, he didn't know what to think of, and began to laugh nervously.

At this time, the thick stone door of the secret room was pushed open.

The bar manager, Kohler, came in. Seeing David like this, he frowned, walked up to him and snatched the bottle from his hand.

Kohler looks to be in his thirties. He grew up with David when he was a teenager, and he is also the strongest person under David.

Usually he doesn't care about things, he is only responsible for helping David kill people and protecting his personal safety.

As a dark force in the underground world, David is in charge of various armed organizations, and he has experienced quite a few battles.

This is actually a bit different from his brother, a genius in business.

Kohler's ability to ensure David's safety in various conflicts in the underground world is evident.

The two are actually a relationship between teachers and friends.

That's why he could snatch the wine bottle from David's hand without any scruples. If ordinary guards saw it, they wouldn't dare to take care of it.

"Hehehe, Kohler, do you think I look like a poor ghost now? A mouse hiding in the gutter?

I don't even dare to see the sun. Every time I climb out of the cave, I want to be more careful, for fear of being discovered by others. "

Under the light, David was barefoot, and his tone was gloomy and weird, and he no longer had the high-spirited and aristocratic appearance he used to have.

Now he goes out and messes up his hair a bit, and people will believe him if he says he is a tramp.

"David, this is only temporary." Kohler said in a deep voice.

"I'm going to go to him for the time being, I'm really fed up with this kind of life, I've been hiding like a mouse for a month, how long will it take? Half a year? Or a year?

Obviously they made the decision, I'm just an executor, why should I hide?

Obviously, it was Mo Sen who suppressed the family business so much that he could hardly survive, why couldn't he take revenge on him?Moreover, the people who went to ambush him have already been killed by him, what else does he want?

He is a vice admiral, a big man in the navy, why won't he let me go? "

David suddenly broke out hysterically. It seemed that a month of dark life was really about to destroy his spirit.

After all, he used to be the youngest son of the first minister of the Kingdom of the Queen of Spring, he was granted the title of Viscount of the Kingdom, and he was also a well-known figure in the Kingdom.

Where is it like now, I really lived like a mouse.

Such a strong contrast was unbearable for David, who had never experienced any setbacks.

He couldn't understand why a guy who was a few years younger than him could be so abnormal.

He was jealous, not only of the other person's appearance, but also of the perverted talent and monster-like strength.

Why don't you have these things yourself?

In fact, he is the one who has the strongest desire to kill Mo Sen, not only for the family business, but also for the dark thoughts in his heart.

He didn't understand why it was said that all the real big shots had taken action. That Mo Sen was still alive and kicking, and his strength and official position were rising like he had taken hormones.

When the other party was transferred to the Navy's G-2 base two months ago, he panicked. At that time, he had already dared not stay in the city of the Queen of Spring.

Later, when he learned that Mo Sen was looking for him, he even hid here and dared not go out.

Fear and depression have been tormenting him all the time, and it is fortunate that he has not gone completely crazy in such an environment.

"I want to go out, Kohler. I don't want to stay in this gutter forever. If this continues, I will go crazy by myself before the other party finds me." David looked up at Kohler, his pale face full of expectation.

Kohler looked at David who was about to collapse in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.



The one in front of him should be a storage room. After Mo Sen came in, he saw that the cabinets were filled with all kinds of alcohol.

This is even stranger.

How could there be 5 big living people suddenly appearing in such a room?

Mo Sen turned around and found that it was indeed a normal storage room.

Doesn't the more normal the more it means there is a ghost?

Otherwise, if such a room suddenly becomes alive, could it be that those five people came out of thin air.

It seems that you need to do a live-action escape room?

It's such a headache.

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