Xiu Zuo had already turned his head and continued to work on his work, so he naturally wouldn't disturb Mo Sen's teaching.

Mo Sen went on to say: "I took a look just now, although the three of you all practice sword skills, your foundation is not very solid.

Here I want to praise Amy. Although she is the weakest of the three of you, her foundation is the strongest. "

Amy blushed a little when she was suddenly praised by Mo Sen, but she didn't dare to intervene.

"Ain and Binz have good fruit abilities, especially Ain, your fruit ability is very strong and the strength is the strongest.

Out of the three of you, it's your sword skills that I don't like the most, do you know why? "

Mo Sen asked, and then explained without waiting for Ain's answer: "Because your strong fruit ability makes you not very confident in knife skills, your heart is hesitant, and your knife lacks a kind of indomitable spirit. momentum.

If this does not change, your saber skills will stagnate to a certain extent. "

Ai En's complexion became ugly. She would not doubt Mo Sen's words. Such a strong person can see far more problems than she can see.

Just like in the plot, Sauron also said similar things after defeating Ain.

A strong swordsman must have a strong mind and belief in his own swordsmanship.

Mo Sen didn't look at Ain who was in deep thought, he looked at Binz: "Among the three of you, you are the one who is most familiar with sword skills, but your sword skills are too fancy.

It may be that you have studied so much before, I can see that you still have some other messy things on your body, and you want to go on the path of swordsmanship, I suggest that you better put your mind on this aspect. "

Well, this is Mawson's usual routine.

Come up and give you a stick first, of course he is on target, and what he said is indeed their shortcomings.

"As for Amy, your talent is good, and you have been with Lieutenant General He for so long, and your foundation is already solid.

After learning slowly, after the training of the new barracks is over, there will be a considerable improvement in strength.

The common shortcoming of the three of you is that you don't have a powerful swordsmanship teacher to teach you systematically.

Of course, now that you're in the boot camp and you're lucky enough to meet me, I have to say you're lucky. "

Mo Sen is not narcissistic this time, but these three people are really lucky.

A few days ago, he had just broken through the realm of a great swordsman, and before him in the entire Navy headquarters, only one person, Gion, had reached this realm.

The other vice admirals were at most similar to Mo Sen's level of swordsmanship before he broke through.

"Speaking of teaching you systematically, it should let you understand the power of swordsmanship and let you strengthen your beliefs."

As he spoke, Mo Sen took out a wooden knife from the knife rack beside him.

Teaching recruits such a serious occasion is not suitable for the old demon to appear on the stage, it will affect his glorious image too much.

So Mawson sent him to the Navy's science unit.

It's not appropriate to always carry a knife behind your back, so Mo Sen asked people from the scientific army to help create a scabbard for the old demon that fits its temperament.

That is to say, in the future, it will not be a bird on the shoulder, but a bird on the waist.

Cough cough...... Closer to home.

Mo Sen took a wooden knife and a standard long knife, and he handed the standard long knife to... Ai En, who had soft, long hair in sea blue.

Ignoring Binz who was eager to try, isn't this nonsense, of course it is for the beautiful young lady to demonstrate.

"You know, swordsman, swordsman, and great swordsman are the names that people call people who use swords, and these three names correspond to three realms.

Becoming a swordsman means that your sword skills have entered the room.It's like you have only walked a short distance in this realm now.

This stage is the best to improve, so I won’t repeat it to you.

The next stage is to become a swordsman. Don't underestimate this difference. Eighty percent of the people in this world are blocked by this level.

How can you be considered a swordsman? Only your level of swordsmanship has the final say, and this level is what people usually call the level of cutting iron.

Ain, you cut me with a knife. "

It's my brother who came to kill me, Mo Sen almost said this sentence, but fortunately he restrained himself,

Ai En didn't hesitate, it was a great blessing for her to be taught by such a powerful person.

She took a step forward, accelerated and slashed down with a volley.

Mo Sen still had time to speak at this time: "You three, pay attention to my knife and feel it with your heart."

In his hand was a wooden knife for training. It was not sharpened, but one side of the blade was thinner than the back.

However, something that surprised the three of them happened.

Click! !

A severed blade fell and made a crisp sound.

The wooden knife and the standard iron knife collided, but the iron knife was cut into two pieces by the wooden knife.

You must know that Mo Sen's wooden knife is not domineering.

"This is the realm of cutting iron. To put it in a more mysterious way, any object has its own unique breathing. When you can listen to this breathing rhythm, even steel can be cut.

Well, generally, a swordsman of this level can only use a knife made of the same steel material to cut off the opponent's knife. "

It's a pity that the three friends were already in shock and did not cooperate with Mo Sen's pretending to beep.

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