Seeing this pitiful look, Cinderell couldn't bear to say any more, he lowered his voice, touched Nami's head and said: "Then don't do this way, I can buy whatever book you want, and I can buy it for you later .”

Nami immediately broke through her tears and smiled: "Really, Uncle Cinderell, you are really a good person.

I will support you in your pursuit of Belmer, and you should do your best too. "

Cinderella's face froze.

So, have I been cheated by a kid?

In other words, I don’t know if Nami’s support is good or not. Well, this is a problem.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Nami returned to Cocosia Village, her butt was almost opened by Bermel.

If Cinderella hadn't stopped him.

The people in the village finally let go of their worries. As for complaining, there must be some complaints, but Nami has always been a problem girl in the village from Bermer to now, and the villagers are getting used to it.

Habit is a very scary thing, it would be abnormal if a child is not a bear.

So the villagers can easily forgive such things.

Colonel Schindrell was thanked by the villagers, especially Bermer. I have to say that this woman who retired from the navy in her best years really devoted all her efforts to the two children.

Not my own, but my own.

You must know that in this era, the pressure on an unmarried woman with children is simply enormous.

Fortunately, it is this familiar small village, and it is extremely difficult to live in a slightly larger country.

What's more, Bermer herself is a young woman of a young age.

That is, after this incident, the relationship between Bermer and the colonel of the base became much closer.

It's not just about business dealings.

Poor Mr. Kensuke, the magistrate, feels that the security hat he wears is a little green. There is no doubt that he has a good impression of this originally bad girl.

It just didn't show up.

Now suddenly there is an extremely powerful competitor, and I feel a little stressed.

Especially when the opponent is still the first to win.

In fact, he felt that if Cinderell could really be with this bad girl, it would be a good thing for Bellemel and the two girls.

After all, the chief of a naval base is the most powerful existence here in the East China Sea. He also has a good relationship with the naval hero Lieutenant General Mo Sen. He is much better than a village policeman himself in all aspects.

So of course I chose to forgive her and offer my blessings.

Hey, this epic love.

Well, the above is just Mr. Kensuke's brain supplementation, forcing himself to green himself.

However, the loud noises from the street outside soon interrupted the various scripts in his mind.


The orange groves in Bermer have not had a good harvest this year, but they haven't been bad either.

The most important thing is that there is no waste of a lot of oranges due to sales problems, and they can only be thrown away.

The cooperation with the 77th Naval Branch Base in the East China Sea will not only make her a lot of money, but at least it will make their family of three live a little better.

Instead of being like before, all of Nami's clothes were changed after Nuo Qigao wore them.

Well, it's not just about being able to buy clothes.

Books on world navigation, meteorology, geography, etc. that Nami likes can also be purchased conditionally.

One thing to know, books in this world are more expensive than clothes most of the time.

Because knowledge is only spread by paper books at this time, the most precious wealth in the world is naturally much more expensive than other things.

Because of this, when Nami went to the only bookstore in the village, she no longer had to see a very useful book and would steal it away if she had no money to buy it.

Oh no, it's stealing books, stealing books is not considered stealing! ... For scholars, how can it be considered stealing?

Even if she was caught, Nami would have something to argue with.

What about "Who made our family have no money?" "I can't afford it anyway, so I can only learn knowledge by stealing."

From a logical point of view, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it...

Right? !

But now it's different, and Nami doesn't need Ken to assist the sheriff to pay the bookstore.

Speaking of this matter made Kensuke depressed for a long time, after all, there was no way to be molested by that bad girl in Bermel.

Ahem... Sheriff Kensuke is an upright guy, he won't think about such rude things.

Let’s talk about Nami outside. Today, Nami also saw a book she needed from the bookstore.

However, they did not take it away by stealing it today. After all, the orange orchard in Bermer just made a fortune some time ago, and they can still get the money for a few books.

But today, Nami hadn't had time to go home after buying the book, and was blocked by a few friends as soon as she left the door.

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