Who in the entire Navy Headquarters doesn't know that Mawson is a perfect man for the benefit of all the Navy.

Look, even hand in the secret treasure of the sea, the devil fruit, who else is there?

Chapter 4000 Armed Color Advanced: Liuying ([-] words please subscribe monthly ticket~)

Although Alabasta is not a small country, what attracts Mawson is only the beauty of the desert and the food here.

The starry sky under the desert is no different from that on the sea, and Mo Sen, who is used to it, has no sense of joy when he first came to this world.

Mawson returned to Albana just as the sun had plunged completely below the ground to bring sunlight to the other side of the planet.

As the capital of a huge kingdom, there will naturally be a particularly prosperous area here.

Especially the Naferutali royal family ruled this country for [-] years. In such a kingdom, no matter how extravagant some nobles are, Mo Sen thinks it is not difficult to imagine.

On the contrary, everything that happened in the plot was too simple.

A capital with a standing army of 60 in a kingdom, and a royal family that has ruled for [-] years, how could it be so simple.

But after all, it's a bloody plot, so what bicycle is needed.

The real world is not as simple as the plot.

For example, Albana, the royal capital, is much larger than in the plot. It only takes him half an hour to return to the town by car to the palace.

In the palace, King Cobra was already waiting for him.

Cobra, as the twelfth king of Naferutali, is actually a wise king, and his emotional intelligence is completely online.

The whole country is also peaceful and stable under his governance, which is many times better than the brainless Magnetic Drum Kingdom next door.

In the evening, he prepared a dinner for Mo Sen to thank Mo Sen for his help.

Speaking of which, Mo Sen is a person who hates socializing very much. Fortunately, only the royal family will participate in this appreciation banquet.

The entire royal family is said to have only two people. For the Naferutali royal family, one of the 20 kings, this number is really a bit shabby.

But many national conditions in this world are like this. It is normal not to have many children, and I don't know what these royal families think.

Mo Sen thought of those ancient royal families in previous dramas, with children all over the place and brother Yan Qiang. Compared with those, the royal family here is really a bit exemplary.

From Mo Sen's point of view, it's best to be like this now, otherwise you won't feel at ease even if you have a meal.

The king of the kingdom, Naferutali Cobra, has only one daughter. Since the death of his wife, this man has not had a second son, which is especially rare for a king.

The royal princess at this time, Nafiru Tali Weiwei is also a 9-year-old little lolita.

But at this time, she is already the deputy leader of the Shasha Group, and she has been a brave little girl since she was a child.

Even seeing Mo Sen did not show timidity.

Although Mawson liked the characters in this plot, he would not be interested in a nine-year-old girl.

After all, he is not some goddamn pervert with 2000 billion Pele assets.

So after the whole dinner, Cobra was the one who expressed his thanks, while Mawson kept his head buried in the food.

Even the shabby royal family will have a good cook, let alone an 800-year-old royal family like Nafiru Tali.

When there is something delicious to eat, Mo Sen will be very talkative.

Talking with Cobra was quite pleasant.

Cannibalism has a short mouth, so Mo Sen still vaguely hinted that Crocodile coveted something from the royal family.

At this time, because Lao Sha did not have Robin to join, many plans were slowly carried out secretly.

For such a huge country, the impact is not that profound.

Sure enough, Mo Sen just mentioned it briefly, and Cobra's face became serious all of a sudden.

A king who can rule such a country for decades is certainly not without means.

It's just that there is no high-level combat power that can check and balance Lao Sha. If there is an equivalent combat power, it is estimated that Lao Sha will be repaired enough.

With Mo Sen's reminder, coupled with Naferutali's status as a descendant of one of the 20 kings, the plot will not go to such a tragic point in the plot.

As for the specific outcome in the future, that's not something Mo Sen should worry about.

He also had no intention of visiting the stele of the historical text of Hades guarded by the royal family of Naferutali.

Just kidding, don't say he is a liberal arts scum, even if he clicked the archaeological skill of ax, he didn't have any idea about those historical texts that were completely like a bible.

Let this kind of thing be left to O'Hara's descendants, that talented archaeological girl, to pursue the truth.

To unravel the mystery of history, it is better for him to study where the food is unique and attractive.

Who made him a foodie?



Early the next morning, after breakfast in the palace, Mo Sen bid farewell to Cobra and Vivi.

For Mawson, this is the rhythm of life.

If there are beautiful scenery and delicious food, then stay for a while, if not, continue to look for the next scenery.

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