Including the various talents attracted by Mo Sen's reputation, especially his rapid promotion has given a good impression to the outside world: You see, as long as you have the ability here, you can be promoted and you can realize your ambitions.

And he fights against pirates, whether it is in the Chambord Islands or in the New World, the number of pirates wiped out is not a small number.

In the two years since he joined the headquarters, he has wiped out more pirates than the average senior lieutenant general in half his life, can you believe that?

The performance list is definitely a coquettish thing.

Not to mention the benefits brought to the navy by the increase in strength.

Not surprisingly, after a few years, the navy will have one more general.

There is no need to mention other kinds of things.

In short, just one sentence: Whoever uses Mo Sen will know the benefits of him.

Although his ability to cause trouble is also top-notch, but compared to the benefits, these small things are like sprinkling water.

What a boy to love and hate.

"Boss Zhan Guo, I don't want any prizes and medals for this time." Mo Sen stuffed two senbei into his stomach, looked at Zhan Guo's eyes that doubted his character, and explained: "What kind of eyes are you, okay? Well, I do have a little other request.

How about you say hello to the science team and ask them to study a speedboat that can be used by one person? Every time I go fishing by myself... some pirates can only row a small sailboat. Great waste of my work efficiency. "

"Aren't you very familiar with those people in the scientific army? You can handle this matter by yourself, why do you need me?" Zhan Guo was a little strange, and Mo Sen could handle such trivial matters by himself.

"Hey, stop talking, these grandchildren, cough cough, I mean these dead-headed guys.

Didn't they just add more materials to me when I asked them to remodel my Mawson last time, a bunch of cheapskates, and these guys drank a lot of good wine in my hand. "

As soon as Mo Sen finished speaking, the saliva on the side of the Warring States almost sprayed over: "Bastard, if you don't tell me, I still forgot about it.

You are ashamed to say that last time you got all those researchers drunk, you fooled them into installing two steam power systems on your broken battleship, and you also fooled them away with the materials to strengthen the battleship that you have finally researched.

If it wasn't for their experimental data, it wouldn't be long before that kind of material was re-researched. No wonder you dare not go to the science army by yourself. "

"Well... Boss Zhanguo, don't get excited. I don't know that those materials are just researched. Besides, such a good thing must be used wisely." Mo Sen was a little embarrassed. The first time I didn't know the material was just that little.

"On the edge of the fart, you have pulled away some good things that are useful to the science team. You go to Polusalino, and I don't care about it."

Zhan Guo, who was so busy every day, forgot about it, if Mo Sen hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have remembered it.

He didn't want to be approached by some old men crying.

Also, don't you kid think that I didn't catch you when you said you were going fishing just now.

Anyway, just an attitude, no doors, no windows!

Mo Sen got up and saw that Zhan Guo was still correcting the documents, and while he was not paying attention, he took a pack of unopened senbei he had hidden in his hand, and was about to leave.

It seems that this matter is out of the question for the time being, you think I haven't found that wretched uncle Huang Yuan, and that old boy is not a thing, and he won't do anything after accepting my gift.

It seems that the scientific troops will not be able to go for a while.

Let's wait until the limelight passes.

"Cut, don't worry about it, then I'm leaving."

"Quack." The old demon bid farewell to the goat and flew onto Mo Sen's shoulder.


A few minutes after Mo Sen left, there was a roar from the marshal's office that disturbed the entire office building.

"Mo Sen, you bastard, you took away the senbei I just bought."

Several people in the office looked at each other, and a guy rubbed his index finger and thumb back and forth, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up, don't try to renege on the debt, I'll just say that Lieutenant General Mo Sen must have this ability."

The other clerks who were in charge smiled wryly, and reluctantly took out 1000 Baileys each.

Mo Sen, who hadn't gone far, heard the angry roar from the tower, his shoulders shook, and he quickly quickened his pace.

Unbeknownst to them, someone made a small fortune out of it.



Dressrosa Kingdom, in the royal palace on the high ground.

The Don Quixote family has come out of the grief of losing two senior cadres in the past half a year.

After all, life goes on.

The planet will not stop spinning just because it is away from anyone, and time will also roll forward without stopping.

The plan about ambition is also being implemented smoothly.

Doflamingo didn't know that he had lost the Xuexue fruit that should belong to him, and he was still looking for the fluttering fruit from the underground world.

This is a scar in his heart that will never be erased.

In any case, this fruit cannot fall into the hands of other people.

If it falls,

Then kill the one who eats the fruit!

Beside the palace's swimming pool, Doflamingo in a pink feather coat was lying on a deck chair, holding a freshly baked newspaper in his hand.

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