It can be said that this time, two-thirds of the top combat power of the entire Navy headquarters appeared here.

They heard Mo Sen's words from a long distance, and they spread word by word to everyone.

The faces of this group of people are weird, especially Gion and Chafu who are walking at the end, their faces are flushed, this means that the occasion is not right, otherwise the two of them will laugh so hard that they can't close their legs... Bah, they can't close their legs mouth.

Sakaski and Kuzan also looked strange, not knowing what to think.

The Warring States braided Hu who was walking in the front beat violently twice. He held the toad mirror on the bridge of his nose and coughed softly.

"Cough...cough...Lieutenant General Mo Sen, what happened here?"

Mo Sen seemed to be startled by the sound, turned around and saw Zhan Guo and his group, he hurried to report to Zhan Guo.

"Oh, Your Excellency Sengoku, General Akainu, General Kuzan, you are finally here, otherwise I am really afraid that I will not be able to stand alone.

This is a big shot at c0, and he shot a naval colonel directly in the navy headquarters. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise the colonel would be in trouble.

The strength of the big man in c0 is really terrifying. You may not believe me when I say it, but I feel that I have suffered serious internal injuries.

If you come late, I'm afraid that I, the lieutenant general, won't be able to stop you. I really don't know what serious consequences will happen. C0 will make a big fuss at the Navy headquarters, tsk tsk, this is big news. "

Since these people didn't show up when they made a heavy hand just now, it means that they understand the situation very clearly.

For the leader-level figures in c0, none of them has a good influence on the shots. Only the lieutenant general Mo Sen has a lot of room for slowing down.

The ideas of the bosses are actually very simple. As Mo Sen said, you, a c0 person in the navy, randomly shoots at a navy colonel and ignores the discipline of the navy. This is a provocation to the majesty of the navy.

Now, live with the consequences of what you did.


s: I'm not too busy today, so I'll send the first update first, and continue to code during the lunch break. On the last day of the end of the month, I will give it to everyone with a goal of more than [-].

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Did you ever think about the feelings of the guy behind you when you said that.

Looking at the tall c0 masked man behind Mo Sen, another mouthful of blood flowed out of his mouth, struggling to stand up from the scattered gravel.

His eyes seemed to swallow Mo Sen.

The faces of the entire group in the Warring States Period were even more weird. You said that you have suffered serious internal injuries. Are you really not afraid that C0 will find you desperately?

You don't even have your clothes messed up like this and you say you have internal injuries, you treat everyone else as blind.

You say we believe it or not?

"Cough... Mawson, please tell me what happened. Forget it, you don't need to tell me, Colonel Winster, come here and explain the situation."

Zhan Guo decided to find Wen Si Te to explain the situation, otherwise he was afraid that Mo Sen would keep talking and that c0 person would really find him desperately.

Otherwise, he would be so angry that he exploded on the spot.

In fact, they already knew what happened during the Warring States Period, which can be seen from their attitude after they appeared.

But his old-fashioned place is to understand clearly in person, not only to make Mo Sen's reasons for making a move tenable, but also to make the facts known to the public and let the c0 people admit their mistakes.

As for the opponent's injury, it is not a big problem for a strong man of this combat power, and it doesn't hurt to treat the opponent after the matter is dealt with.

At this time, the wound on Winster's chest that was blasted by the pointed gun has been treated briefly, and there is nothing serious about it.

Hearing the words, he quickly came to the front of the Warring States and raised his hand to salute: "Report Your Excellency the Marshal, all the generals and lieutenant generals, the matter was caused by Caesar Courant of the Science Corps, and it was like this at that time..."

Winster recounted the matter from the beginning to the end without any embellishment, but just recounted the facts verbatim.

During this process, Caesar Courant, who was not far away, was almost remorseful. He didn't expect that a small incident would end up like this. Without even thinking about it, he would definitely not be able to run away later.

I can only consider myself unlucky to meet such a serious guy.

There is no need for Warring States to make a sound, Sakaski, as the general in charge of handling these incidents in the headquarters, directly issued an order: "Come on, first put Caesar Courant down for review, Colonel Winster has done a good job in this matter, credit it once .”

His words set the tone for the matter.

Although Winster is Kuzan's student, this does not prevent Sakalski from judging whether things are correct or not.

Among the three admirals, he is the one who values ​​the majesty of the navy the most. Winster's handling of this matter undoubtedly added a lot of points to Akainu.

Not to mention that Mo Sen also gave a lesson to the c0 masked man in front of him. This not only saved the navy's face, but also told c0 that those guys with eyes above the top are not the navy headquarters. Where they can be free.

Caesar Courant is a guy who is very knowledgeable about current affairs. Naturally, he dare not be arrogant anymore at this time. These people in front of him are the most powerful and powerful figures in the entire navy.

He obediently was chained by the soldiers and followed them away.

Winster also backed away, standing by the side of this group of big shots, waiting for them to continue to deal with this matter.

Mo Sen turned around and gave up his position to Zhan Guo, while he stood behind Zhan Guo.

Now this matter has nothing to do with me.

As one of the three leaders of c0, the opponent is not much worse than Warring States in terms of status.

After all, c0 is directly under the jurisdiction of Wulaoxing and Tianlongren. It is not so simple to involve Tianlongren in this world, so it is most appropriate to let Warring States carry out subsequent negotiations.

"C0, you understand what happened. The order of the world government is not the reason why you can act in the navy at will. This matter needs to be explained to the navy."

Sengoku's majestic voice sounded, not only Akainu, but also Sengoku will not back down on this matter.

The matter is actually not a big deal, but if it sets a precedent, the navy will lose all face.

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