A naval base officer, a retired Navy.

There is also a similar age difference.

I just don't know if this guy is really tempted by Bermel?

"Old Xin, I remember you were quite decisive before, why are you so timid now.

Don't you just like someone? Is there anything you dare not admit?

If you like it, go after it, if you can't catch up, you'll be stronger... Bah, if you can't catch up, then find a way, I think the two of you are quite suitable.

I heard that there is a village policeman named Kensuke who has a good relationship with his family, and he is also single now. "

Mo Sen's words made Cinderell's face turn red, but in fact, some things have already become obvious.

Even if he doesn't say anything, people around him can see something.

Among other things, before the Aaron incident, Cinderell had never been to Cococia Village.

After the Aaron incident, he has been there more frequently than anything in the past two years.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about the purchase of oranges. How can he, a base chief, do it himself?

"I..." He hesitated to speak.

"What are you? You are not young anymore. It is not easy to meet a suitable person. Speaking of Aaron, two years have passed too quickly. You have known each other since then, right?

Let me tell you, if I were you, the children would be able to make soy sauce. "

Maybe it's because of the precariousness of this world, maybe it's because career is the most important thing, most people get married at an early age.

Let’s just talk about Cinderella, who is in his thirties this year, so it’s okay if he hasn’t met him before, but now that he meets someone who is suitable, he should hurry up and think of a way.

As a friend, Mo Sen was worried for him.

Uh, it seems like a bit of an emperor... Bah bah bah, this is for the sake of friends.

Cinderell was a little dumbfounded, what the hell, the children came out.

"I just don't know what to say?"

"I don't know what to say, I think Bermel has a good sense of you.

Others are not fools, you are so obvious that others can see it, and if you don't reject it, it proves that you have a great chance. "

In terms of theory, ten Schindrells can't compare with Mo Sen in this respect.

Among other things, I used to watch so many variety shows like blind dates.

"Is what you said true?"

"It can't be truer. You trust me and go boldly. I agree to your marriage. I'll be your witness later.

How about it, isn't it very popular? "

"I...I have to think about it." Cinderella was a little confused.

He needs to sort it out, this progress is a bit fast, he still doesn't feel anything, why is marriage suddenly involved.

Is this progress a bit fast?

Uh, it seems that I don't know what Bermel means.

"Count, let me tell you that men should take the initiative in this matter, you think about it slowly, I'll go first."

Mo Sen took Ain, who was also a little messy, out, leaving behind Cindriel who still hadn't turned his head.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ai En followed Mo Sen out in a daze. Even though she had been Mo Sen's adjutant for a while, she didn't know when her chief was still an emotional expert.

Obviously, Amy was a headache for him when he was in the boot camp.

Why are you still talking logically here?

"Ain, do you think the chief is very powerful?" Mo Sen walked in front and couldn't help asking.

"But sir..." Ain was still puzzled.

"Don't ask, asking is a love mentor."

What's the matter with you, little lieutenant, don't think about anything at this time, just catch the officer and praise him and it's over.

Well, Ai En is actually a very serious girl, and sometimes it is understandable that she can't keep up with Mo Sen's brain circuit. At this time, if the old demon on her waist flies out, it will be perfect.

But these are minor problems, and it would be best if they could help Cinderella.

I always feel that I am taking the salary of moving bricks, and I am thinking of selling white powder.

Forget it, don't care about it, whoever let these be my friends, if I don't help them, I don't know how long I will be bored.

Ai En followed Mo Sen's footsteps, looked at him and asked, "If the officer is so powerful, do you have a sweetheart?"

"Ahem..." Mo Sen staggered a bit, and said with some embarrassment: "It's not important, don't care about these details, we are still young now, don't keep thinking about love and love, the most important thing is to improve your strength.

Marriage is something for their old people, understand? "

"The officer is right. I have to work harder. Even though I am older than the officer, my strength is so much worse than the officer's. It is unforgivable." Ai En replied seriously.

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