Before he looked up, Mo Sen appeared beside him. As for the three people protecting him, they were sent underground by Mo Sen as soon as they raised their guns.

"Lieutenant General Mo Sen, please let me go, David was the one who wanted to kill you before, and it has nothing to do with me.

I can give you a lot of money, I have money, you can have as much money as you want. "

"Oh? You have a lot of money?" Mo Sen was now in front of Eberron, with a playful expression on his face.

Hearing Mo Sen's words, hope rose again in Eberron's eyes.

"Yeah, I have a lot of, uh... you..."

Eberron looked at the long knife in his heart, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Unfortunately, I don't need money."

Mawson pulled out the knife, and Eberron lost all his strength and fell to the deck all at once.

After a few seconds, there was no life at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Perhaps because of the soul, Mo Sen's knowledge-colored arrogance has been mastered relatively advanced, far stronger than his armed color.

As more and more people learn that the enemy is Lieutenant Admiral Mawson, the youngest monster in the navy, the rout becomes inevitable.

Everyone's thinking is no longer resistance, but escape.

The first choice for escape is of course the ships in the port.

When many people went to the port in front of the manor.

A group of several people secretly went to other directions, which naturally attracted Mo Sen's attention.

At the current speed of Mo Sen, except for the wretched uncle Huang Yuan, Xiong and Ai Nilu who can teleport or almost teleport, he said that everyone is a younger brother.

Speaking of how the bear's teleportation was developed, Mo Sen said that it has always been a mystery.

It's not known how many years it will take to develop his fruit to the point where it slides open space.

However, it will definitely not take much effort to catch up with a few minions.

Even Mo Sen easily surpassed them and discovered this hidden harbor.

Even if you pass by such a place, you won't notice it if you don't pay attention.

Mo Sen had to admire the ability of these people to spare their lives.

The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit are really suitable for many "big people". I believe that if the underground here is not full of hard rocks, it would not be surprising if they created a tunnel for escape.

However, it's useless when you meet yourself.

He, Mo Sen, specializes in all kinds of fancy operations.

For this kind of treatment, needless to say, the word reckless runs through all

As for trying to bribe himself with money, he simply thought too much.

To describe him in one word is - not short of money.

The three words Gao Fu Shuai are not enough to express all his characteristics.

He felt that the only sentence worthy of him was: Deng Lv Pan Qiangxian.

Ahem... low-key, low-key, there is still business to do.

Just ready-made ships, ready-made hands.

The closest you can get to by sea train is the gourmet capital.

Mo Sen directly ordered the crew members on the ship who dared not move to clean up the deck and set off for the gourmet city.

He found someone to take him into the cabin and occupied the room that originally belonged to Eberron.

I didn't sleep nearly a night, and the battle didn't consume much energy, but I couldn't bear it for several hours without stopping to use the moon step.

Let the old demon out and guard him just in case.

Mo Sen fell headlong on the comfortable big bed and fell into a deep sleep.



San Pobla, the city of the Queen of Spring, is a city full of flowers all year round, not only because of its climate.

The island where the city is located is the place where the second and third of the seven magnetic lines of the Great Route converge. The importance of geographical location is self-evident.

In addition, the magnetic field on the island is stable, and the port extends in all directions. It is a famous commercial and trade capital.

As a well-known commercial city, Santa Pobla is well-planned and the streets are clean and tidy, making people look pleasing to the eye and feel comfortable.

The inner city of San Pobla is even more beautiful, and each building has its own unique style.

Saint-Denis Street is the most important street outside the Royal Palace, and it is also a model of Gothic architecture. The pointed arches, ribbed vaults and domes, and the extensive use of stained glass make the buildings of the whole street unique. .

No. [-] Saint-Denis Street is a large old castle. This is the residence of Bender Noah, the most powerful person in the kingdom other than the king, the Minister of Military and Political Affairs of the kingdom.

From this building, which covers an area not much smaller than the palace, we can understand the importance of the minister's power in the kingdom.

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