On the first day of entering the camp, no one expected to come to the most disgusting place in this recruit camp, or a three-day tour.

Mo Sen is not worried about the confinement itself, and he should be lazy and relax for three days.

It's cool to be lazy for a while, and it's cool to be lazy all the time.

The key is, his reputation in the boot camp, not to mention that the boot camp is not completely out of contact with the outside world.

Every recruit has one day to go out within three months. If there is any bad reputation, the beautiful uniformed lady in the headquarters will be out of touch with him.

Thinking of this, Mo Sen patted the wall: "Hey, which one is on the opposite side?"

Embarrassing silence!

"Don't talk, I'll beat you up when you go out!"

The little brother Lu Renjia next door is a little tired, why do you keep holding on to me.You go to harm the people on the other side, why are you looking for me?

However, he didn't dare not to answer, if he went out and was beaten up again, he would find someone to reason with.

"That, boss, is it too late to kneel and worship now?"

Mo Sen's eyes lit up, look, isn't this conquered by charm?

"You don't need to kneel down and worship. Are you from the headquarters, do you have any gossip... Cough, let me know the news."

"I'm from the South China Sea, and it was a coincidence that I entered the recruit camp. In our dormitory, only Tess and Varicroz are the sons of generals of the headquarters."

When Mo Sen heard the explanation, he said with disgust: "What, you are not from the headquarters, you are wasting your time."

Brother Lu is even more tired. You think I'm so willing to answer you, if it wasn't for the fear of going out and being beaten, who would care about you and who would be your grandson.

"Then do you know who is on my other side?"

"It's Tess. He is the son of Rear Admiral Fendi of the headquarters. He grew up in the Navy headquarters and knows a lot of news."

Brother Lu sold his roommate clean without hesitation. The dead Daoist friend is not a poor Daoist, so I can't blame me for not being loyal.

Don't blame me, who made me not come from this department.

Mo Sen's eyes lit up, and he got up and walked to the other wall.

dong dong... dong dong...

"Your name is Tess?"

Mawson asked through the wall.


"Don't talk? Believe it or not, I even beat you up when I went out."

Mo Sen decided to convince people with morality, and he couldn't always use his looks to conquer others. It didn't feel challenging.

"Hey, don't be too arrogant, I will definitely find my way back!"

"Colonel Smog of the Navy Headquarters, a natural ability person, an outstanding graduate of the boot camp, do you know him?"

Tess has a question mark on his face, what does it have to do with me and I don't know him.

"He's tied with me!"

I'm worried, old iron, I'm just talking about it.The life of being beaten up without any reaction just now can't take care of himself, and the iron nugget that he is proud of is useless.

It's not enough to say something so loud, can't you let people say something cruel?

"So Lao Tai, tell me the story of the Navy Headquarters, preferably a general, lieutenant general's anecdotes and anecdotes!"

What the hell, Lao Tai, know you very well?

In fact, Tess didn't want to pay attention to it, but if he was beaten up after going out, and if it was passed on to the headquarters and became a joke, the old man in the family could peel himself off.

You must know that the recruit camp is not limited to challenges. This time they were mainly in the living area, and they also smashed a wall of the dormitory.

Otherwise, it will not be closed.

"Cough, I have heard all of what I said. If there is anything at that time, it will not be my business."

Mo Senten's eyes lit up, feeling that there are a lot of stories that I don't know!

Is this an exclusive exploration of my own? If I go back and send this information to the forum, I will envy them.

Too bad I can't go back.

"It's alright, I just like gossip... Cough, I like to look at the demeanor of the bosses in the headquarters. Just say it, I won't tell the outside world that you told me."

"I think at the beginning, I, Mo Sen, at the East China Sea 77 base, claimed to be the little prince who could keep secrets the most, and would never leak it out."

Taisi sorted it out, leaned against the wall, did not dare to speak too loudly, and said, "General Kizaru and General Akainu, you know, a long time ago, they fought a lot in pursuit of a woman, and that time they even nearly collapsed the headquarters. Well, in the end it was the Warring States Marshal who came forward."

Mo Sen's expression was shocked, oh, this is really unexpected. I didn't expect these two guys to be wretched and just and awe-inspiring.

"Oh? Which woman is so charming that she would not hesitate to let the two generals fight each other."

The voice on the other side was even smaller, and even with his senses, he couldn't hear it clearly.

"I heard that it was Lieutenant General Taotu, but Lieutenant General Taotu rejected them all."

"There is also Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin. He has pursued Lieutenant General Taotu dozens of times and has been rejected."

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