After all, the passive ability of his fruit ability is relatively strong, and it can be improved just by being beaten.

But for now, we can't just focus on the beating aspect of the fruit ability.

Also start to develop some more powerful abilities.

After all, there is no shortage of strange abilities in this world. As far as his fruit is concerned, if it is well developed, the upper limit will be infinitely high.

Just when the strength has reached a stage, you can spend time to polish it slowly.

In addition to the battles he has experienced in these years, as well as some of his own understanding, when his fruit ability is developed deeper and he masters a few powerful moves, his strength will also be greatly improved.

Only then will it be truly possible to stand on top of the world.

Imagine that this guy Tezolo got the golden fruit but has developed the ability to awaken the fruit in the past ten years.

Mo Sen stayed at the Navy Headquarters for half a month this time, and finally prepared to return to his base amidst the disgust of the Warring States Period.

It just so happens that next year will be the World Conference. After the World Conference, he, the chief of the base, can be transferred back to the headquarters to be on duty. At that time... well, it doesn't have to be that time, anyway, it's about the same for him.

Who made his base have the best performance on the entire great route? That's what makes his base so outstanding.

In the new barracks, in front of him were three of his own students.

The image of the three people is not very good. Among them, the two sisters of Ai En are okay, but they are a little out of breath and disheveled.

Binz turned into a funny pig's head. With his tall and thin figure, the short red hair looks very funny.

"Okay, this training is coming to an end, and you will all be going through graduation trials soon, have you decided which fleet to go to?"

These three people are currently the three most outstanding students in the new barracks, and there must be many people who have attracted their attention.

As far as Mo Sen knew, a certain flying squirrel lieutenant general took advantage of the opportunity to teach the three people more than once to make crooked plans, and he even found his old friend Xiu Zuo to make Y transactions.

But it can only be said that the flying squirrel was thinking too much.

After Amy graduates, the most likely thing is to go to Vice Admiral Tsuru's fleet, or to go to 'Peach Rabbit' Gion.

As for Ain and Binz, these are the candidates that Mo Sen had already booked.

Well, Binz this guy is just an addition, a bonus.

Mo Sen's main purpose is to ask Ain to come over as an adjutant.

He really appreciates this girl's character, she is affectionate and righteous, and she is good in all aspects such as talent, ability and hard work.

After training, maybe the future navy will have one more female general.

In this way, Drake can also be liberated, and the white smoker brother may go out independently at some point.

Warring States will not waste a lieutenant general's combat power on Mo Sen.

Amy Morsen didn't choose because he saw that the little girl looked at him in a wrong way, maybe because he had saved him before or for some reason, she looked at him too fiercely.

Mo Sen was a little overwhelmed.

"I want to follow Brother Mosen." This is Amy.

"I want to go to the instructor's fleet." Ein Garbinz.

The three of them answered in unison, then looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, Amy may not be able to. I don't dare to poach someone from Lieutenant General He. Lieutenant General Gion also said hello to me. If I really dig you here, she will have to find me." Mo Sen said. I made a joke and didn't look at Amy's disappointed expression.

Mo Sen lived for more than [-] years in his previous life and was still a fat man, and no young lady would fall in love with him, so in fact, his emotional experience... tsk, it doesn't matter if you don't talk about it.

He was also belatedly aware of Amy's admiration for him. If there was such a young lady in his previous life, he would have jumped on it.

Now his mentality has changed a long time ago, so naturally he can't scum a little girl.

That's good for an innocent virgin, he's honest without being a scumbag.

The key is to look good now.

Who can bear this.

"Ahem, let's put it this way. I will communicate with Instructor Zefa and the Marshal of the Warring States Period. I just want to return to the base, so I will go back first."

Mo Sen couldn't stand Amy's sad eyes, so he left a few words in embarrassment and fled.



Chambord Islands, Mangrove Area No. 13.

Xia Qi's rip-off bar is still the same here.

When Mo Sen walked in, there happened to be two pirates who were picked up by Xia Qi and thrown into the open space outside.

"Hey, it turns out that the famous little brother Mo Sen has arrived. You go and sit inside first, and wait for me to clean up these guys."

Xia Qi saw a happy smile on Mo Sen's face with a cigarette in his mouth. Speaking of which, it has been a long time since the two gradually became acquainted with each other from the initial information exchange and became more talkable friends.

Mo Sen waved his hand and said, "You can do whatever you want."

The few pirates who appeared here had been knocked unconscious by Xia Qi, and she threw all of them outside with one hand.

Mo Sen walked into the bar, glanced around, and was surprised to see a handsome old man with white hair.

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