For the past three months, Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan have been the disciples of Zefa.

Most of the other lieutenant generals who came to teach part-time are just doing it as a task.

But Mo Sen didn't care too much, even the two of the three generals except Qingzhi were not the same as Zefa, and they were even a little dirty.

There are so many lieutenant generals, and they have different ideas to talk about in the past, as long as they don't impose them on themselves.

Zefa and Shuzuo were so good to him, and Mawson wouldn't let them end with that tragic ending.

The first commander of the dignified navy, everything is under control.

"Flying squirrel, of course I can rest assured that you are a person. Then I will ask you to teach the swordsmanship of the recruit camp during this time."

Zefa bowed slightly to the flying squirrel, and was dodged by the flying squirrel.

"Teacher is too kind. The boot camp was originally designed to send fresh blood to our navy. This is not only the teacher's boot camp, but also the entire navy. It should be done for the boot camp."

Mo Sen looked at the admiration in front of him, and his heart was a little dark. As a pirate fan, is there anything more happier than seeing a person standing in front of him so vividly?

Say it and envy you to death, he thought to himself.



The next morning, the recruits who had finished their physical training were called up.

The original swordsmanship instructors have stepped aside, and now it is the new flying squirrel.

The boot camp team was divided into 3 teams based on the realm of swordsmanship. Mo Sen, who was on the side, wanted to stand with Laowa, but was picked up by the instructor to form a separate team.

The other side did not learn swordsmanship, which was normal. After all, this place was not the lowest level of the navy.

People here either have good talent or have a good background.What to learn depends on what suits you, and second on what you choose.

It's no joke that the boot camp teaches students according to their aptitude. What you are good at will deepen your advantages from this side.

Of course, it is impossible for so many people to cover everything, unless you are particularly focused on being cultivated.

There are classes there, and the classes in this world are more distinct, and no one feels wrong.If you are strong and talented, then you should get ahead.

The flying squirrel stood in front of everyone, with the righteous cloak on his body already put aside, and his purple-striped suit looked unusually energetic and charming.

"I'm here to teach everyone, not to teach trash."

The tone is domineering and the words are sharp.

"Part of my swordsmanship is learned, and more of it is from fighting. Your swordsmanship foundation is already solid. Not much nonsense, the people in the third echelon are still taught by your original instructors."

"When you enter the second echelon, you will be qualified to let me teach."

"As for the second echelon, my teaching is very strict, much stricter than your previous instructors. You have to be prepared."

"The first echelon..."

Flying Squirrel paused when he said this, and almost got stuck.

The three echelons, the third echelon with a maximum of 90 are all there, the second echelon has only a dozen people, and as for the first echelon - only Mawson himself.

Mo Sen looked at the flying squirrel whose emotions were interrupted, and felt that he was pitted by these unscrupulous coaches. This was obviously to make all the recruits hostile to him.

Heck, I sometimes don't fit in with everyone because I'm too handsome and good.

I also want to keep a low profile, but his strength doesn't allow it.

"The first echelon wait and the second echelon I will teach together."

Obviously the flying squirrel's mood is not very coherent, but it is arranged.

"Now, the third echelon is disbanded, and continue training with their respective instructors. The first and second echelons come with me."

Mo Sen and his party silently followed the flying squirrel to the area dedicated to practicing swordsmanship. At this time, the dummies and the like in the swordsmanship practice area had been cleared.

Mawson and the people in the second echelon stood clearly in this independent small field.

The leader on the opposite side was Mo Sen's roommate, Varicroze of 208. They were the only two in the entire dormitory to practice swordsmanship.

At this time, his scalp was numb when Mo Sen looked at him, and he said in his heart that it was not that I didn't want to go over with you, but that I was not qualified, bro.

The Flying Squirrel stood still, with a serious face, and looked at them sharply.

"Now, everyone has replaced all the wooden knives used for practice with their own knives."

The first sentence made several people's faces look ugly, which seemed to be a real shot.

However, the flying squirrel ignored it.

"In one minute, all are replaced, and the consequences of being late are at your own risk."

Mo Sen did not move, he had been using his own knife.

A minute passed quickly, and everyone came back with knives, but of different types.

Some are navy-style long knives, and some are not cheap looking at the patterns on the blade.

"Very well, no one is late. Now, I want to check the progress of your knife skills."

Flying Squirrel looked at Mawson and the second echelon with a smile on his serious face.

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