The entire city of advancement is extremely huge, divided into 6 floors in total, and the deepest part can even go hundreds of meters below the sea.

Of course, Shiliu was still the warden at this time, and his strength was comparable to that of Magellan, and he was still the trump card of advancing the city, and he was not sentenced to a probationary death sentence like in the plot.

The advancement city is huge, and it is very easy to find a place where the two can fight.

The two came to the place where they had been exchanging ideas before.

Unlike before, Mo Sen was at a disadvantage when he competed with Shiliu.

For Shiliu, he was actually somewhat reluctant.

He is relatively murderous and has a brutal personality, but it is impossible for him to kill those prisoners indiscriminately here, so the reason why Mo Sen asked him to discuss with him before was also because he could vent his emotions.

What's more, Mo Sen's strength was not too weak at that time, and he could support him for a long time.

Needless to say now, the golden lion Shiji was imprisoned on the sixth floor, but unfortunately he was too old and disabled.

Of course, the most important thing is that Magellan didn't let him go to fight Skee.

It is naturally wishful to be able to fight with Mo Sen now.

"Watcher Xiliu be careful, my strength is not comparable to before."

Mo Sen reminded him that he thanked this guy for teaching him before, no matter what the other party's purpose was.

But this person is indeed a cruel and ruthless guy, and if he really becomes an enemy in the future, he will not hold back.

Now he will remind you in the sparring session that if you really want to become an enemy, he won't be like this.

Moreover, Mo Sen is here today to find a way back.

He was injured many times by this guy during the previous sparring sessions.

"Let's go, don't expect me to keep my hands like I used to."

Shiliu, who still had a cigar in his mouth, also held a demon sword in his hand - [Thunderstorm].

This knife is also not lost to the big fast knife twenty-one.

"I can't ask for it!"

Mo Sen appeared in front of Shiliu before he finished speaking, and was left behind before he even noticed the air at such a high speed, a knife light caught Shiliu's shocked eyes.

He almost subconsciously held the knife in front of his chest, holding the scabbard in one hand and the handle in the other.

Mo Sen's purple-black long knife directly slashed on the [Thunderstorm] blade that the opponent pulled out slightly.

Caught off guard, Xiliu was directly chopped off by the incomparable force, and hit the stone wall of the prison behind him. Cracks appeared at the place where he hit, which shows the strength of the knife.

The cigar in Shiliu's mouth had already been bitten into two pieces, and the prison guard's cap flew out under the impact.

His shocked face was very ugly.

"Shiliu Warden, be careful, I won't be merciful in the next move."

Mo Sen's words made his face even more ugly, and even a dangerous aura rose in his eyes.

That is murderous!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is progressing too fast..." Magellan, who was watching the battle, was extremely surprised. Obviously, what happened now was completely beyond his expectations.

Domino didn't care about this, she looked at Mo Sen with bright eyes, this navy god-like figure who had attracted all his attention from the very beginning.

For idols, of course, the stronger the better, it is best to beat the warden to the ground.

"Wow, Lieutenant General Mo Sen is really amazing. He even defeated Warden Shiliu with one move. Lord Mo Sen is also so charming when he fought."

The trident that Hannibal was holding almost fell on his foot. Although his strength is not very good, he still has vision. Naturally, it can be seen that Mo Sen is powerful now.

Not to mention anything else, he didn't see the figure at all when Mo Sen made his move just now, and then there was the scene of Shiliu being knocked into the air. In his opinion, this speed was simply appalling.

The 'Golden Lion' Shiji was locked on the sixth floor. Of course they knew Shiji's current state, so Mo Sen's defeat of Shiji was far from having such a deep impact on the outside world.

But after seeing this scene, Magellan, who was watching the battle, realized that the name of the monster was indeed well-deserved.

It seems that the c0 leader who was rumored a few days ago was defeated by Mo Sen in the Navy headquarters is not a rumor anymore.

What a horrible guy, how long has it been?

The scene of this guy being hacked by Shiliu more than two years ago is still in front of his eyes, and now it is about to be reversed.

Many people have gone through this stage. When they can be called the top in a certain field, and another latecomer who is not as good as them catches up or even surpasses them in a short time, they will inevitably feel surprised and unbelievable. Then there are emotions such as jealousy.

For example, Shiliu now.

He looked at Mo Sen, who was calm and calm, and his heart was already surging, especially the merciless words that Mo Sen said had already made him murderous.

Shiliu has never been a good talker. Although he claims to be one of the aces of the city, he has nothing to do with Magellan.

Magellan is a conscientious and even slightly rigid guy about his work, and he can be a bit reckless at times.

For example, for those pirates, if there is no execution order from above, Magellan will resolutely carry out the order.

This made him very upset. He had just played a little harder before. A pirate didn't last until the doctor came, because Magellan had already warned him.

Of course he didn't heed the warning.

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