Of course, crazy release of skills is a very mana-consuming behavior.

Even those with sufficient mana (physical strength) reserves like Crocodile also need to pay attention.

When the battle lasted for an hour and a half, Lao Sha was seized by Doflamingo to cut in and play a set.

The poisonous hook that he used as a weapon almost exploded.

Of course, Doflamingo is actually not easy. Even if he can dodge a large part of the bombardment of long-range skills for more than an hour, it will still be affected.

Especially an attack that is all sand.

As a result, the current Doflamingo is a bit ashamed, and the pink feather cloak that he rarely takes off is even more gray at this time.

He suspected that after this battle, the cloak would gain at least 20 jins due to the sand it carried.

At around 3 hours and 15 minutes into the fight, Lao Sha was once again cut in by Doflamingo.

This time Doflamingo's physical strength also dropped a lot, and Lao Sha also seized the opportunity to exchange blood.

Generally speaking, it is because of Doflamingo's domineering effect that he has made a lot more money than Lao Sha.

It can also be seen from the battle between the two that, in fact, there is no way to say who is stronger than the other because of the complexity of some battles.

If there is no Doflamingo who has mastered the armed color, he will naturally not be Lao Sha's opponent, which is determined by the characteristics of the natural department.

But Doflamingo with armed colors can overwhelm Lao Sha.

"Fufufufufu, Crocodile, if your ability can only reach this point, today's battle will come to an end.

This is a new ability that I developed not long ago, let's use this ability to witness the end of a Qiwuhai. "

"This ability is called..."

"Fruit Ability Awakened!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The voice fell.

Doflamingo's fruit ability was activated, and as he pressed his palm to the ground, the ground that was originally sand turned into fine white silk threads from the palm of his hand.

These silk threads have been extending outward for an unknown distance.

Crocodile in the distance became surprised, and the strength of Doflamingo in front of him had exceeded his imagination.

Not because of the two-color domineering.

The awakening of the fruit's ability is a higher level of fruit development, and of course Lao Sha knows this level of development.

It was precisely because he knew that he was surprised, because the difficulty of awakening the fruit awakening ability was really not ordinary.

If the animal-type fruit ability awakening is equivalent to having an immortal body, then the superhuman-type ability awakening can change the shape of the surroundings and become the same existence as the fruit ability.

This awakening is already somewhat similar to the natural system.

No, it should be said to be more domineering than the natural department.

More similar to the existence of a rule.

Because the ability of the natural system is more derived from itself, there is no such ability of the superhuman system to forcibly change the nature of other things around it.

His rustling fruit can turn the ground into a desert, that's because the two have the same origin.

Just like a tree, he can drain all the water from the tree to make the tree desert, which is not the same as forcibly turning the tree into sand.

And after Doflamingo's superhuman fruit ability is awakened, he directly turns the desert into a silk thread, which is completely two concepts.

"Fufufufufu, I have never shown this ability in front of outsiders since I awakened. Bah bah..." Doflamingo's tongue habitually licked his mouth, and he couldn't help but vomit. I drool a few times.

The original style suddenly disappeared a little bit.

Because during the previous battle, the whole body was already covered with sand and dust.

So, it's really easy for a big man to pretend to be beeping when he licks his lips with his tongue.

Doflamingo spit out the sand in his mouth and continued: "Now it's great to be witnessed by the end of the Shichibukai.

Let me add another fire to the chaos of this era, presumably there will be many ambitious people staring at this position, hehehehe. "

A gust of wind and sand swept by, and Clark Dahl retreated more than ten meters to condense into its original appearance.

The cigar in his mouth had long since disappeared, his hair was combed back, and a horizontal scar on his face looked even more terrifying because of his gloomy expression.

Lao Sha stood where he was, tens of meters away from Doflamingo.

【Erosion reincarnation】

His ability surged and began to act on the ground under his feet, preventing Doflamingo's ability from spreading.

The fine white silk thread and the yellow dust formed a clear boundary a few meters ahead.

On one side, the hundreds of meters around Doflamingo is a white area, while the hundreds of meters of Crocodile is covered with khaki dust.

"It's just awakening ability, it's not enough to bury me, don't be too arrogant, Doflamingo!"

Although Lao Sha finds it tricky, who knows what the battle will be until the last step.

Now the entire rainy land, his base camp has been completely reduced to ruins.

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