I'm going to leave, what are you acting for?

Bitter drama?

"Sir, we're going back." She reminded Mo Sen beside her.

"Oh, well, then we are going to go back. Lao Xin is getting more and more boring, and he doesn't know how to cooperate with me." Mo Sen put away his expression, and the showman was chased away from him.

"Okay then, let's go."

The gigantic Mawson started slowly and headed for the distance.

Mo Sen's voice was still on the shore port: "Old Xin, get married quickly, remember to ask me to be a witness."


Cocosia Village is undoubtedly much quieter than Base Town.

Even putting down the Mawson on the shore of the port was very troublesome, which shows how small the port is.

Fortunately, Mo Sen will not stay here for too long.

To get to Belmer's house, you need to go through the village. The village can't hide secrets. The villagers all know that Nuo Qigao will go to the school of the Navy Headquarters with Vice Admiral Mawson.

Seeing Mo Sen walking by at this time, many people showed envious eyes.

Ain didn't follow Mawson down, and there was a big colorful parrot standing on his shoulder.

During this period of time, the old demon came out far less frequently than before, because developing the fruit ability consumed its brain power, so it would turn back to its main body and rest in the scabbard every day.

Today is just out to let the wind out.

Inevitably, the old demon who comes out will attract the attention of many people.

However, the recent old monsters are all in a listless state, and they won't become more energetic because others look at it more.

Of course, the coquettish anger on his body still couldn't be concealed.

Mawson appeared at Belmer's house.

Nami, who was still depressed at first, suddenly saw Mo Sen and the old demon on his shoulders, her big eyes suddenly became bright.

"Wow, Uncle Mawson, is this your parrot that was reported in the newspaper? It's so handsome."

"Quack, little beauty, you are also very discerning." The old demon also became painless in the waist and legs, and was able to climb the fifth floor in one go.

Nami's eyes were full of golden light, "So handsome, I didn't expect to be able to talk, I heard it's a demon sword that ate a devil fruit..."

Finally, he whispered: "I just don't know how many Baileys I can sell?"

Mo Sen's head is full of black lines, this little money fanatic has really been since childhood.

Mo Sen turned to look at Nuo Qigao, her expression has become much calmer, and this appearance has already grown up in the plot.

It is undeniable that Mo Sen has a high degree of affection for this family of three because of the plot.

In addition, there is also the relationship between Cinderella.

Otherwise, Mo Sen wouldn't have been so kind as to send her to the Naval Academy when she was placed on someone she didn't know.

"Lieutenant General Mosen, I will leave everything to you in the future, thank you very much." Bermel expressed his gratitude to Mosen.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just go back to Xie Xindrell." Mo Sen waved his hand, and then looked at Nuo Qigao, "So, Nuo Qigao, are you ready to become a navy, you know If you go to the headquarters, you will have no chance to regret it."

Nuo Qigao looked serious, held her head high and said seriously: "Yes, Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I'm ready."

Mo Sen nodded, looking a little imposing, but it was actually a good start anyway.

Just don't know...

A picture suddenly flashed in Mo Sen's mind. If Nuo Qigao followed him to become a navy, Cinderell and Bermel could succeed, then wouldn't it be difficult for that idiot Luffy to get Lanami on board in the future? class?

I hope that that brainless guy won't blame himself as a teacher.

Well, it's useless to blame anyway.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Keno and Nuo Qigao formally met.

It's quite a coincidence to say that, the height and age difference between the two seem to be similar, and the names are also very similar.

The only thing that is a little different is that Nuo Qigao will be a little cautious when facing Mo Sen, while Keno will not be at all.

Keno was well-behaved and sensible when she was a child, but she became a little naughty as she got older.

Relatively speaking, Nuo Qigao fits the role of a sister from childhood to adulthood.

However, this did not prevent the two from winning the favor of the other soldiers on board.

One is quiet and the other is lively. They became good friends soon after they met.

This made Mo Sen feel very good. After all, the two of them will live together for a long time in the future. If they can't get along, it will be a big problem.

But speaking of it, the two little girls had never been to such a far place, and they inevitably became curious about other things along the way, which added a lot of joy to the boat.

The ship did not stop at other places and drove directly to Marine Vanduo, the headquarters of the Navy. The Naval Academy will officially start for a while.

At the gates of justice.

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