Speaking of which, Binz's red hair goes well with this island.

Binz ran to the cabin, and Mo Sen turned his head to look at Smoker again: "White Smoker, how do you think this is the place where you and Tina spend their honeymoon?"

"Me too..." Smoker, who didn't know where his thoughts were flying, answered Mo Sen's question, and suddenly turned around in the middle of speaking.

His face turned red and he became angry from embarrassment. He turned around and yelled at Mo Sen: "You bastard, why honeymoon? Tina and I are just friends, don't talk nonsense!"

Mo Sen's expression brightened, Xiao Mian, let's reveal his secrets, you boring guy.

"Hey, hey, Ain, did you hear it just now? I'm not talking nonsense, our major general Smoker just said what was in his heart.

Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be such a smoker. "

"Then, sir, should I hear it or not." Ain was a little confused.

"Hahaha, Ain, you are too cute, you can pretend you didn't hear it, since Major General Smoker won't admit it anyway."

Fortunately, Binz had already brought the camera at this time, otherwise, Brother Smoker, who was furious, might have had a fight with Moxon first.

So irritating asshole.

When his strength improves, he must be beaten up!

I was so deceived that I almost spoke out my whole mind.


(There is another update, not sure about the time, most likely after twelve o'clock, because the author is still on the subway back.

Haven't eaten dinner yet, so miserable, squeezed into pancakes qaq. )

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This is a world about passion and dreams, and many people follow the principle of dedicating their lives to their dreams.

Mo Sen felt that there was nothing wrong with this, but dreams should never be so monotonous.

Because there are data showing that the population of the world has continued to decrease since the beginning of the era of great pirates—although this data is not so accurate.

In general, the poorer the place, the more children it will have.

In this world, poverty is the main theme, and those who are rich are mostly aristocratic.

Ordinarily, the population should be increasing.

but it is not the truth.

Because the poverty of the Pirate World is completely exploited and plundered, let alone having more children at this time, many people will choose to have fewer or no children.

Because many people don't know which will come first tomorrow or the war.

I don’t know how many of the children who were born died halfway, or their parents were killed by pirates and became orphans, and then continued to die young or embarked on a criminal path without being disciplined.

And then do not know that day of death.

Then under the situation of underpopulation, it will only fall into a vicious circle.

So Mo Sen has always instilled in his subordinates the idea of ​​having a dream and a life, and finding a girl he likes to marry when he reaches the right age. For this reason, even after retiring, Mo Sen thinks this is a good thing.

Even friends around him will create opportunities for them.

The so-called gossip is just an appearance, is it true that he is so boring as a dignified vice admiral and likes only gossip?

Well, he does get a little boring sometimes.

But the main purpose is to allow these friends to have their own lives, rather than spend their entire lives hunting pirates.

Of course, the premise of all this still requires sufficient strength, so he is not only strict with himself, but also strict with these subordinates, and sometimes even appears to be stricter.

These Mo Sen will not speak out, but he will show it in his daily life.

In fact, after Katu, several people in his direct troops have found people who can spend the rest of their lives hand in hand, instead of just fighting and killing every day besides training the left and right hands in slow motion.

He has even approved a man's retirement to start a family.

So he has been working very hard to promote people like Smoker and Drake, and now it seems that the effect is not bad.

It's really difficult for me, being a brother and a father at the same time.

What's annoying is that these guys are still arrogant and arrogant. Fortunately, they are quite effective now, which means they have fulfilled their wish of becoming a father.

This proves a problem. Those who say no to it are generally very honest in their bodies.

Well, the next step is that kid Winster.

As an older brother, of course, he must also consider for his dear younger brother, and help him find a beautiful...sister-in-law as soon as possible.

Cough cough, of course, I still need to help Winston find a girlfriend first, as for being so good-looking, I usually don't worry about it.

Thinking about it, if Winster got married and had children, Aunt Meili and the others would be very pleased if they knew about it underground.


It didn't take long to take pictures, and it was over when we reached the coast.

Most of the film was spent on the scenery and Ain. As for Binz, a very casual guy, he was finally remembered by Mo Sen and took a picture of him.

The next time is naturally to complete the task.

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